

The Human Rights Protection in the Process of European Integration

【作者】 刘佩斯

【导师】 李道刚;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 欧洲不仅在全球经济和政治领域都拥有重要地位,在人权保护领域更被认为处于全球领先地位。国际组织在现代国家体系中占据举足轻重的地位,欧盟作为当今世界区域一体化体制最杰出的代表是欧洲各国经过半个多世纪的不断探索、改进向世界各国展现的有关国际组织的最新成果。作为一个具有超国家性的一体化程度极高的地区性组织,欧盟是由欧洲煤钢共同体、欧洲原子能共同体和欧洲经济共同体三个组织演变而来,1957年3月25日西欧国家中的法国、西德、意大利、卢森堡、比利时和荷兰6国在罗马签订了建立欧洲经济共同体的条约,《罗马条约》被视为欧盟的“出生证明”,这一天也就成了欧盟的法定“诞生日”。1993年11月1日《马约》正式生效,欧盟正式诞生。至今欧盟已发展成为由三大支柱(三个共同体、共同外交与安全政策及防务政策和司法与内务合作)、两个子联盟(欧洲经济与货币联盟、欧洲政治联盟)组成的,成员国覆盖西欧、东欧和地中海等地区,对整个世界的政治、安全、经济、社会、环境、人权保护等广泛领域事务与合作发挥重大作用,具有其独特体系和管理模式的新型国际组织。欧盟正在世界舞台上扮演越来越重要的角色。《欧盟宪法条约》的制定试图为欧洲一体化和人权保护继续深入进行提供法律保证,欧盟宪法的制定表明欧盟试图在这一超国家性组织内实行宪政,宪政与人权是不可分割的,人权是宪政的应有之意,这在条约中有关人权和人权保护方面的内容中表现尤为明显,其可以被认为是对之前的全球尤其是欧洲人权领域不懈努力和取得成果的回顾总结。作为人权思想发源地的欧洲先后爆发了残酷践踏人的生命和自由的两次世界大战。如此惨痛的经历使得欧洲政治家和广大人民深切认识到人权保护的重要性和人权保护机制建立的紧迫性。作为欧洲最有影响力的国际组织,欧盟在欧洲人权保护领域发挥着不可替代的作用,《欧盟宪法条约》中有关人权的内容自然融合了欧洲大陆最新的理论成果。虽然宪法条约未获得通过,但其内容充分反映了宪法的基本原则和理念,承载了欧洲各国对和平与发展的期盼,这些都在后续的《里斯本条约》中得以体现。通过对其分析和探究能够使我们在充分理解的前提下对欧洲一体化和人权保护的前景更加清晰明了。本文通过对欧洲欧盟人权保护加以梳理,构建出一个注重人权保护的一体化欧洲形象,着重分析了欧盟宪法的成因和人权保护的有关内容,并和《欧洲人权公约》为代表的人权保护体系进行了比较,在此基础上运用法经济学的分析方法对于《欧盟宪法条约》和欧洲人权保护进行了初步分析,以期用一个较为新颖的视角去看待这些法律热点问题。

【Abstract】 International group plays a significant role in modern countries system. Europe not only occupies an important position in global economy and politics, but also takes the lead in human rights protection. European Union, as an outstanding representative of world region integration today, shows the world countries an achievement of international group through continuous exploration and improvement undergone by European countries for half a century. European Union is an important trading partner with our country all the times. European Union, a supranational region organization with high level of integration, is a derivative of three organizations: European coal steel community, European Atomic Energy Community (Erratum), and European Economic Community. On March,25,1957 , France, West Germany, Italy, Luxemburg, Belgium and Holland concluded a treaty for establishing European Economic Community in Rome.《Rome Treaty》was regarded as the "birth certification" for European Union, and the day of 25th became the legal "birth day" of European Union.《Rome Treaty》came into effect on Nov. 1,1993 and European Union was born. Now European Union is composed of three mainstays (Three Communities, Common Foreign and Security Policy and Deface Policy, Internal and Judicial Affairs Cooperation),two allies(European Economic and Monetary ,European Political Union), its member states spread over Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Mediterranean Area. European Union plays a major role in international affairs and co-operations in the fields of politics, security, economy, social, environment and human rights protection. European Union even plays more and more important part in the world for its new international organization with unique system and management.From《EU Treaty》which became effective in 1993 to《EU Constitution》which was set up, European Union constitution documents for going deep into the integration process of Europe and providing system the basic guarantee were not passed and had been replaced by《Lisbon Treaty》,but the basic principles and theories in the constitution contain the expectation of European countries for peace and development, especially stated in the treaty for human rights and human rights protection. European Union constitution documents could be regarded as the review of unremitting efforts by European countries and the achievement on human rights area.Europe, the place of idea of human rights, had broken out World War I and II which trampled on human life and freedom. The harrowing experience made the European politicians and people realize the importance of human rights protection and the urgency of setting up human rights protection mechanism. European Union, a most influential international organization in Europe, has played an irreplaceable role in European human rights protection area. The contents on human rights in《EU Constitution》integrated the new theoretical achievements of Europe. Though the Constitution was not approved, we got to know the prospect of European integration and human rights by analyzing and studying the origin. This article intends to build initially an image of European integration and human rights by arranging the evolution of European Union, European Union Constitution and European Human Rights Protection, especially make focus on analysis of the origin of European Union Constitution, European Human Rights Protection, Human Rights Protection System in《European Human Rights Treaty》,the contents of human rights protection in European Union Constitution, meanwhile use the law and economics to analyses the《EU Constitution》and European Human Rights Protection and study these two hot issues from a new point of view.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 06期
  • 【分类号】D99
  • 【下载频次】235

