

The Overall Efficiency of Governance Assessment Evaluation Studies of Small Watershed in Loess Plateau of High Ecological Restoration

【作者】 魏敏

【导师】 罗俊杰; 张仁陟;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 生态学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 本文以黄土高原丘陵沟壑区定西高泉小流域为研究区,应用生态经济学的理论和方法,对高泉小流域生态恢复治理后的概况进行了调查。根据研究区治理特点,结合流域实际情况和相关资料,建立一套比较完整适用的高泉小流域综合效益评价指标体系,以研究区1980-1985(治理前)和2000-2008年(治理后)生态环境效益指标、农业生产效益指标和社会经济效益指标的变化数据及相关图件为基础,采用层次分析法、熵权系数法和模糊综合评判法对定西高泉小流域生态恢复治理的综合效益进行了分析研究。应用层次分析法和专家打分相结合的方法确定指标权重;然后,采用熵权系数法对求出的权重进行修正,得出最终各指标的权重;最后,根据指标权重和原始数据的无量刚化值采用评价模型对研究区进行最终的效益评价。通过综合效益评价,得到如下研究结果:(1)小流域生态恢复治理前的综合效益评价指数为47.6,其中生态环境效益指数最高31.6,农业生产效益指数次之为12.8,社会经济指标效益指数最低为3.6;(2)小流域生态恢复治理后的综合效益评价指数为53.9,其中生态环境效益指数最高36.9,农业生产效益指数较低为13.2,社会经济指标效益指数最低为3.8;(3)从横向比较看,高泉小流域生态恢复治理后综合效益指数和各个二级指标的效益指数均高于生态恢复治理前的效益指数。并且治理前后各项指标效益指数排序相同为:综合效益>生态环境效益>农业生产效益>社会经济效益;(4)从纵向比较看,无论是治理前还是治理后,在综合效益中生态环境效益指数最大,社会经济指标效益指数最低,生态环境效益指数明显高于农业生产效益指数和社会经济效益指数。总的研究结果表明:高泉小流域经过生态恢复治理后处于稳定阶段,治理后各个指标效益指数均高于治理前的指标效益。主要表现在生态环境效益、农业生产效益和社会经济效益上都有较大程度的提高。说明生态恢复治理措施对于该流域生态恢复逐见成效。无论是治理前还是生态恢复治理后高泉小流域的生态环境效益指数较高,农业生产指标效益指数较低,社会经济指标效益指数最低。表明生态恢复治理措施对综合效益的直接效益比较明显,如对直接效益的生态环境效益作用比较明显,但是流域的气候条件严重制约了农业生产力和社会经济效益的发挥。同时也说明,生态环境指标是影响农业生产力和社会经济的直接因素,这主要是因为干旱成为限制生态恢复治理效益的主要因素。这种评价结果比较符合流域实际,说明该评价方法在该小流域生态恢复评价中有其合理性和实用性。

【Abstract】 In this paper, took the Loess Plateau hilly and gully region of Ding xi Gao quan Small watershed as the study area.The application of ecological economics theories and methods, ecological restoration of Gaoquan small watershed profile after treatment were investigated. Accord to the characteristics of the study area, combined the actual situation with the associated watershed reference, established a relatively complete set of the application of high-Stephen Small Watershed Comprehensive benefit evaluation index system, base on the ecological indicators of environmental benefits、agricultural production efficiency indicators and indicators of socio-economic benefits of changes in data and related maps of the study area in 1980-1985 (before treatment) and 2000-2008 (after treatment), use the Analytical Hierarchy Process, the right to technical amendments to the entropy coefficient method and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method Stephen Ding xi high ecological restoration of small watershed management benefits of a comprehensive analysis and research. Supported the future management work of the Loess Plateau small watershed in the Loess Plateau .The weight indicater was determined by combined the AHP and expert scoring method; Then used the right technology entropy method to derive the weight of an amendment to come to the end of each evaluation index weights; Finally, accorded to the right indicators weight and just the raw data of the immeasurable value of the use of mathematical models of the study area on the effectiveness of the final evaluation. Evaluation results with the actual situation shows that the method is more scientific and feasible. Evaluated integrated management of ecological restoration benefit as follows:(1)Before the treatment, the overall efficiency index of Gao quan was 47.6, the highest index of eco-environmental benefits was31.6, the agricultural production efficiency index was 12.8, the lowest socio-economic indicators of efficiency index was 3.6;(2) After he treatment, the overall efficiency index of Gao quan was 53.9, the highest index of eco-environmental benefits was 36.9, lower efficiency of agricultural production was 13.2, the lowest socio-economic indicators of efficiency index was 3.8;(3) From the horizontal comparison, all the index after the treatment were higher than before the treatment . And the order of all indicators were the same before or after the treatment : Benefit of eco-environmental > Benefit of agricultural production > Benefit of social and economic;(4) From the vertical Comparison, eco-environmental efficiency index was the highest in the comprehensive environmental efficiency.Socio-economic indicators was the lowest.Eco-environmental efficiency index was significantly higher than that of agricultural production efficiency index and the index of socio-economic efficiency.In a word , Gaoquan small basin was in a relatively stable stage after the integrated ecological restoration after treatment . all the indicators after the treatment were higher than before.The eco-environmental benefits, agricultural production efficiency and economic benefits all had a significant increment.That showed the measures for ecological restoration were work.No matter before or after the measures for the ecological restoration of Gao quan,the environment efficiency index was the highest ,then the agriculture production efficiency index ,the last is the social and economic efficiency index. That showed the measures for the ecological restoration had a directly significant work on the overall efficiency ,such as the environment efficiency ,because the climatic conditions limited the work of agriculture and sco-economic efficiency.These results also showed:the environment efficiency was the most direct facter to the agriculture production and sco-economic efficiency.,the mainly reason of this result was drought .The evaluation results was considerably consist with the actual situation of the Gao quan, so the evaluation method in this paper was reasonable and pratical.

  • 【分类号】X171.4;F224
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】329

