

An Experimental Study on Optimization Combination of Shooting Skill Teaching Method for Compulsory Basketball Course in Sports Colleges and Departments

【作者】 彭跃群

【导师】 李忆湘;

【作者基本信息】 湖南科技大学 , 课程与教学论, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 教学过程不仅是向学生传播知识、技能的过程,而且是培养学生思维和创新能力的过程。体育教学方法是指在体育教学过程中,教师和学生为实现体育教学目的,实践体育教学任务,有计划地采用的可以产生教与学相互作用的具有技术性的教学活动的总称,是教学过程整体结构的一个重要组成部分。因此,科学合理的选择和采用恰当的教学方法进行教学是实现教学效果最优化的关键。体育教学方法的种类是多种多样,且不断创新和发展,每种教学方法都有其独特的性能、适用范围和条件,不同的教学内容应采用不同的教学方法,使教学过程具体化、可操作化。所以在教学过程中不可能用一种或几种“万能”的教学方法解决复杂的教学任务。基于此,本研究运用巴班斯基教学过程最优化理论、控制论、系统论、信息论原理以及运动技能形成机制,优化组合现代教学媒体、方法与传统教学方法相结合的形式,对体育院系篮球普修单手肩上投篮技术课教学方法进行优化组合实验研究。在研究过程中,作者主要运用了文献资料法、数理统计法、教学实验等综合研究方法,以篮球普修单手肩上投篮技术教学为例,对湖南人文科技学院体育系2007级、2008级各两个本科术科班学生进行了为期两轮的教学实验。研究的主要目的:主要运用巴班斯基教学过程最优化理论,优化组合教学方法,力求在有限的授课时数内,使篮球普修单手肩上投篮技术课教学效果最优化。同时,进一步探讨教学方法优化组合在篮球普修课教学中的应用,为新形势下的篮球普修课的教学改革提供实践指导和理论参考。本研究得出以下结论:1)在篮球单手肩上投篮技术课教学中,教学方法的优化组合较好地解决了单手肩上投篮技术中的难点,实践证明,实验结果呈显著差异,其教学效果优于常规教学,在教学中切实可行;2)电化教学手段与传统教学方法的优化组合,构成了信息及反馈调节的优化教学模式,达到了优化教学过程,提高教学效果的目的,具有一定的先进性;3)教学方法的优化组合充分发挥了现代教学媒体的功能和教师的主导作用,调动了学生的主观能动性,师生共同参与教学的全过程,培养和发展了学生的思维能力;4)教学方法的优化组合具有视听效果生动,刺激和反馈调节及时,纠错能力强等特点,有效的缩短了教学周期,提高了教学效率;5)教学方法的优化组合充分发挥了教学方法的整体功能,对于丰富教学内容,促进教学改革,实现学习的主体化、多元化,全面提高教学质量具有一定的现实意义和参考价值。

【Abstract】 The teaching process not only intends to convey knowledge and skill to the students, but also to train the thinking and innovation capability of the students. PE teaching method refers to the generic term of technical teaching activities with interaction between teaching and learning, which is adopted designedly by the teachers and students to realize PE teaching purpose and fulfill PE teaching task in PE teaching process. It is an essential part of the integrated structure of the teaching process. Therefore, scientific and reasonable selection and proper adoption of the teaching method is pivot of realization of teaching effect optimization. The PE teaching methods are various and continuously descendible, which each one has particular performance, application scope and condition and different teaching method shall be adopted for different teaching to make the teaching process concrete and exercisable, so one or several "all-purpose" teaching methods can not be used in the teaching process to solve complex teaching tasks.On the above basis, by applying Babanski’s Theory about teaching process optimization, cybernetics, system theory, information theory and sports skill forming mechanism and combining the modern teaching media, methods and traditional ones, this study conducts experimental research on optical combination of single-handed shooting skill teaching method for compulsory basketball courses of physical education majors.In the research process, by applying integrated research methods like literature method, mathematical statistics and teaching experiment and taking single-handed shooting teaching of compulsory basketball course for example, two periods of teaching experiment has been conducted to undergraduates of two classes majoring in skill course in grade 2007 and 2008 of the Physical Department of Hunan Institute of Science and Technology. The main purpose of the research is:mainly by applying Babanski’s Theory about teaching process optimization, to optimize and combine the teaching methods, to make every effect to optimize the teaching effect of single-handed shooting skill for compulsory basketball courses in the limited teaching hours. Meanwhile, it discusses the application of optimal teaching method in the teaching of the compulsory basketball courses further and provides practical guidance and theoretical reference for the teaching reform of the compulsory basketball courses under the new situation.This research draws the following conclusion:1) Optimal combination of the teaching methods solves the difficulties in shooting skill better and the practice proves that its teaching effect is better than regular one and is operable in teaching.2) Optical combination of electrification instruction and traditional teaching methods forms the optimal teaching model of information and feedback adjustment, reaches the purpose of teaching process optimization, improves the teaching effect and is with some advance.3) Optimal combination of the teaching methods brings the function of modern teaching media and the leading role of the teacher into full play, arouses the subjective initiative of the students, with the teacher and the students participating in the main teaching process, and trains and develops the thinking capability of the students.4) Optimal combination of the teaching methods boasts the characteristics of vivid audio-visual effect, timely stimulation and feedback adjustment and strong error correcting capability, which shortens the teaching period effectively and improves the teaching efficiency.5) Optimal combination of the teaching methods brings the integrated function into full play, which has great realistic significance and reference value for enriching teaching content, promoting teaching reform, realizing learning principal part and pluralism and improves the overall teaching quality.


