

Research on the Development Modes of Circular Agriculture in Inland River Basins of Hexi

【作者】 宋岩

【导师】 李新文;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国农业获得了长足的发展,为我国在新世纪全面建设小康社会奠定了重要基础。我国在全面推进农业发展的过程中,也面临着环境污染、生态破坏、资源浪费等问题,人口、资源、环境等方面承受的压力越来越大。传统的经济增长方式的增长潜能已接近极限,怎样寻找一条新的农业经济增长方式、实现农业经济的可持续发展成为重要课题。循环经济的提出,为我国农业可持续发展找到了具有应用价值的经济模式,因此,在可持续发展战略方针的指导下,对循环型农业的研究已经成为农业经济研究的重要课题。本文通过对循环经济、农业循环经济理论、循环型农业的内涵、特征及发展层次的分析,构建出循环型农业发展评价指标体系。通过河西内陆河流域循环型农业SWOT分析,得出河西内陆河流域发展循环型农业的优势、劣势、机会与威胁。本文运用主成分分析法来对河西内陆河流域的循环型农业发展的影响因素、发展趋势进行了整体评价和综合分析,得出影响河西内陆河流域循环型农业发展的主成分为资源投入与产出效益成分、特殊农用资源投入成分与环境影响成分,并对其进行深入分析和评分,进而得到1998年到2007年十年间河西内陆河流域的循环型农业的发展趋势,即:河西内陆河流域正在以牺牲生态效益来换取经济效益的传统型农业正在向集约型农业、循环型农业、可持续发展农业转变。熵值法的运用,分析出河西五市:嘉峪关市、金昌市、武威市、酒泉市与张掖市发展循环型农业的优势所在以及不足之处。基于对河西内陆河流域发展循环型农业的分析以及评价结论,分析出适应河西内陆河流域不同地区发展循环型农业的生产模式,即:农—牧—沼生产模式、秸秆—奶牛—沼气—瓜果生产模式、禽—猪—沼—菜生产模式、草畜业循环模式、粮—果—草—畜节水防沙模式与设施农业生态模式。在对河西内陆河流域循环型农业发展的实证分析基础上,对河西内陆河流域循环型农业的发展提出对策建议,以期促进河西内陆河流域农业循环经济的发展。

【Abstract】 Since reform and opening-up,the agricultural development has been made quite great progress in our country and has laid an important foundation for building a well-off society in the new century. In the process to comprehensive promoting agricultural development of China, China also faced many problems such as environmental pollution, ecological damage, and resources wasting, population, resources, environment pressure are growing. The traditional mode of economic growth has been close to its limits of growth potential, how to find a new mode of economic growth in agriculture, to achieve the sustainable development of the agricultural economy is a very important subject for us. With the application to bring forward the circular economy, find a value model of the economic sustainable development of agriculture, therefore, under the guidance of the strategy of sustainable development and the principle of the cycle economy, the research on development of agriculture circular economy has become an important topic.In this paper, through the analysis on the theory of circular economy,agricultural of economic theory, characteristics, and the model of theoretical come true. Build an evaluation index system on agricultural cycle development, use the principal component analysis and entropy analysis to make a overall evaluation and comprehensive analysis on cycle-based factors influence and development trends of inland river basins of Hexi area. Use SWOT analysis of the inland river basins in Hexi area to find strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of developing circular agriculture. Through principal component analysis, find out the several main factors which affecting the cycle agricultural development of the inland river basins in Hexi area, and conduct analysis and score in-depth, and then find out the trend of cycle agriculture development of 1998 to 2007 in Hexi region. Through entropy analysis of the five cities in Hexi: Jiayuguan City, Jinchang City, Wuwei City, Zhangye City, Jiuquan City, got the advantages and deficiencies on the cycle agriculture development in those area. Based on the analysis of cycle agriculture development as well as evaluating the conclusions of inland river basins of Hexi area, build different new models of cycle agricultural development which suit of inland river basins regions and put forward some countermeasures and suggestions, for example, the production mode of agriculture-grazing-biogas, the production mode of straw-cow-biogas-amphisarca, the chook-pig-biogas-vegetable mode, the circulation mode of grass and animal husbandry and the grain-fruit-grass-livestock economizes on water and defends the sand mode. All of things above is to hope to promoting agricultural cycle economic development of inland river basins in the Hexi area.


