

Design and Implementation of Low-power Wireless Data Acquisition Module

【作者】 崔欣

【导师】 何宏;

【作者基本信息】 天津理工大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 有线传输方式对场地环境和采集对象有一定的要求,不适于复杂地形条件、高腐蚀性、爆炸、被采集对象是运动、旋转等场合。在这些情况下,无线数据采集就显示了独特的优势,特别适用于那些不适合架设电缆的现场,一般采用多字节地址编码,收发器的数量不受限制,具有电路简单、功耗小、体积小、成本低等优点。本课题在综合分析蓝牙、红外通信、GSM\CDMA\GPRS、IEEE802.11x等无线数据采集方式的基础上,通过比较价格、功能、性能等因素,确定了无线射频收发一体芯片解决方案。设计并实现了一个基于Nordic公司的nRF905和8位AVR系列单片机Mega8的低功率无线数据采集模块。论文的主要研究内容包括以下三个方面:1.对无线数据采集模块进行了总体规划,设计了采集节点和接收节点的结构。从实际需要出发,并从性能、价格等因素考虑,对主要元器件进行了选型,微处理器采用AVR系列高档8位机Mega8,射频芯片采用Nordic公司的nRF905。完成了硬件设计,采集节点主要功能是采集数据,由Mega8进行处理,并通过nRF905进行传输,接收节点的功能是通过nRF905接收数据,由Mega8进行处理后,将数据通过RS232接口传至上位机。另外,还自制了ISP下载线,使用ISP烧写程序,具有多用途、使用灵活、可方便的进行在线升级的特点。2.对无线数据采集模块的无线通信结构、无线介质访问、通信链路的建立、差错恢复、收发同步、系统数据帧格式等问题进行了分析,建立了通信模型。提出了一种采用本模块实现星状结构的小型网络方案,采用网络协议为CSMA/CA(载波侦听多点接入/冲突避免)。完成了无线数据采集模块软件开发和调试,主要包括模块驱动程序设计,无线射频电路的收发程序设计、RS232接口程序设计以及由本模块组成小型无线网络的程序设计。3.对无线数据采集模块进行了测试,测试结果表明,本文设计的无线数据采集模块具有体积小、数据传输稳定可靠、使用灵活等优点,可以很好地应用在短距离无线数据采集及其它短距离无线数据传输的场合。

【Abstract】 Cable transmission has certain requirements to environmental site and acquisition target, not suitable for complex terrain conditions, high corrosive, explosive, and other occasions, or acquisition target movement, rotation and so on. In these situations, wireless data acquisition showes the unique advantages, especially for those which are not suitable or convenient to set up the cable at the scene. Wireless data acquisition usually uses the multi-byte code addresses, so the number of transceiver is no restriction, with a simple circuit, small consumption, small size and low cost.On the basis of the comprehensive analysis of Bluetooth, IrDA, GSM \ CDMA \ GPRS, IEEE802.11x such as wireless data collection methods, this paper determine to use radio frequency transceiver integrated chip solutions basing on the low-power short-range radio frequency wireless communications technology. Design and implement wireless data acquisition module by a Nordic company’s product nRF905 and 8-bit AVR microcontroller Series’s Mega8. The main of thesis and study includes the following:1. Make module overall planning, design the structure of a acquisition node and receive node. By the actual needs, and performance, price and other factors to consider, select the components of the module, the AVR family of high-end microprocessors 8-bit MCU Mega8, radio-frequency chips Nordic company’s product nRF905. Completed the hardware design, acquisition node is the primary function of collecting data from Mega8 processed and transmitted through the nRF905, the function of receiving node is receiving data from nRF905 and processing data by Mega8, and the data can be transfers through the RS232 to PC. In addition, maked ISP download cable, the ISP cable is use to programming procedures, with a multi-purpose, the use of flexible, convenient on-line features of the upgrade.2. From the MAC layer function, according to the practical application, the structure of the wireless communications module, wireless media access, the establishment of communication links, resumption of error, sending and receiving simultaneously, the data frame format the were analyzed to establish a communication module model and design the small wireless network program by the smart nodes, using star topology network and CSMA / CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access Point / avoid the conflict)network protocol. Completed the application software development and debugging. The main modules including the driver program, wireless transceiving and sending program, RS232 interface program, as well as smart nodes small wireless network program.3. The module was tested, and the test results show that the design of wireless data acquisition module is a small, stable and reliable data transmission, the use of of flexible module and can well be applied to short-range wireless data acquisition and other short-range wireless data transmission occasions.


