

Foot-Yangming Meridian Acupuncture and Massage Therapy Unilateral Lower Limb Stroke Hemiplegia Clinical Research

【作者】 黄凤君

【导师】 顾兆军;

【作者基本信息】 南京中医药大学 , 针灸推拿, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 中风病是现代发病率高的疾病之一,它所致的运动功能障碍,尤其是肢体偏瘫,严重的影响了患者的日常生活、质量、活动与工作能力。本文以针刺足阳明经穴加推拿法为有效治法,结合新加坡患者,确定取体针阳明经穴为主来治疗中风后遗症单侧下肢偏瘫,并加疏筋活络推拿方法,对30例病患之下肢偏瘫症状作出临床观察与研究,希望通过本研究结果的分析与探讨,针灸与推拿能提高治疗中风偏瘫后遗症的临床疗效,从而能进一步开展、推广应用这种有效、价廉、安全的中医治疗方法。针刺、推拿等治疗中风后偏瘫,是中医传统的有效疗法,是按中医经络学说,根据辨证论治原则,选择相应经穴,运用按、揉等推拿手法及活动关节,从而改善脑血流,增加脑供血,改善脑电活动,降低血脂,同时改善微循环,有助于肢体功能的恢复,有助于病患生活基本自理,改善其生活素质。临床上以针刺足阳明经穴加推拿,为主要手段治疗中风一侧下肢偏瘫后遗症,中风半身不遂的原因在于正虚邪中,络脉空虚,风邪乘虚入中,贼邪不泻所致。本病的症状是半身不遂,一侧下肢偏瘫。肝主于筋,而风气自甚,又燥热加之,液还聚于胸膈,则筋太燥,燥筋主于收敛,劲切紧涩,故为病筋脉:劲强紧急而口噤。所谓中风或筋缓者,因其风热胜湿而为燥,乃燥之甚也,然筋缓不收为痿痹,故诸愤郁病痿,皆属肺金,乃燥之化也,是以手得血而能握足得血而能步,夫燥病血液衰少也,而又气血不能通畅,故病然也,又然筋挛虽势恶而易愈,诸筋缓难以平复也。

【Abstract】 Stroke is one of the diseases with high incidence in occurrence. It affects the patient’s quality of life, body movement, activity of daily living and ability of work etc.This study aimed by using Acupuncture combine with Chinese Tuina method, selecting the main acupressure points from the stomach meridian namely Zusanli(ST36), Tiaokou(ST38), Fenglung(ST40),.fiexi(ST41) in addition with bilateral acupressure points Hegu(LI4) from Arm LI meridian and Taichong(LR3) from Liver Meridians to treat the lower limb paralysis resulting from stroke. This study follow the basic law and theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine and aim at with research and clinical analysis will prove that effective results in the treatment. In the outcome overall there is improvement which shown that this result is effective and safe way to hemiplegic patients.The result is positive, encouraging and thus improving the ADL function of the patients and enhance the overall well being of the patients.

  • 【分类号】R246;R255.2
  • 【下载频次】199

