

Optimization of Blast Furnace Tapping Machine Drilling Tool and Simulation of Tapping Machine System

【作者】 崔萍

【导师】 张建华;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着我国钢铁产业的迅速发展,对高炉炼铁技术和设备均提出了更高的要求。高炉开口机和钻具是高炉炉前关键设备,其运行效果直接影响到高炉安全生产。目前,国内各钢铁厂家均面临着由电动和气动开口机向全液压开口机升级改造的重要课题,而开口机钻具寿命短、成本高、效率低也一直是困扰我国钢铁冶炼行业的技术难题。本课题正是顺应钢铁行业的发展要求,针对济南钢铁集团生产中开口机和钻具存在的技术难题提出的,旨在突破目前高炉开口机和钻具的技术瓶颈,提高生产效率,降低生产成本,推动钢铁行业的发展。本文主要采取理论研究、虚拟样机仿真和有限元分析进行高炉钻具和开口机系统的分析研究和优化设计。首先分析了高炉炮泥的功能要求、原料配比和理化性能等基本特性;研究了高炉炮泥的结构特性和脆性材料的强度理论,确定了适合炮泥的类混凝土脆性材料破坏准则;建立了高炉出铁口炮泥的有限元模型,利用ABAQUS软件对高炉出铁口炮泥的温度场进行了有限元分析,明确了出铁孔炮泥的温度分布情况,为下一步高炉钻具的受力分析奠定基础。建立了开口机钻具系统的虚拟样机模型,用ADAMS软件对模型进行了动力学仿真分析,明确了钻具系统的动力学特性;理论和仿真分析了钻头的受力情况;分析了开口机钻头在常温和高温环境下的失效形式,明确了钻头在开铁口过程中的失效主要是刀片从钻头体刀槽中脱落所致。以钎具设计准则为依据,在充分考虑钻头失效原因的基础上,设计了一种新型开口机钻头,并进行了初步的现场试验,结果表明,新型钻头克服了原用钻头在高温下刀片易脱落的缺陷,使用效果明显优于原用钻头,能显著提高生产效率、降低生产成本。系统分析了开口机钻杆的工作状态及其产生横向振动的原因;利用钻具系统的动力学模型对钻杆进行了仿真研究,明确了钻杆的动力学特性;提出了一种解决钻杆横向振动的方案,并用ADAMS对方案进行了优化;对比研究结果表明,新方案能够有效降低钻杆的横向振动。建立了全液压开口机的虚拟样机整机模型,对开口机开铁口过程进行了动力学仿真分析,明确了开口机整个工作过程的受力状况,并确定了各主要约束处的受力峰值;以此为基础对开口机本体各主要元件进行了有限元分析和强度校核,结果表明全液压开口机方案中各主要承力构件均符合强度要求。

【Abstract】 Higher requests to the blast furnace ironmaking technology and equipment were proposed to fit the rapid development in steel and iron industry of our country recently. Tapping machine and its drilling tool are the keys to the blast furnace ironmaking, their operation effect has direct impact to the safety of blast furnace production. At present, domestic steel manufacturers are faced with the important task of rebuilding and upgrading tapping machine from electic or pneumatic to the entire hydraulic. As well as the short lifespan, high cost and low efficiency of the drilling tool have always been the technical problems which puzzle the steel and iron industry in China. This research complies with the requirements of development in the steel and iron industry, and is dead against the technical problems of drilling tool and tapping machine existing in the practical production of the Jinan Steel and Iron Group, and aims to breakthough the technical bottleneck in drilling tool and tapping machine of the blast furnace, to enhance the production efficiency, reduce production cost and promote the development of iron and steel industry.This reaserch use theoretical research tool, virtual prototype technology and finite element method to complete the analysis and optimization design of driliing tool and tapping machine of the blast furnace.In this thesis, basic characteristics of blast furnace taphole clay such as the function requirements, raw materials allocated proportion, the physical and chemical properties etc. were analyzed. The structure characteristic of taphole clay and the strength theory about brittle material were studied. The destruction criterion of brittle material which is similar to concrete and suitable for taphole clay has been determined. The finite element model of clay in the blast furnace tap hole was built and its temperature field was then analyzed by using ABAQUS. Temperature contour of taphole clay was carried out, which made a foundation for stress analysis of drilling tool in the next stage.Virtual prototype model of the tapping machine and drilling tool system was built, dynamic simulation analysis with ADAMS was carried out, therefore the dynamic characteristics of the system were obtained. The drill bit stress was analyzed in theory and simulation. Different failure modes of the drill bit under normal temperature and high temperature were analyzed, the mainly reason of its failure at the process of opening taphole is that the drill edges falling off from the tank of bit body.A new tapping machine drill bit was designed according to the design criterion of rock drill on the basis of full consideration the failure reason of dill bit, and the preliminary scene examination was carried. The results indicated that the defect which the blade fell off under the high temperature would be overcomed through the adoption of this new drill. Its working efficiency was distinct enhanced and its cost was obvious reduced compared with original one.The drill rod working status of tapping machine was analyzed, and the reasons for the drill rod’s transverse vibration were studied. The dynamic simulation research about the drill rod was carried out with ADAMS, and the dynamic characteristics of drill rod have been acquired. A solution for drill rod transverse vibration was proposed and optimized by using ADAMS. The simulation results of new plan show that the transverse vibration of the drill rod can be reduced effectively compared with original one.Virtual prototype model of the entire hydraulic tapping machine was built, and its dynamic simulation analysis was carried out. Force status of tapping machine and the maximum force in each constraint in the whole work process were obtained. The finite element analysis and the strenth check of each key element of the tapping machine were finished.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期
  • 【分类号】TF57
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】176

