

A Brief Analysis on the Changes of the View of China of Japanese Travelers in Modern Times

【作者】 张敬进

【导师】 朱小田;

【作者基本信息】 苏州科技学院 , 世界史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 近代以前,日本及日本人虽然出现过冷淡和疏离中国时期,但仍是以崇仰为主流。十九世纪中晚期,游华日本人的中国观逐渐发生着变化,他们开始主要关注的是中国的社会、民众、文化等方面。游华日本人在上海和香港体验了中国的“西洋化”,对中国的近代化充满惊叹,在中国这种绝对“繁华光景”下,他们也看到中国一些地方所存在的列强与中国之间的统治与被统治之间的关系。他们为中国近代化所付出的巨大代价强烈刺激,促使一部分日本知识分子分析总结中国的经验教训,寻求日本的发展道路,避免重蹈中国覆辙。甲午战争至日俄战争的十多年间,游华日本人对中国及中国人的态度由尊敬变为不甚尊敬,甚至鄙视,从此中国及中国人在日本国民心目中的地位一蹶不起。近代游华日本人在近代国家国民特征之下发现了中国人一系列的缺点,那就是毫无国家观念、缺乏勤劳观念、无知的卫生观念,他们把中国人的这些所谓“特质”看作是被殖民者的边缘化的特征。为此,游华日本人,始终表现出一种傲气凌人的态度。二十世纪前期,从小就有深厚汉学功底的一些游华日本人,在游历中国期间,他们亲眼目睹了一个内忧外患、满目疮痍的中国,而他们的中国观还停留在以前的状态,结果他们的中国观处于一种跌宕起伏的变化之中。他们的中国观产生了一种分裂,他们虽然失望、绝望,但还是没有放弃寻求幻想中国的念头,就在这种情感变化中充分表现出了他们的中国“乡愁”。总的看来,近代日本人的中国观是一个动态变化的过程,并给予日本对华态度和政策以重大影响,所以正确认识近代游华日本人的中国观及变化对于我们研究近代中日关系将是一个新的关键点。

【Abstract】 Before modern times, Japan and the Japanese people’s attitude towards China have experienced cool and alienation, but the mainstream is worshiping. From Modern times on, the view of China of Japanese travelers is changing gradually; during late nineteenth century,their major concern focused on China’s society, people, and culture and so on. Japanese who has traveled to China experience China’s Westernization in Shanghai and is full of amazing about the Modernization of China. In the so-called“Prosperous years ", they find“rulers and the ruled”relationship also existed between China and the powers in Shanghai and Hong Kong, which could also be seen everywhere in China. They are stimulated by the huge cost of the Modernization of China, which promotes some Japanese intellectuals to analyze the lessons learned from China, in order to seek the path of Japan’development and to avoid making the same mistakes at the same time.The early twentieth century, the view of china of Japanese travelers could be summarized that those people’s attitude towards China and Chinese people is shifted from respect to disrespect, even contempt. Since then, the position of China and the Chinese people in the eyes of the Japanese people has been devastated. In addition, the Japanese travel to China in modern times found a series of shortcomings of the Chinese people from prospective of the characteristics of modern-state, i.e., lack of state-conception, ignorance of diligence and health. They see the so-called Characteristics as the characteristics of the colonizer who is marginalized. For this reason, the Japanese travelers have always shown a bully attitude of arrogance. However, the Japanese travelers who has a profound knowledge of Sinology since childhood, has witnessed a scarred China under Internal Disorder and Foreign Invasions. But their view on China remains in its previous state. Therefore, their view of China is experiencing a zigzag change. The view has created a division, although there is disappointment and despair, they do not give up the idea of searching for the illusion of China in their minds. This change in sentiment has fully demonstrated a nostalgia complex.Overall, the Japanese’s view of china in modern times is a dynamic process of change and has a significant impact on Japan’s attitude and policy towards China. Therefore, for us to study the relationship between China and Japan in modern times, a correct understanding of the change of those Japanese’s view on China during this period will be a new key point.

【关键词】 游华日本人中国观近代变化
【Key words】 Japanese travelersview of Chinamodern timeschanges
  • 【分类号】K313.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】389

