

Study on Avoid Obstacles and Path Planning of Intelligent Home Services Robots

【作者】 胡国梁

【导师】 马金奎;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 制造系统信息工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 机器人技术的发展是一个国家高科技发展水平和工业自动化程度的重要标志和体现。随着传感器、自动控制、计算机技术及材料科学等领域的飞速发展,机器人的设计与研究也向第三代机器人——智能机器人迈进,并逐步应用于各种服务业领域。本文首先介绍了我国服务机器人市场需求及发展趋势和国内外研究现状,综述了现存的路径规划算法以及进来的发展趋势,引出国际合作项目--智能家庭服务机器人课题;对本文的研究内容进行概括总结。为了描述智能机器人的体系结构,以美国ActiveMedia公司的P3-DX型通用移动机器人平台为例介绍移动机器人的软、硬件结构及其控制结构。设计了以超声测距传感器为基础的测距系统;设计制作了一块测距电路板,经过数据采集,数据处理,很精确的实现了实时测距,对机器人实时避障打好了基础。在势场模型下,采用实用且简便的人工势场法建立引力场、斥力场、总势场的模型,然后进行了仿真试验,实现了路径规划算法。最后,对现有栅格法模型进行改进,提出一种新的栅格改进算法,提高了算法效率;使用该算法在智能仿生中心工作环境中进行了实时演练,很顺利的完成了任务。结果表明,本文中讨论的两种方法较好的实现了路径规划,取得了较好的效果,能圆满的完成路径规划和避障任务。智能家庭服务监控机器人参加了10届深圳“国际高新技术交流会”,赢得了好评。

【Abstract】 The development of robot technology is an important indicator of national hi-tech development level and the degree of automation. With the rapid development of sensor, automatic control, computer technology and material science; robot design and research forward to the third generation of robots - intelligent robot and gradually applied in the field of various service industries.This article firstly introduced service robot market demand and the development trend, pointing out that a key technology and existing problems, led to international cooperation projects - Intelligent family services Robot; described the research of path planning and obstacle avoidance.Secondly, In order to describe the architecture of Intelligent robot, I put the United States ActiveMedia’s Universal P3-DX mobile robot platform as an example , introducts the mobile robot hardware and software structure and control structure.Thirdly, designed location systems based on ultrasonic ranging sensor; designed a piece of circuit board of measuring distance, after data acquisition, data processing, got the very accurate real-time location, make the foundation of real-time obstacle avoidance.Then, In the potential field model, using practical and simple method of artificial potential field set up gravitational field, repulsion field, the total potential field model, and then conducted a simulation test, the path planning algorithm implementation.Finally, improve the existing model to a new method, a new grid algorithm that improved the efficiency; use of the algorithm at work of the Center for Intelligent Biomimetic environment real-time exercise, it is successfully completed the mission.The results showed that this article discussed two methods to achieve a better path planning, and achieved good results, intelligent household services robot took part in the 10th Shenzhen "international high-tech fair," won the praise.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期
  • 【分类号】TP242.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】443

