

Water Quality Assessment and Environmental Water Requirements Research on Xiaoqing River in Jinan

【作者】 谭永明

【导师】 孙秀玲;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 水文学及水资源, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国社会经济的发展、工业污水和生活废水排放量逐渐增加,人类在谋取社会经济进步的同时也对环境造成了不良影响。城区河流由于两侧人口较多,工业发达等因素,水环境日益恶化,逐渐成为城市发展的瓶颈。小清河发源于济南市睦里庄,在历史上曾是一条具有防洪、排涝、灌溉、航运、景观等多功能的人工运河,曾有“小清河长又长,山东是个好地方”的美誉。小清河也是唯一能够实现海河联运的河流,对沿线经济社会的发展发挥了不可替代的作用。自上世纪70年代以来,由于流域内经济的快速发展,人们对保护环境认识不到位,导致河道侵占严重,水源减少,工业废水和生活污水排放量逐年增加,使小清河水体遭受污染,生态环境日益恶化,小清河变成了名副其实的“小黑河”,严重影响了济南市及沿河地区社会经济的发展,与省会城市和区域中心城市的地位极不相称,损害了济南市的省会形象和“泉城”的美名。自2004年开始济南市政府对综合整治小清河开展了可行性研究,将对小清河的综合整治工作提上了日程。本论文作为小清河调水补源课题的子课题,对小清河目前状况下的水质状况做了评价并对小清河综合整治完成后环境需水量从一维和二维两个方面做了分析,将不同补水水源及小清河河道两侧截污工程的进度和泉水补给量考虑在内,为济南市小清河综合治理工程选择合适的补水水源提供参考。本论文分为水质评价和水质模拟两部分。水质评价部分在综合考虑当前多个水质评价模型基础上选用了投影寻踪—遗传算法综合评价模型,通过遗传算法寻找最佳投影方向,通过投影寻踪确定水质指标所属的水质级别。水质评价结果显示,小清河处源头部分河段水质达到地表水Ⅲ类之外,大部分河段属于Ⅴ类及劣Ⅴ类水,水体污染严重,亟待整治。水质模拟部分分别从一维和二维两个方面对小清河环境需水量进行了研究。一维方面又分别从考虑河道自净作用和不考虑河道自净作用对小清河环境需水量进行了计算。结合小清河综合整治完成后的特点——狭长型湖泊河流,本文结合一维河流水质模型和一维湖泊模型确定了小清河环境需水量。二维方面选用SMS(Surface Water ModelingSystem)模型,对小清河综合整治完成前和综合整治完成后的水质状况进行了模拟,对小清河综合整治工程对小清河的影响做了模拟。结果表明,小清河环境需水量的一维计算结果满足精度要求,为小清河调水补源项目提供了决策依据。

【Abstract】 As China’s social and economic development, industrial effluent and domestic wastewater emissions gradually increased, socio-economic progress of mankind in searching for economic benefits at the same time also had a negative impact on the environment. On both sides of the rivers in city as a result of urban population, industrial development and other factors, the water environment is deteriorating and gradually become the bottleneck of urban development. Xiaoqing River originates in Jinan City Mu Zhuang, in history has a flood control, drainage, irrigation, shipping, landscape, such as multi-functional artificial canals, had the world of "a long long Xiaoqing River in Shandong is a good place,". Xiaoqing River is the only transport to achieve the Haihe River, on the economic and played an irreplaceable role for social development along the route. Since the last century since the 70s, as a result of river basin’s rapid economic development, people do not know the protection of the environment in place, resulting in a serious encroachment river, water reduction, industrial wastewater and domestic sewage discharge volume has increased year by year so that the Xiaoqing River water pollution, ecological the environment is deteriorating, Xiaoqinghe become worthy of the name "Little Black River," has seriously affected areas of Jinan City and socio-economic development along the river with the capital cities and regional central cities did not match the status of and damage the image of the provincial capital of Jinan City and the "Springs" of good reputation. Since the beginning of the Jinan Municipal Government in 2004 to carry out comprehensive treatment Xiaoqinghe the feasibility study will be integrated Xiaoqinghe remediation work put on the agenda.In this paper, as the source of the Xiaoqing River water diversion up a sub-topic issue on the current state of the Xiaoqing River water quality in doing a comprehensive evaluation of the Xiaoqing River after the completion of environmental remediation of water from two aspects of the one-dimensional and two-dimensional analysis.It take into account of different water sources , both sides of the progress of Pollution control project works and the volume of water supply for the Jinan City. It will give a suitable reference sources for Xiaoqinghe comprehensive management to choose the water sources.This paper is divided into water quality assessment and water quality simulation two parts. The Water Quality Assessment based on consider the current models and selected projection pursuit - Genetic Algorithm comprehensive evaluation model, the genetic algorithm to find the best projection direction and projection pursuit to determine the water quality of their water-level indicators. Water quality evaluation results show that the source of

【关键词】 小清河水质评价水质模拟SMS遗传算法
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

