

Summary of the International Business Cycle Theory

【作者】 娄振发

【导师】 陈昆亭;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 金融学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 传统的真实商业周期(Real Business Cycles)理论是由Kydland和Prescott在1982年和King、Plossor在1983年的文章中发展和建立起来的,该理论采用动态一般均衡随机模型,通过动态规划的方法得到跨期行为中的效用最大化,最终模型能够较好的解释在封闭经济条件下一国经济中产出、就业和投资等宏观经济变量的周期性波动变化。但是由于理论本身假定是基于封闭经济的单个经济体的分析,而随着国际间相互联系的不断发展,90年代以后逐渐发展起来的国际真实商业周期(International Real Business Cycles)理论获得了更广泛的关注,其采用开放的视角,通过构建一个两国(或更多国家)间的动态一般均衡随机模型分析国际间国与国之间宏观经济变量的协动性、波动性和持续性等经济变量特征,对于研究国际间协调等具有很好的理论价值。但是根据RBC理论发展而来的IRBC理论在引入现实经济以后,发现一系列经济数据特征事实和模型之间的不一致性,其中最重要的是两个悖论:数量悖论和价格悖论。基于早期的基础的研究,国外对于IRBC的研究已经进入新的领域,学者们通过不同的方法试图更好的解释这两个悖论的存在从而诞生了不同的流派,有学者尝试将不完善市场假定引入模型即不再认为市场是完备的,通过引入价格和工资粘性、市场摩擦和贸易壁垒等因素来使模型结果更加一致;另一部分人通过对偏好更加进一步细致的研究,改进了模型的输出结果;也有学者通过将部门分解的方法,试图更好的解决现实与理论间的不一致。本文主要介绍了国际经济周期相关研究的状况,对IRBC理论处理经济问题过程中建模、数据处理、模型拟合以及改进等方面进行了综述。第一部分是对于理论综述的意义和方向,第二部分对经典的真实商业周期理论进行了简单的回顾并且说明了封闭条件下RBC理论无法解决开放经济条件下的经济波动问题,第三部分对目前国际经济周期理论,主要是基于RBC理论基础上的IRBC方法从数据处理方法和传导机制的研究方面进行了重点介绍,第四部分是对文章的总结和政策建议,依据目前国际经济周期已经得到的一些可靠的结论结合我国真实的经济情况和国情提出了一些政策建议。

【Abstract】 Traditional real business cycle (RBC) theory was set up and developed by Kydland and Prescott in 1982 and King, Plossor in 1983,the theory was built on dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model, through the dynamic programming approach intertemporal utility maximization behavior, the final model can explain the changes in the cyclical fluctuations in a closed economy in the output, employment and investment. However, because the theory itself is based on the assumption that a single closed economy analysis of economies, while ignoring the inter-linkages with the international community continuous developing, the international real business cycle theory which is developed after the 90’s in the progressive procedure has obtained a broader concern on the perspective. It opens its views, through the construction of a two (or more) countries between the dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model analysis of international macro-economic variables between the association for mobility, volatility and sustainability of economic variables and values very well as an measurement in studying characteristics of the international coordination.However, according to RBC, the theory of IRBC developed from the theory of RBC after the introduction of the real economy was found that the characteristics of a series of economic data and the fact that the inconsistency with the model, the most important of which are two anomalies: the quantity and price anomalies. Based on early IRBC basic research, study for the IRBC abroad has entered new areas, in order to solve these two anomalies, some scholars have tried to introduce a model of imperfect market assumptions that the market is no longer complete, by introducing the price and wages sticky, the market factors such as friction and trade barriers; also some other scholars try to better address the reality and the inconsistencies between the theory by decomposing the sectors of production and consumption. Stochastic dynamic general equilibrium modeling approach is characterized by the use of a calibration method to be fully fit the economic model of economic data, it was later adopted by the scholars as well as the assumptions on the model changes the local structure, in the model and the economic data has been made with made great progress.This paper studies the theory of international real business cycle , reviews the IRBC theory on dealing with the economy for the process modeling; data processing, model fitting, as well as the areas of improvement. The first part is the meaning of the theory and innovation, the second part reviews the classical real business cycle theory and gives a brief description of the RBC theory which is closed under the conditions of an open economy can not solve the problem of economic fluctuations, the third part presents the IRBC theory, which is mainly based on the RBC theory method on data processing and transmission mechanism ,the fourth part of the article’s summary and policy recommendations, based on the current international economic cycle has been some combination of a reliable conclusion of China’s real economic situation and the conditions put forward some policy recommendations.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 06期
  • 【分类号】F224;F113.7
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】898

