

Research on State Power and Citizen’s Rights in Emergency State

【作者】 赵明秋

【导师】 高凛;

【作者基本信息】 江南大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 紧急状态是针对正常状态而言的,在此状态下,国家权力具有扩张性、集中性、程序简化性和裁量性等特点,而公民的基本权利也会受到很大的限制。为了防止紧急状态下国家权力的滥用,必须对其行使进行必要的法律规制;为了保护紧急状态下的公民权利,必须对权利的克减进行必要的限制。双管齐下,维持国家权力与公民权利之间的良性互动关系,保证在紧急状态下国家能行使超正常的权力,保护公民的基本权利不受损害,使两者之间保持一个适当的平衡。紧急状态制度的内容非常宽泛,可以从不同的视角进行研究和考察,本文仅以对国家权力的法律控制和公民权利的保障为主题进行分析,因为国家在紧急状态期间的权力行使和权利保障与正常状态下存在着很大的区别,紧急状态的出现意味着国家权力的扩张和公民权利的克减。归根结底,宪政意义上的国家紧急状态制度是为了解决社会非常状态下的国家权力运作和公民权利保护的问题。本文分为六个部分:第一部分是绪论。主要包括国内外研究现状述评、选题的理论意义和现实意义、选题的基本内容、研究思路和研究方法。第二部分是紧急状态的理论概述。从紧急状态的理论出发,简单介绍紧急状态的起源与发展,通过了解其他国家对紧急状态的法律规定,结合我国学者的相关主张,参照国际公约的有关规定,对紧急状态的概念进行界定。在此基础上对紧急状态与戒严、突发事件、战争状态等相关概念进行了比较,突出紧急状态不同于其他概念的特点。第三部分是紧急状态下国家权力与公民权利的理论分析。以权力和权利的理论为出发点,叙述了紧急状态下国家权力和公民权利的一般理论,指明紧急状态下国家权力和公民权利的对立统一关系,即紧急状态下的国家权力在表征上优位于公民权利,国家权力来源于公民权利,又回归于公民权利。在紧急状态下,不行使国家权力,公民权利无法保障;如果国家权力不依法行使,公民权利也没有保障。第四部分是紧急状态下权力制约和权利保护的立法与实践。通过对美国、日本、俄罗斯、英国、法国等国家在紧急状态下的立法和实践进行比较,同时对我国紧急状态的有关立法进行评述,并以2003年的“非典”和2008年的汶川地震为例,对我国紧急状态下国家权力和公民权利的实践进行了反思,指出在紧急状态下我国的国家权力和公民权利所处的实然状态。第五部分是紧急状态下国家权力与公民权利的平衡。通过立法明确规定紧急状态的含义和国家权力行使的相关内容,使国家权力在行使过程中遵守一定的基本原则和条件,遵循程序理念,对国家权力的行使过程进行审查和监督,对违反原则、条件和程序行使国家权力的行为追究法律上的责任,在事前、事中和事后三个阶段对国家权力进行法律规制,保证紧急状态下国家权力的正常行使。同时确定紧急状态下公民的权利和义务以及公民权利的最低保障标准,对公民权利的克减进行限制,并建立相应的公民权利救济机制,最大限度地保护公民权利,最终使紧急状态下国家权力和公民权利之间达到平衡状态,在此基础上提出了我国紧急状态下权力制约和权利保护相平衡的法律制度设想。第六部分是结语。消除紧急状态的重点在于如何调整紧急状态下国家权力与公民权利之间的关系,保障国家权力正常运行、保护公民权利不受侵害,使国家权力和公民权利达到一种平衡状态。

【Abstract】 There are many features of state power in the emergency state which is compared with the regular state, such as the expansion, the concentration, the simplification of procedure and the discretion. At the same time, the citizen’s rights also receive the suitable limit. In order to prevent the abuse of the state power, we should regulate the power reasonably under rule of law and limit the restrictions of the rights necessarily to protect the citizen’s rights simultaneously. We could ensure that the exercise of state power could be normal and the citizen’s rights could not be infracted to keep the moderate balance between the state power and the citizen’s rights.The contents of emergency system are very wide, and we could study from several angle. The Paper just analyses the regulation of the state power and the protection of the citizen’s rights, because the exercise of the state power and the protection of the citizen’s rights in emergency state are very different from the regular state, and the state of emergency means that the expansion of state power and the derogations of citizen’s rights. In a word, the purpose of the state emergency system in constitutionalism sense is to solve the operation of the state power and the protection of the citizen’s rights in irregular state. The Paper consists of six parts.The first part is preface, including the analyses on the domestic and foreign researches, the theoretical and the practical significance, the basic contents of the Paper, and the methods of the research.The second part is the theory overview of the emergency state. First of all, presents the origin and development of the emergency state. Secondly, defines the concept of the emergency state by comprehending the law about the emergency state in other countries, and the view of scholars in our country. Then, stresses features of the emergency state by comparing with the martial, emergency cases and war state.The third part is the theoretical analysis of the state power and citizen’s rights in emergency state. The general theory of state power and citizen’s rights has been narrated through the views of the powers and rights of Marxism as a starting point. The relation between the state power and the citizen’s rights is that the state power come from the citizen’s rights and return to the citizen’s rights. We could not protect the citizen’s rights without the exercise of the state power, and the exercise of state power must be in accordance with the law, or the citizen’s rights could not be protected.The forth part lists the legislations and practices about exercise of the state power and the protection of the citizen’s rights. This part discusses the legislation in our country by comparing with the legislations and practices in the United States, Japan, Russia, Britain, France, and so on, and comments on the exercise of the state power and the protection of the citizen’s rights in our country by reflecting on the SARS in 2003 and the WenChuan earthquake in 2008.The fifth part discusses the importance of keeping the balance between the state power and the citizen’s rights. On the one hand, the law must stipulate the meaning of the state of emergency and the content which is relevant to the exercise of state power clearly, demand the authority comply with the basic principles and conditions and the idea of procedure, review and monitor the process of the exercise of the state power, and investigate legal liability on the behavior of exercise of the state power that violate the principles, conditions and procedures. To ensure the exercise of the state power is normal in the emergency state, the state power must be regulated in the legal system in three phases, that is, in advance of, and in course of and after the event. On the other hand, we should make sure the citizen’s rights and obligations and the lowest standards of protection under the emergency state, and establish the remedy mechanism of citizen’s rights to protect the citizen’s rights by the greatest extent, so that the state power and the citizen’s rights could achieve the balance in the emergency state. At last, I give some advises on building the legal system of the balance in the emergency state in our country.The sixth part is conclusion. The emphasis of the settlement of emergency state is how to adjust the state power and the citizen’s rights under the emergency state, and make sure that the state power exercise normally and the citizen’s rights won’t be infringed, and keep the balance between them.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 06期
  • 【分类号】D911;D912.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】327
  • 攻读期成果

