

Research to Route Choice of Accelerate Transforming Agricultural Development Model in Desert Oasis Region under Ecological Security

【作者】 马丽荣

【导师】 王生林;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 区域经济学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 近年来,随着人口的增加和对农业资源的不合理开发利用,荒漠绿洲区农业发展的区域性生态环境问题越来越突出,适逢十七大报告提出“转变经济发展方式”的概念,把农业发展置于更广阔、更深刻的背景中。考虑到荒漠绿洲区生态的先天脆弱性以及环境自净能力较差的实际情况,加快转变农业发展方式面临的最大抉择就是在生态安全视角下寻求适合的发展路径。本研究通过收集、整理相关文献资料,总结分析了国内外关于农业转型及农业现代化的路径选择、农业生态安全及其评价和绿洲农业发展等相关问题的研究动态及实践途径。并对“转变农业发展方式”的理论基础和观点进行了归纳和梳理,在此基础上,又对“转变农业发展方式”的内涵延伸进行了较为深入的探讨,认为“转变农业发展方式”的内涵延伸主要包括:继续推进农业产业结构的优化和升级;注重质量与效益并重;提高资源利用效率,实现农业可持续发展;强化农村人力资本培植;提高农业产业组织化程度;拓展农业多元化功能;提高农业技术密集度;注重制度改革与创新等本研究选取临泽县为主要研究对象,在深入调研和广泛收集、整理相关文献资料的基础上,提炼出临泽县农业发展的主要态势和加快转变农业发展方式的实践探索。其中,农业发展态势主要表现为:特色种植业在结构稳步发展的基础上向多元化拓展、草畜养殖业在生产结构优化的基础上向规模化方向转变、以日光温室为主导的设施农业发展方兴未艾等;加快转变农业发展方式的实践探索主要包括:通过整合支农资金提高农业投入效率;围绕主导产业推进农业产业链条延伸;依托农副产品后续资源催生循环型联动产业;依托特色主导产业推进农村专业合作经济组织快速成长与发展;以提高综合素质为核心开展新型农民培训。从人均耕地面积不断减少、水资源供应渐显短缺、水土流失日趋严重、土地沙漠化与盐碱化危机日益增加、农业生态环境污染日渐加重等方面论证了临泽县农业发展的区域性生态效应。在比较农业生态安全评价方法的基础上,依据综合指数评价法构建了荒漠绿洲区现代农业生态安全评价指标体系,并对临泽县农业发展的生态安全进行了综合评价与分析,结果显示临泽县农业发展的生态安全处于较不安全状态。依据分析结论,提出了生态安全视角下荒漠绿洲区加快转变农业发展方式的路径选择:以循环农业为载体,推进生态型农业产业化发展道路;以生态型养殖小区建设为平台,推动畜禽养殖实现产业化发展;围绕水资源合理开发,加快高效节水灌溉农业的发展步伐;发挥地域优势条件,大力发展以日光温室为主导的设施农业;兼顾生态保护和农民增收,推进多元复合型的农业生产与防护体系建设;依托资源优势和文化积淀,发展旅游观光农业和生态休闲农业等。提出了加快转变荒漠绿洲区农业发展方式的政策性建议:优化金融生态环境,突破农业发展的融资屏障;强化政府服务职能,营造良好的农业发展环境;理顺农产品物流管理体制,加快农产品物流体系建设;整合基层教育资源,强化农业技术培训;顺应区域农业专业化发展趋势,推动合作经济组织由契约联结型向资本联结型发展。

【Abstract】 Recently, following with population increase and unreasonable exploitation and utilization to agricultural resources, the regional ecological environment problem of agricultural development in desert oasis region is more and more outstanding, it’s the very time that the 17th National Congress Report puts forward the concept of‘transform the economic development model’, which puts agricultural development into much wider and deeper background. In view of the actual conditions that ecological congenital fragility of desert oasis region and the low capacity of environment self-purification, the greatest choice that accelerate transforming the agricultural development model faces is seek the suitable development route under ecological security.The research, through collecting and collating relevant document materials, summarizes and analyzes research trend and practice route about the relevant problems both at home and abroad, such as route choice of agricultural transformation and agricultural modernization, agricultural ecological security and evaluation, and development of oasis agriculture, etc.. And generalizes and combs theoretical foundation and view of‘transform the agricultural development model’, on this basis, carries on deeper discussion to connotation extension of‘transform the agricultural development model’, think the connotation extension of‘transform the agricultural development model’mainly includes: Continue promoting optimization and upgrading of the agricultural structure; Pay attention to both quality and benefit equally; Improve resources utilization efficiency, realize agricultural sustainable development; Strengthen cultivating rural human capital; Improve the agricultural industrial organization degree; Expand agricultural diversity function; Improve agricultural technique concentration; Pay attention to system reform and innovation, etc..The research chooses Linze county to be main research object, on the basis of deeply surveying and extensively collecting and collating relevant document materials, sums the main situation of agricultural development of Linze county out and the practical exploration of accelerating tansforming the agriculture development model. Among them, the agricultural development situation is mainly shown in: the characteristic plant industry turns towards diversity expansion on the basis of steady development of the structure, the grass-livestock breeding industry transforms into scale direction on the basis of production structure optimization, the facility agriculture taking sunlight greenhouse as leading factor is flourishingly developping, etc..The practical exploration of accelerating transforming the agricultural development model mainly includes: improve the agricultural input efficiency through integerating the agriculture-supporting fund; promote extending the agricultural industry chain around the leading industries; rely on the agricultural byproducts subsequent resource to expedite the emergence of the interactive industry of circulation type; rely on the characteristic leading industry to promote the rural professional cooperative economic organization to grow up and develop fast; take improving comprehensive quality as the core to develop new peasants training. Prove the regional ecological effect of agricultural development of Linze county from the aspects, such as the farmland areas per person reduce constantly, the supply of water resource fades in shortage, water and soil erosion becomes more serious, the crisis of land desertification and salinization becomes serious day by day, the pollution of agricultural ecological environment aggravates day by day, etc..On the basis of comparison of evaluation method of agricultural ecological security, according to the comprehensive index evaluation method, construct the modern agricultural ecological security index evaluation system of desert oasis region, and carry on comprehensive evaluation and analysis to the ecological security of agricultural development of Linze county, the result reveals that the ecological security of agricultural development of Linze county is in much unsafer state.According to the analysis conclusion, propose the route choice of accelerate transforming the agricultural development model in desert oasis region under ecological security: Regard circulation agriculture as carriers, promote the ecotype agricultural industrialization development path; Take the construction of ecotype breeding zone as the basis, promote the livestock and poultry breeding realizes industrialized development; Round the reasonable exploitation of water resource, accelerate the developing steps of the high-efficient water-saving irrigation agriculture; Exert the regional advantage condition, greatly develop the facilities agriculture taking sunlight greenhouse as leading factor; Give consideration to ecological protection and increase peasant’s income, promote the construction of agricultural production and protection system of diversity compounding type; Rely on resources advantages and cultural accumulation, develop tourism agriculture and ecological recreation agriculture,etc..Propose the policy suggestion that accelerate transforming the agricultural development model in desert oasis region: Optimize the financial ecological environment, break through the financing barrier of agricultural development; Strengthen government’s service function, build the good agricultural development environment; Adjust agricultural products logistics management system, accelerate the construction of agricultural products logistics system; Integerate the basic educational resources, strengthen the agricultural technical training; Comply with the regional agriculture specialized development trend, promote the cooperative economic organization to develop from the contract binding type to the capital binding type.


