

The Research of Virtual Experiment on Electric Circuit

【作者】 牛智博

【导师】 魏克新; 董超;

【作者基本信息】 天津理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 实验在普通高等教育中占有非常重要的地位,它是对学生进行素质教育的一个重要环节。随着计算机技术、虚拟仪器技术的发展,虚拟实验室应运而生。虚拟实验作为传统实验的一个必要的有益补充,既能节约大量的教育经费,也使实验在时间和空间上得到有效的延伸。它在教育、科研等领域中具有广阔的应用前景,是实验教学的一个新的发展方向,是当前研究的热点课题之一。因此,虚拟实验室的构建具有重要的现实意义。本论文是以虚拟实验的理论为基础,并通过对系统的整体分析,将系统的实现分成两个方面:前台实验操作界面、后台仿真计算平台,同时基于对现在比较流形的五种软件实现方式进行比较,选定ActiveX作为前台实现器件操作的控件的编程方式,采用在VB平台上开发控件的技术来开发本虚拟实验器件的控件,并且主体的程序编程采用在VC平台上应用这些控件,使控件嵌入到对应的VC平台中。对于计算仿真平台,采用计算机编译原理的相关知识和电网络原理的改进节点法将前台生成的拓扑结构的描述解析成对应的矩阵进行计算,并且采用MATLAB的强大的计算矩阵功能做为实现的平台,可以提高了计算的速度和精度。

【Abstract】 Experiment teaching has been playing an increasingly important role in high education. It’s a key measure to improve the students’ ability. Virtual Laboratory appears with the development of computer technique and Virtual Instrument technique. As an essential and beneficial supplement to the traditional experiment, virtual experiments not only save a lot of education funds, but also extend the experiments in time and space effectively. It has the vast applied foreground in the education and research realm.Virtual Laboratory is a new development direction of the experiment teaching as well as an active research topic recently. Therefore, the development of the virtual laboratory of network is very necessary.This paper is based on virtual experiments theory, and through analysis of the entired system, the system will be divided into two sections: the experimental front interface, background simulation platform. At the same time, it was based on five current virtual experiment software and approaches and made a comparision between them, selected ActiveX as the programming method to achieve to control an apparatus in the front panel, developed the relevent virtual apparatus in the VB platform, and the main programming platform using VC in the application of these controls, so that these controls embedded in the corresponding VC platform. For the simulation platform, using relevant compiler theory of computer science and the modified nodal analysis in the principle of network nodes to analyze the netlist document generated by front panel in order to form mathematics matrix. Furthermore, it uses the powerful matrix function in the Matlab platform to implement the calculating capability and improve the speed and accuracy


