

Reserch on Warhead of Antimissile Terminal Defence System

【作者】 吕朋杰

【导师】 林溪石; 乔相信;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳理工大学 , 火炮、自动武器与弹药工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 现代战争中,采用超低空方式突防的精确制导武器特别是战术巡航导弹的威胁日趋严重,对导弹的防御特别是高价值目标在未来战争中的生存问题已成为人们广为关注的热点之一。为了在未来战争中夺取反空袭作战的胜利,本文提出了一种用于要地防护的预设型反导末端拦截系统,并对其拦截弹的战斗部系统进行了细致的研究。为了更有效地实现对超低空隐蔽入侵目标的毁伤,达到毁伤目标的多样性与毁伤目标的可靠性,在现有技术和理论研究基础上,设计了拦截弹的战斗部系统,系统采用周向均布多层小直径多爆炸成型弹丸爆炸形成的高速破片攻击进入弹道末端的空中目标,同时并辅以爆破战斗部技术。设计过程中,采用理论和经验分析初步设计和试验研究优化设计等多种手段相结合的综合方法,对小口径爆炸成型弹丸进行了科学合理的设计。侵彻钢板威力实验表明,小口径爆炸成型弹丸的设计能够满足战斗部末端反导作战的性能要求。因时间问题,战斗部整体外场静爆实验还没有进行,有待进一步实验。对所设计战斗部的毁伤元进行了描述,建立了该战斗部的破片场数学模型,对战斗部的毁伤能力进行了相关理论计算,计算结果表明,所设计的拦截弹战斗部能够满足末端反导的性能要求。

【Abstract】 In modern war,more and more precise control and guide weapns,especially cruise missile,have been used on many missions.so missile defence, particularly protecting the high-value objects against attack, becomes winning increasing attention.This paper devises a predefined antimissile terminal defence system used to protecting high-value objects to win the future anti-aircraft battle,and then designs its warhead in detail.In order to dynamite the rival target that make an assault in low height efficiently, based on the analysis of the exsting technology and theory, the warhead system of the anti-missile is designed.The system has some layers of small caliber explosively formed projictile,after explosived,it formed many EFP to hit aircrafts,also it has capability of explosive warhead.In designing,we make use of synthetical method that includes theory analysis and experimental research,design appropriate small caliber explosively formed projictile. Experiments indicate the design of small caliber explosively formed projictile can fulfil the capability demand of terminal defence.Because of time short,the warhesd static experiments are not carried out,need to be done next time.In paper,depict kill elements that the warhead formed,constitute warhead fregment athematical-physical model,then calculate its kill capability in theory,the results show that the warhead system designed in this paper is competent for antimissile terminal defence task.


