

Marriages to Awaken Common People and the Folk Customs in Shandong

【作者】 苗俊涛

【导师】 王平;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 作为一部写实色彩十分浓重的世情小说,《醒世姻缘传》具有很高的民俗学价值。虽然上世纪八十年代以来学界对《醒世姻缘传》的研究已经有了很大的进步和拓展,但是对其民俗学方面的研究仍显欠缺。这部小说运用了山东方言土语,讲述了明中后期发生在山东武城县和章丘县明水镇的两世姻缘的故事。以这两个故事为骨架,书中丰富地表现了山东地区方方面面的生活情景,向人们展示了一幅包罗万象、气象万千的山东民俗画卷。笔者认为对《醒世姻缘传》中的民俗事象进行系统的整理和研究是非常有意义且有必要的。这一方面弥补了对《醒世姻缘传》社会学、民俗学方面研究的不足,另一方面对认识把握山东地区的传统文化有着重要的作用。本文以《醒世姻缘传》中的民俗事象为研究对象,以山东为地域范围,结合民俗学研究中的分类方法,对《醒世姻缘传》中的山东民俗进行了一次系统的整理,在全面展现明代山东地区民俗风貌的基础上,进而探讨一下民俗描写在小说中的功能作用。本文把《醒世姻缘传》中出现较多的民俗事象分成人生礼仪习俗、民间信仰习俗和节日习俗三部分,系统研究这些民俗在《醒世姻缘传》中的具体表现以及在小说中所起到的作用。人生礼俗部分分为婚嫁礼俗、诞育礼俗、寿诞礼俗和丧葬礼俗。这些事象在小说中都有极为详细的描写和刻画。作为孔孟之乡,山东地区受到儒家思想的影响极深,有较强的宗法和忠孝观念。从《醒世姻缘传》中的描写可以看出,山东地区民间婚嫁活动中对“六礼”的继承和保留相当明显。出于宗法和忠孝的观念,儒家传统中对丧葬礼极为重视,而山东地区尤为突出,所以民间的丧葬礼俗复杂而讲究颇多。从书中对晁梁出生描写的不惜笔墨可见明清时期山东地区家族观念的重视程度。书中对晁夫人的寿诞描写也表现了浓重的忠孝观念。民间信仰部分分为道教信仰习俗、狐精信仰习俗、灵魂信仰习俗以及人造俗神信仰习俗。小说中详细描写了蕴含着玉帝信仰、风雨雷电信仰、三官信仰的一些活动(如玉皇顶庙会、雷公扬善惩恶、中元节等),这些活动带有鲜明的齐鲁文化特色;山东地区由于泰山主神东岳大帝的缘故,鬼魂信仰尤为盛行。人们把灵魂分为善灵和恶灵,对它们分别持有不同的态度,这种倾向在小说中十分明显;除了描写现有神之外,《醒世姻缘传》还创造了一尊神,即峄山圣姆——晁夫人。这个情节折射出明清时期山东地区民众将品德高尚者百年后尊奉为神的观念和倾向。节日习俗部分分为岁时节令习俗和庙会集市习俗。《醒世姻缘传》中的节令习俗如年节、元宵、重阳、冬至等是全国普遍的,山东地区明清时期的岁时节令习俗显示出普遍性、融合性的特点,但在细节上也有着自己的特色;书中用大篇幅描写的泰山香社是泰山庙会的一个重要组成部分。这些描写向我们展现了明清时期山东地区的庙会景观。另外,在对《醒世姻缘传》中民俗描写进行整理和介绍的同时,本文也兼而穿插论述了这些民俗描写在完善人物形象、推动故事情节发展、表现作者态度等文学方面的作用和功能。

【Abstract】 As a novel bearing thick realistic color,Marriages to Awaken Common People has a high value in forklore.Although the academy in 1980s saw great progress and expansion of study on this book,it is still short of research with forklore perspective. This book tells of stories about the marriage of two generations between Wucheng country and Zhangqiu country in dialect of Shandong.Within the framework of these two stories,this book shows abundantly and entirely the scene of life in Shandong,and rolls out an all-embracing painting.I consider that it is pretty meaningful and necessary to trim and study the forklore phenomena in this book.On one hand,it can make up the deficiency of study with sociology and forklore perspective,and on the other hand,it is helpful to explore the traditional culture of Shandong.This paper focuses on the forklore phenomena of Marriages to Awaken Common People,takes Shandong as the geographical scope,and takes advantage of the classification approach in forklore to trim the forklore of Shandong in Marriages to Awaken Common People,and discuss the literary influence of forklore depiction on novel on the basis of showing forklore scene of Shandong during that era.This paper divides the phenomena in Marriages to Awaken Common People into ceremonies of life, customs of folk belief and customs of festival,details the idiographic appearance of Shandong forklores in Marriages to Awaken Common People and tries to sort out the function of these forklores in the novel.The ceremonies of life can be divided into etiquette of marriage,convention of birth,etiquette of birthday and convention of funeral.There are detailed portrait and depiction.As the hometown of Confucius and Mencius,Shandong bears deep effect of Confucian thought,holds strong views of patriarchal clan system and loyalty and filial piety.Through the depiction in Marriages to Awaken Common People,we can see that the succession and preservation of ’Liu Li’(Six Manners) in the marriage within Shandong.Due to views of patriarchal clan system and filial piety,Confucian tradition places significance on funeral,and it especially highlights in Shandong,so there is a great number of complicated rites in funeral.Though the detailed descriptions of Chao Liang’s birth in the book,we can figure out emphasis on the view of patriarchal clan in Shandong during Ming and Qing era.The depiction of Madame Chao’s birthday also manifests the strong view of loyalty and filial piety.The customs of folk belief can be divided into customs of the Taoist-Immortal’s belief,customs of the Fox- Spirits belief,customs of belief in soul and customs of belief in artificial deities.This novel details activities which takes the Jade emperor(one deity in Taoism),wind,rain,thunder,lightening and belief in Three-Official-Emperor as spiritual meaning,such as temple fair of Jade Emperor Peak,festival of Zhongyuan(15 July),Lei gong(deity who commands thunder),etc,and these activities take on obvious geographic features of Shandong;because of the belief in Dongyue emperor(one deity dwells on Mountain Tai),belief in soul and ghost prevails in Shandong.Apart from depicting present deities,the novel even creates a deity,Holy Mother of Mountain Yi, Madame Chao.This action indicates that Shandong forks believed those who are virtual and sublime could become deities after death during Ming and Qing era.The customs of festival can be divided into customs of the time and seasons,and customs of temple fair.In Marriages to Awaken Common People,festivals like yearly festival(about the Chinese New Year),the Lantern Festival,Chong yang Festival(9 September in Lunar calendar),and the Winter Solstice are nationwide common,which indicates the universality and amalgamation of the festival of Shandong amid Ming and Qing period as well as its own feature in detail.Mountain Tai association of pilgrims which is particularized in this book is one important component of Mountain Tai Temple Fair.These depictions open out scenes of temple fair in Shandong amid Ming and Qing era.In addition,along trimming and Introducing forklore depictions in Marriages to Awaken Common People,this paper also discusses the function of these depictions on consummating figures,facilitating the story line,and manifesting author’s attitudes.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期

