

The Study on Coin Circulation in the Tang Dynasty

【作者】 窦跃文

【导师】 刘玉峰;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国古代史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 唐王朝建立后,社会经济在稳定的环境中迅速走向繁荣,迎来了一个农工商全面发展的时代。经济的恢复和发展使得以货币为媒介的商品交换日益频繁,货币在社会经济中的作用变得愈加重要,并体现出浓郁的时代特点——钱帛兼行。这一实物货币与金属货币并行的货币制度,在一定时期内适应了经济发展水平,满足了市场对于货币的需要。但随着商品经济的发展,这一制度越来越表现出其不适应商品交换的方面,最终成为商品货币经济发展的瓶颈。唐代是通宝币制的形成和发展时期,它在货币制度方面的一系列规定成为后世效仿的楷模。但是,由于统治者思想和商品经济发展水平的局限,唐代货币制度和货币流通表现出很强的财政性特点,即统治者在运用货币工具调节经济运行时较少考虑到经济发展的客观需要,而更多的是从满足自身统治的财政需要出发。这就决定了唐代货币制度的多变性和货币流通变化的复杂性。因而政府在面对货币流通中的一系列矛盾问题时,缺乏有效的应对措施。这一制度安排固有的缺陷正是问题产生的根源。因此,本文拟以传统的史学方法为铺垫,以现代经济学、货币银行学理论为创新,在仔细梳理史料的基础上,用新的理论解决问题,使整体研究建立在更为丰富广阔的理论依据上,着重探讨唐代货币流通的过程和货币购买力的变迁,分析影响货币流通的思想层面和制度层面的原因,目的在于揭示政府、货币流通与经济发展之间的关系,展现经济运行背后的政策性因素和客观规律因素的作用。论文分别从如下五个方面进行论述:第一部分,论述唐代货币制度的主要内容及铸币的生产管理体制。中国大一统王朝的货币制度经历了从秦到隋的漫长发展过程,在唐代终于完成了它的演变,发展为更高一级的通宝币制体系,确立了开元通宝钱的法币地位,其内容为后世所效仿。货币的铸行以政府的指导思想为理论导向,这一思想也决定了货币运动的特点和实际效果。从货币的铸行到投放市场,都是在这一指导思想的指引下完成的。第二部分,论述唐代货币流通的渠道。通过政府投放和回笼这两个动作,清晰展现货币在政府和市场之间流通的轨迹,体现这一过程中的特点。第三部分,论述唐代货币流通的方向。货币流通随商品流通的产生而产生,商品流通决定货币流通,货币流通的基础和前提是商品流通,货币流通从属于或依附于商品流通。货币流通对商品流通也有一定的反作用。因此,只有研究市场上商品的流通状况,才可以理清货币流通的方向。由于商品市场涵盖的范围很广,因此可以按照商品类别将市场划分为农、工、商三类,并分别揭示这三类市场上的货币流通情况。第四部分,论述唐代货币的购买力。单位货币的购买力是货币流通中的核心问题。货币流通在多大程度上反映和影响商品流通,最终要体现在货币的购买力上。而商品的价格是最直观的反应工具。因此,通过商品价格来考察货币流通的效果和出现的问题,就是货币购买力在多大程度上得以实现的问题。第五部分,论述唐代信用业的发展状况。信用是唐代货币流通过程中出现的一种新的经济关系,它是伴随着唐代货币流通的发展进程而出现的,既是在当时条件下的一种偶然产物,也将会成为其最终归宿。因此,研究唐代货币流通的影响,就不能不对信用业的发展有所涉及。结语对唐代铸币流通领域的相关问题做一系统的回顾,并总结其规律,阐明其历史局限性。

【Abstract】 After the establishment of the Tang dynasty(In the Tang dynasty), the social economy developed rapidly in a stable environment, and the agriculture, industry, and commerce of that time obtained an all-round development. Economic recovery and development make frequent exchange of merchandise with currency for the media. The currency play a more and more important role in the social economy ,which circulated with silks and money. This kind of currency system satisfied the development of economy and the needs of the market appropriately during a certain period of time. However, with the development of commodity economy, the currency system couldn’t adapt to the commodity exchange any more,and finally began to restrict the economic development of the commodity currencies.The currency system of TongBao formed and developed in the Tang dynasty, which is regarded as the model and standard for later dynasties. But due to the relatively low level of the rulers and the commodity economy ,the currency system and circulation had a strong financial characteristics, that is to say, rulers at the use of currency to adjust the economy, instead of the consideration of the need of economic development, they made more account of their own financial needs. And this had determined the variability of the currency system in that era,and the complexity of the currency changes. And therefore the government, in the face of a series of problems, Lacked the effective measures to counter. Shortcomings inherent in this system is the root of the problem.The thesis plan to discuss the process of the currency circulation in the Tang dynasty and the changes in the currency purchasing power over that era,and to analyze the thought and institutional reasons which effect the currency circulation,with the methods of conventional historical theory, and modern economics, monetary banking theory. The thesis focuses on revealing the relationship between the government, currency circulation,and the economic development, to show the policy factors and the objective laws behind the Economic operation.Papers will address the following five aspects:The first part elaborates the currency system in the Tang Dynasty and the production and management system of the mintage. The currency system of China had a long process of development and achieved the evolution in the Tang Dynasty at last. It formed the currency system of TongBao, which established the legal tender status of KaiYuanTongBao. The casting and circulating of the coins was under the government guidance. The second part elaborates the channels of the currency circulation. We can see the track of the currency circulation from putting into and withdrawalling from circulation between the government and the market. The third part elaborates the direction of the currency .The currency circulation was generated by commodity circulation. The currency circulation was decided by commodity circulation. The commodity circulation was the base and premise of the currency circulation. The currency circulation had the counteraction to the commodity circulation. We can see the direction of the currency circulation from the commodity circulation. We can devide the commodity into three parts: agricultural products, hand industrial products and government monopoly products. The fourth part elaborates the purchasing power of the coin. The purchasing power is the core problem. The impact of the currency circulation on commodity circulation was reflected on the purchasing power,which was performanced by the price of the commodity. So the study on the commodity price can help us to have a deep understanding of the purchasing power of the coin. The fifth part elaborates the development of credit relations. The credit was a new economic relations forming in the currency circulation in the Tang dynasty. It was a result at that time by accident and would become an end-result at last.In the conclusion we analyze the past experiences and successes in the currency circulation in the Tang dynasty, which is usful in the future.

【关键词】 唐代货币流通购买力信用
【Key words】 The Tang dynastyCurrency circulationPurchasing powerCredit
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 06期
  • 【分类号】F822.9;K242
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】374

