

Study on Visual Modeling Tool for Instance-Aspect of Workflow

【作者】 朱泽峰

【导师】 刘建勋;

【作者基本信息】 湖南科技大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 工作流是20世纪90年代发展起来的一种反映业务流程计算机化的模型,是为了在先进计算机环境支持下实现经营过程集成与经营过程自动化而建立的可由流程管理系统执行的业务模型。工作流技术在商业、科学计算、网格计算等领域有广泛的研究与应用。随着工作流技术的应用与发展,人们发现目前工作流模型及其可视化建模工具只支持基于静态、水平方向的业务过程定义与建模,而不能根据多个工作流实例运行状况的共有特性实现垂直方向的建模,从而动态地优化流程的执行并修改其配制、控制和数据信息。针对该问题,我们借鉴面向方面(Aspect-oriented)程序设计的基本思想提出了一种新的基于实例方面的工作流扩展模型,该模型可以有效描述同一类型活动的多个工作流活动实例组合处理问题,实现垂直建模,从而使原本多个分别执行的工作流实例在执行层面实现动态组合优化执行,且不影响工作流静态的用户视图和动态的运行监控视图。工作流可视化建模工具利用图形用户接口GUI,通过手动拖拉图标的方式建立工作流可视化模型表达,最后自动生成工作流定义语言。使用图形化的方法,建模人员可以用最少的时间设计或修改企业工作流程,提高工作效率。传统的工作流可视化建模工具很多,但是他们均不支持工作流实例方面的垂直建模。本论文以开源的工作流管理系统Shark建模工具Together workflow Editor为基础并进行扩展,研究可支持工作流实例方面模型表达与操作的可视化建模工具的原理、方法及实现。论文的创新与主要工作有:1.工作流建模工具Together Workflow Editor剖析。2.基于Together Workflow Editor,支持实例方面模型表达的工作流建模工具的整体框架设计。3.工作流实例方面模式的可视化表达。4.应用面向对象思想的工作流实例方面建模工具的实现。

【Abstract】 Workflow is developed in the 1990s, and it is a computerized business processes model which can be executed by process management systems. The aim of workflow is to achieve business process integration and automation with the support of advanced computer systems. Workflow technology has a wide range of research and application in commercial, scientific computing, grid computing and other industry fields. With the application and development of workflow technology, people have found that traditional workflow models and their visual modeling tools only support business progress definition and modeling in a static situation and horizontal direction. It can not be realized in vertical direction by the running situation of many workflow instances, so that we can execute and modify the workflow configuration, control and data information dynamically. To tackle the problem, we advance an Instance-based workflow extension model inspired by the thought from aspect-oriented programming idea. This model is good for the description of the combination problem of many workflow activities in the same type, so that we can have a vertical modeling and make an implementation of dynamic optimization to those workflow activities which are executed separately in execution layer, and it will not influence the user view and dynamic running monitor view.Workflow visual modeling tool makes the use of GUI, and establishes the visual expression of workflow by manually dragging and dropping icons, and finally generate Workflow Definition Language. By using graphical method, the user could use less time to design or modify their business processes and that will improve their efficiency. There are a lot of tools for traditional visual workflow modeling, but no one can support vertical modeling about instance-aspect. This paper makes a research on the principles, methods and implementation of Instance-based visual modeling tool based on open source workflow management system Shark’s visual modeling tool, Together Workflow Editor.The main work and innovation of this paper are as follows:1. Analysis of visual modeling tool of Together Workflow Editor.2. The design of Instance-based workflow visual modeling tool which is based on Together Workflow Editor.3. The visualization of Instance-based workflow pattern.4. The realization of Instance-based workflow visual modeling tool which is based on Aspect-oriented idea.


