

Study on the Theory of "Fan Qing Ci" of Meng Chuang Ci Poetries

【作者】 孙蒙

【导师】 孙虹;

【作者基本信息】 江南大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 吴文英,字君特,号梦窗,是南宋典丽派词人代表,其词以“隐辞幽思、陈喻多岐”著称。在梦窗集中,用情最深的是那些有怀人情绪的爱情词作。又因梦窗词交融性极大,某些题为咏物、节序乃至酬赠词作也似乎与怀人有关。杨铁夫《梦窗词全集笺释·吴梦窗事迹考》中提出“梦窗一生艳迹,一去姬、一故妾、一楚伎”,杨氏又列出一百一十七首词作,认为皆与梦窗“姬”、“妾”、“伎”情事相关。本文中所涉“情词”乃狭义情词,即与梦窗“一生艳迹”有关的词作。笔者先从“泛情词说”形成过程入手,依据梦窗词作本身形成的情词“证据链”,对前贤认为的情词进行勘比剔抉,重新体认并提出“楚伎说”、“故妾说”、“去姬说”新解。新解为:杨氏所提出的“楚伎”实为扬州歌妓,此段情事发生地在扬州。“楚伎说”新解的证据链为梦窗词中的重午怀人词作;“故妾”实为杭州歌妓,清明、西湖、西陵渡口、仙溪典故皆是忆“故妾”词作的组成要素。写“故妾”之作,与夏承焘所言不同,其时未必全在春。“去姬”是否为“姬”,亦不可断定,文中暂称“苏州女子”,不过“去姬”之曾为营妓的身份可证实。西园词、秋千意象、寒食清明、年少游湖,皆为忆“去姬”作品的线索。写所谓“去姬”之作,其地未必在苏,其时未必全在夏秋。本文前三章主要是梳理“泛情词说”的形成与发展、继而提出梦窗情事说新解。第四章第一节主要是整理、归纳梦窗词中出现频率较高的“燕”意象。“燕”意象在梦窗词中的用法主要有“樯燕”、“社燕”、“代指歌妓”、“借燕抒发兴衰之感”四种。笔者于第四章“泛情词说”论辨一节,将不能认同的所谓“姬妾”情词分为“节序风物、人生况味”、“伤今怀昔、重来万感”、“泛咏闺情、春怀秋感”、“酬赠赋怀、咏物含情”四类,从词题和词作内容出发解读这些词作,试图还原作者本意,将部分所谓“姬妾”词作归于合适位置。

【Abstract】 WuWenYing, JunTe, another name is MengChuang.He was an excellent poet representative of elegant faction in Southern Song Dynasty. His Ci poetry was famous, because they were difficult to be understood and have different meanings. There are many Ci poetries on love remembering his sweethearts in his works. His Ci poetries had strong blending, so some Ci portries about sceneries, seasons and repling feeling were related with his sweethearts. In "Explanation of MengChuang’s Ci porty Research on Wu Mengchuang’s fact", YangTiefu proposed that“MengChuang’s emotional history was rich, he had a professional female entertainer but left repidly, a died concubine and a ChuJi”. He listed 117 Ci poeties and thought that they were all related with MengChuang’s love story.This paper involves“the Ci poetry on love”that exprssed the narrow feeling, which was related with MengChuang’s love story. We firstly pay attention to the forming process of“the pan-feelings said”. According to“the evidence chain”of MengChuang’s Ci poetries, We carry on the comparison of the past worthies and propose“the said of ChuJi”,“the said of died concubine”and“the said of professional female entertainer”. YangTiefu proposed a new solution that“the ChuJi”was a Geisha in Yangzhou, the birthplace of this section was Yangzhou,“the said of ChuJi”was based on his Ci poetries that remembered sweethearts in Dragon Boat Festival;“the died concubine”was a Geisha in Hangzhou. Literary references of Qingming Festival, Xihu, the Xiling ferry spot and Xianxi were all the component elements of his Ci poetries which recalled“the died concubine”. We thought that their meantimes were not necessarily all in spring, this solution was different from XiaChengtao; We can not reach the conclusion that“the professional female entertainer but left rapidly”was a“professional female entertainer”, WuMengChuang called her“the Suzhou woman”, but we can conclude that this woman was a camp prostitute. The Xi Yuan words, Cold food Festival, Qingming Festival, and lake touring were clues of recalling“the professional female entertainer”. The place of writing those Ci poetries was not necessarily in SuZhou, the times were not all in summer and autumn.The first three chapters of this paper mainly comb the formation and the development of“the pan-feelings said”in MengChuang’s Ci poetries, and propose new solution about WuMengChuang’s love circumstances. The first section of the fourth chapter reorganize and inducte“the swallow”image that was presented frequenly in MengChuang’s Ci poeties.We thought that“the swallow”image mainly had four kinds,that is,“the Qiang Yan”,“the Sheswallow”,“the expression of Geisha”,“the feeling of the prosperity and decline taking advantage”. In the fourth chapter, we divided those Ci poetries that were not named“the concubine”into“description of season scenery and life situation”,“felt sad to past, fondly remembered present”,“description of boudoir sentiment , described the feelings of spring and fall”,“repling thanks and chanting things”. According to the topics and contents of MengChuang’s Ci poeties, and refered to the classics, we attempted to return author’s original intention to original state and placed these Ci poetries named“the concubine”in the appropriate position.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期

