

The Development of "Global Economic New Growth Pole" in East Asia and China’s Strategy Choice

【作者】 刘兴坤

【导师】 张乃丽;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 国际贸易学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 目前,美国金融动荡导致全球经济下滑,东亚已越来越成为世界经济的“增长极”,形成抗衡世界经济增长放缓的主要力量。而中国则成为东亚乃至全球经济发展的核心动力,越来越多的国家和地区从中国经济发展中受益,特别是具有地缘优势的东亚诸国。因此,研究东亚“全球经济新增长极”的形成及中国的战略选择具有重要的现实意义。论文基于区域经济发展理论、分散性区位选择理论、产业集聚理论以及法人企业内部化理论,开创性的引用二维分散性区位选择理论进行研究。二维分散性区位选择理论较为完整的解释了东亚国际生产·流通网络的形成机理,此理论强调,分散化生产充分利用区位优势,降低生产成本的同时,生产的分散和非控制力也增加了服务连接成本。二维分散性区位选择理论为研究东亚“全球经济新增长极”的形成及中国的战略选择提供了理论指导。东亚“全球经济新增长极”形成的本质是东亚国际生产·流通网络的形成和发展。不论是从总体经济增长和生产能力,还是从消费市场容量来看,东亚都呈现出强大实力,通过扩散和回流效应拉动了世界经济发展。同时,区域内经济关系日益深化,特别是域内贸易迅速发展,中间产品贸易比重持续增加,说明了东亚国际分工正不断广化与深化,并逐渐形成自主的功能性经济发展体系,进一步证明了生产·流通网络促成了东亚“全球经济新增长极”的形成。中国作为东亚“全球经济新增长极”的核心动力,主要体现在加工贸易和外资利用上,这也是中国实现经济发展以及技术进步的重要途径。但是,中国的加工贸易和高新技术贸易中,海外企业控制了大部分,严重制约着其对国民经济的带动作用,影响着产业结构优化和技术升级。根据二维分散性区位选择理论,中国必须适应时代要求,作出新的战略选择。首先,要积极吸引外资,优化引进外资结构,使海外直接投资与加工贸易形成良好互动;其次,要培育本土企业,实现外资与本土企业有效结合,形成国民生产能力;再次,要形成产业集群。在此基础上,实现三者的有机结合,充分利用外资,以本土企业为中心,培育产业集聚,充分发挥集群效应,作为一种新的竞争优势参与东亚国际生产·流通网络,形成东亚“全球经济新增长极”核心动力。同时,通过集聚效应,在降低生产成本的同时,有效降低服务连接成本,克服东亚生产·流通网络产生的新问题,进一步实现网络的活性化。

【Abstract】 The unprecedented financial crisis has caused a severe damage to the world. The economic growth prospects for both developed and developing countries have deteriorated substantially, and the possibility of a very deep global recession cannot be ruled out. However, the new emerging markets in East Asia will become a new growth pole in the global economy and grow to be the countervailing power to the slowdown of the major industrial economies. Especially, China is relatively well positioned to weather the financial crisis and it will be the core impulse of the "Global Economic New Growth Pole" in East Asia. More and more countries/regions have been, and will continue to, benefit from China’s development, especially the countries/regions in East Asia, given their geographical advantage. Therefore, to study the development of the "Global Economic New Growth Pole" in East Asia and China’s strategy choice has great realistic significance.Based on the regional economic growth theories, the fragmentation theories, the industrial clusters theories and the internalization theory of business corporation, this paper initiatively introduces the two-dimensional fragmentation theory to make a systematical and comprehensive analysis of the international production/distribution networks in East Asia. The two-dimensional fragmentation theory explains the reduction of production costs comes along location advantages and the counterparts’ ownership advantages, and thus it is regarded by this paper to have significant meaning to conduct this research.The essence of the development of the "Global Economic New Growth Pole" in East Asia is the international production/distribution networks. East Asia has the powerful strength in both the economic growth and the market growth, and thus promotes the development of the world economy through the diffusing effect and the circumfluent effect. The intra-regional integration in East Asia is increasingly deepened, such as the intra-regional trade growth, the intermediate product trade growth, the dedicated international division of labour, and the deepened autonomously functional economic system, which further proves that the international production/distribution networks is the mechanism to promote the development of the "Global Economic New Growth Pole" in East Asia.China is the core impulse of the "Global Economic New Growth Pole" in East Asia. China’s function comes mainly from its processing trade and FDI, which also are the major instruments to develop China’s economy and to raise the level of technologies. But we should not under-estimate the effect induced by the fact that foreign firms control the most part of the processing trade and high-tech trade in China, which has hindered the promotion of industrial structure and the upgrading of the technologies. Based on the two-dimensional fragmentation theory, this paper proposes that China should make a timely adjustment to the direction of the macro-economic policy and enact new strategies. Firstly, China should optimize the FDI attraction structure and intrigue the optimization of interaction between processing trade and FDI; Secondly, China should promote the cultivation of local enterprises, and effectively integrate FDI with local enterprises, thus develop the national production capacity; Thirdly, China should promote the development of high-tech industrial clusters and cultivate new economic growth zones. The effective integration of FDI, local enterprises and industrial clusters is pretty important. Through the concentration effect intrigued by the effective integration of FDI, local enterprises and industrial clusters, China will be better positioned to take part in the international production/distribution networks, and further to act as the core impulse of the "Global Economic New Growth Pole" in East Asia. In addition, the concentration effect will reduce the production cost and the service link cost, thus further promotes the international production/distribution networks.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期

