

Art Construction from Nature

【作者】 史玉丰

【导师】 刘明;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 作为中国文坛中独特的存在,迟子建多年以来在自己的土地上默默而又不懈地追求着,她不是任何潮流的主将,她的写作从自己的生活和经历出发,打上了自然的深深烙印。本文主要从自然入手,结合文本分析和作者经历,探讨自然在迟子建小说创作中的重要作用及其价值意义。主要内容包括以下几个方面。第一,迟子建作品中的自然界。迟子建首先在自然中发现了自然之美,这种美不只是一种静态美,而是充满了生命意识。迟子建认为人和其他生物都是自然界的一部分,万物都有生命,人并不比其他生物高贵,这形成了她的万物有灵论。自然是迟子建的终极乡土,人类真正的栖居是回归自然。第二、迟子建作品中的自然还指内在自然即自然人性、生命的自然状态和生活的本真状态。迟子建在回归自然的姿态中,展开了对“人的本性”或“人的天性”即自然人性的追寻,主要表现为追寻个体生命的强力和自由,追寻生命本真的状态,前者主要表现在对鄂伦春人的书写中,后者主要表现在对天真无邪的儿童和傻子的书写中。而在朴素的日常生活中,迟子建又发现了生命的真正状态。第三、迟子建的自然哲学。从自然出发,迟子建形成了自己的生命观和艺术观。迟子建认为人死了之后,灵魂依然存在,死亡只不过是生命存在的另外一种方式,人和灵魂可以穿越时空进行交流。真正的死亡是完全失去自然人性、完全失去真善美的灵魂之死,这样的人即使活着,也失去了存在的价值。在她的艺术世界里,迟子建崇尚本色之美,并在此基础上形成了忧伤之美、宁静之美和回溯之美。迟子建用自然建构起的文学世界在当代文学史上显示出了独特的艺术个性和永恒的生命力,对于中国当代文学的写作具有重要参照意义。

【Abstract】 As China’s literary existence of unique, Chi Zijian has pursuited silencely for many years on her own land,. being not the key player of any trend, she’s writing, from her own lives and experiences, the natural deep-marked deep imprint.In this paper, starting from the nature, combined with text analysis and experience of the nature, the author explores the nature of novel writing in her important role and value of significance. The main contents include the following.Firstly, the Chi of the natural world. Chi Zijian found in the natural beauty of nature, which the beauty is not a static, but is full of life awareness. Chi thinks human beings and other organisms are parts of the nature, all things have lives, people are not nobler than the other organisms, which forms her animisms. Nature is the ultimate hometown. The real life of human beings is a return to nature.Secondly, Chi’ s works also refer to the inherent nature of natural life that is natural and the natural state. Chi posture in the back to nature, the start of human nature or nature human , that is, the pursuit of natural, mainly for the pursuit of individual life and the powerful search for freedom and the true state of life. the former represents in the Oroqen people in writing, the latter dose mainly on the innocent children and fools in writing.Thirdly, Chi Zijian’ s natural philosophy. From nature, Chi formed her own view of life and art. Chi believes that the soul still exists after death, death is an life form in a different way, and the soul can be carried out through the exchange of time and space. The real death is the total losses of the soul. That is , the physical body presences, but the soul have died, so the lives lost their values. In her art world, the beauty of color Chi advocated and formed is the beauty of sadness, quiet beauty and the beauty back.The natural construction of the Literature in Contemporary Literature in chi’ s world shows that a unique artistic personality and the eternal vitality of contemporary Chinese literature for an important reference to the meaning of writing.

【关键词】 迟子建自然自然人性自然哲学
【Key words】 Chi ZijianNatureNatural sexualNatural philosophy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期

