

The Analysis of Social Policies’ Transition in Process of Chinese Urbanization

【作者】 刘又源

【导师】 曹现强;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 行政管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 对社会政策进行研究,是当今学术界的一个理论热点。大部分研究者对社会政策的研究集中于社会政策本身,没有特别注意某个突出的客观环境对社会政策发展产生的重要影响。本文在以往研究的基础上从另一个角度展开,立足于研究中国社会政策在一个特定环境(城市化)中的发展过程,着重分析建国后尤其是改革开放以来在与城市化交织发展的进程中,社会政策的产生、发展和转型,并对今后社会政策发展的新路向进行探讨。正文从结构上主要分为四大部分。第一章介绍了城市化与社会政策转型的基本理论。这一部分首先对二者的具体内涵进行介绍,在此基础上,着重分析城市化对中国社会政策转型的推动作用,重申本论文选题的重要意义。第二章主要涉及对西方城市化进程中社会政策发展及启示的介绍。社会政策起源于西方社会,西方城市化进程中同样伴有社会政策的变化与转型,大致可分为三个阶段:随着西方城市化“集中—分散—再集中”,西方国家的社会政策也经历了“初步形成—高福利模式—新自由主义模式—多元福利模式”,基本上完成了一个“正—反—合”的过程。这个过程中,西方社会政策的问题导向、对弱势群体的关注、及其自身的阶段性发展都为我国社会政策的研究提供了很好的参照。第三章内容为中国城市化进程中社会政策体系的建立和初步转型。主要包括两个阶段:前一个阶段表现为计划经济时代中国社会政策建立,后一阶段是本部分的分析重点——城市化进程中中国社会政策初步转型。本论文充分肯定这次转型在维护公民基本权利、社会平等以及推动现代化发展方面的积极作用,同时指出转型后也面临着社会保护整体水平降低、社会公平在一定程度上被忽略等现实问题,引出第四章对社会政策转型新路向的探索。第四章探讨了社会政策转型的新路向——发展型社会政策。这一章详细介绍了中国社会政策发展面临的新背景及现实困境,引出社会政策需要进一步转型的必要性。通过对新时期西方发展型社会政策的介绍,从中汲取经验,在制度设计、主体间合作、加大福利投资方面展开对新时期我国社会政策体系的设计,力求使社会政策体系真正成为城市化进程的“助推器”和应对社会风险的“安全网”。

【Abstract】 The study of social policies is a theoretical focus in academic circle nowadays.The majority of researchers concentrated on social policies themselves in stead of paying particular attention to important influences to social policies which were produced by some prominent objective environment.In another perspective,this paper,based on former researches,analyzes the development of Chinese social policies in certain circumstance (urbanization).And this paper analyses emphatically the formation,development and transition of Chinese social policies in the process of Chinese urbanization since 1949,especially since Reform and Opening.Then new direction of social policies in future will be discussed.Main texts of this paper is mainly divided into four parts structurally.Chaper one introduces some fundamental theories about urbanization and social policies’ transition.This part firstly introduces the connotation of urbanization and social policies.On the basis of this,it particular analyses urbanization’s promotion function to Chinese social policies transition and reaffirms the significance of the paper’s selected topic.Chapter two mainly introduces the development and experiences of social policies in process of western urbanization.Social policy stemed from western society,and western urbanization was also accompanied by changes and transition of social policies.The social policies in process of western urbanization can be divided into three stages:along with "concentration-dispersion-reconcentration" of western urbanization,social policies of western countries experienced "preliminary formation-the highly welfare pattern-new liberalism pattern-multi-dimensional welfare pattern".In the process,issue-oriented approach,attention to the vulnerable groups and gradual development itself had given us good references in order to study Chinese social policies.Chapter three includes the establishment and preliminary transition of social policies system in process of Chinese urbanization.It showed manifestations in two stages:The former stage,in era of planned economy,presented as establishments of Chinese social policies.The latter stage is the focus analysis of this part- the first transition of Chinese social policies in process of urbanization.The paper gives full affirmation to this transition which played a positive role in aspects of maintaining civil rights,social equality and modernization promotion.At the same time,it indicates that we are meeting some realistic problems such as lower general level of social protection and the overlook to social justice in some degree,which could educe discovery about new direction of social policies in chapter four.Chapter four talks about new direction of Chinese social policies’transition: developmental social policy.This chapter makes a detailed introduction to new background and realistic difficulties of Chinese social policies’ development.Then it educes the necessity of further transition.From introduction to western developmental social policy,we could learn something and perform designs in aspects of system design,cooperation among entities,the welfare investment.Our goal is to promote Chinese social policies becoming "a booster" of urbanization and "a safety net" of dealing with the social risk.

【关键词】 城市化社会政策转型
【Key words】 urbanizationsocial policieTransition
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期

