

Investigations of Serum Levels of Zinc、Magnesium and Zinc/Copper and the Relationshiops with Some Correlative Factors in Healthy Adults of Jinan

【作者】 张宏群

【导师】 高希宝;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 劳动卫生与环境卫生学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 【目的】1.调查济南地区健康成人血清中锌、镁含量及锌铜比水平,为本地区健康人群血清锌、镁含量及锌铜比水平正常参考值范围的确定提供参考依据。2.研究年龄、性别、家庭收入等人口学因素对血清锌、镁含量及锌铜比水平的贡献程度。3.研究吸烟、饮酒、饮酒频率、锻炼频率、夜晚睡眠时间等行为因素对血清锌、镁含量及锌铜比水平的贡献程度。4.通过广义线性回归分析筛查济南地区健康成人血清中锌、镁含量及锌铜比水平主要影响因素,并进一步研究各因素对血清锌、镁含量及锌铜比影响的单独效应。5.调查济南地区部分食物和土壤环境介质中锌、镁含量及锌铜比水平,研究环境因素对本地区健康成人血清中锌、镁含量及锌铜比水平的贡献程度。【方法】1.正交设计法对原子吸收分光光谱法连续测定血清锌、镁含量时光谱仪的灯电流、燃气流量和空气流量对元素检测信号值的影响程度进行试验,同时参考相关文献通过多次重复实验对微波消解法工作条件进行优化处理,从而确定微波消解仪和原子吸收光谱仪的最佳工作条件。2.采用对比实验、加标回收率实验等方法学研究来检验湿式冷消化过夜12h-微波溶样法-原子吸收光谱法同时测定血清中锌、镁含量的准确度和精密度。3.整群二级抽样法选取济南历下区和槐荫区部分健康成人作为研究对象,调查表收集人口学和行为因素资料;采集血清样品,湿式冷消化过夜12h-微波溶样法-原子吸收光谱法同时测定血清中锌、镁含量,并计算锌铜比。4.运用单因素分析和广义线性回归分析相结合的统计方法,分析年龄、性别、家庭收入、受教育水平等人口学因素和吸烟、饮酒、饮酒频率、锻炼频率、夜晚睡眠时间等行为因素对血清锌、镁含量及锌铜比水平的影响,并通过建立最优回归方程来筛查血清锌、镁含量及锌铜比水平的主要影响因素。5.石墨管湿式消化法-原子吸收光谱法检测蔬菜、水果、谷类、豆类、肉类等食品及土壤样品中锌、镁含量及锌铜比水平,并与中国CDC2002年发布的食物成分表进行比较。【结果】1.血清锌检测的最佳灯电流为7.0mA,空气流量为2.5 kg.cm-2,燃气流量为1.4kg.cm-2;血清镁检测最佳灯电流为5.0mA,空气流量为2.5kg.cm-2,燃气流量为1.2kg.cm-2。2.济南地区健康人群血清锌含量及锌铜比分别为1.32±0.49mg/L和1.41±0.56,与其他地区相比偏高;血清镁含量为19.36±3.81mg/L,与其他地区报道相近。3.单因素t检验发现,男性组血清锌含量高于女性组,两组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),男性组血清锌铜比高于女性组,且无统计学差异(P<0.05);血清镁含量男性组高于女性组,无统计学差异(P>0.05)。血清锌和锌铜比在随着年龄增加而呈现递减趋势,但在50-60岁组呈现升高现象,各组间无统计学差异(P>0.05)。家庭收入及受教育水平与血清锌、镁含量及锌铜比的变异无明显关联。4.单因素t检验发现,吸烟组血清锌含量低于不吸烟组,两组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);吸烟组血清锌铜比和镁含量均高于不吸烟组,但无统计学差异(P>0.05)。饮酒组血清锌、镁含量及锌铜比均高于不饮酒组,两组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。饮酒组中血清锌、镁含量及锌铜比水平随着饮酒频率的增加而呈现出无统计学差异的增高趋势。血清锌、镁含量及锌铜比水平随体育锻炼频率增加而增高,各组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。血清锌含量和锌铜比在夜晚睡眠时间保持在7-9小时时含量较高且接近于平均值,各组间无统计学差异(P>0.05)。血清镁含量在夜晚睡眠时间上无明显变化趋势,基本保持在总体平均线上下波动。5.通过广义线性回归分析发现,除了男性中血清锌含量低于女性和血清锌、镁含量在饮酒因素上差异无统计学意义,其他结果与单因素分析相吻合。6.山东大学西校区中心花园土壤样品中锌含量及锌铜比偏低,文化西路护城河附近土壤样品中铜和镁含量偏高,而其他功能区土壤样品中锌、铜、镁含量及锌铜比水平基本保持相同。蔬菜中锌含量和锌铜比降低,水果、谷类、豆类、花生和鸡肉中锌含量和锌铜比升高。各种食物中镁含量无明显变化。【结论】1.本次研究所采用的湿式冷消化过夜12h-微波溶样法-原子吸收光谱法准确度和精密度能满足同时测定血清中锌、镁含量的要求。2.济南地区健康成人血清锌含量及锌铜比偏高,可能源于摄入的水果、谷类、豆类、花生和鸡肉中锌含量较高,特别可能与本地区居民偏爱羊肉及鸡肉饮食习惯有关。济南地区蔬菜中锌含量和锌铜比偏低,提示济南地区成人应该多使用蔬菜类食物以调节体内锌含量及锌铜比偏高现象。3.男性中锌和锌铜比高于女性组,可能与男性饮酒习惯及频率较高有关;年龄的增长会导致血清锌和锌铜比降低,但在50岁后反而出现增长现象,可能与不同生长时期对锌、铜需求差异有关。4.吸烟行为会导致血清锌降低和锌铜比及镁升高;饮酒行为会导致血清锌、镁含量及锌铜比水平增高,所以适度饮酒和禁止吸烟行为对人体健康有益。夜晚睡眠时间以7-9小时为宜,保持合适的夜晚睡眠时间和适度体育锻炼有益于维持人体内血清锌、镁和锌铜比水平的动态平衡和机体健康。【创新点】1.正交设计法评价原子吸收光谱仪灯电流、燃气流量和空气流量对待测元素测定信号值的影响和参考相关文献和重复实验优化微波消解法工作条件,既实现了原子吸收光谱仪的最佳工作条件的确定,又减少了实验工作量。2.整群二级抽样法确定取历下区和槐荫区两个行政分区500名合格人员作为研究总体,既保证了研究对象的代表性,又减少了调查的工作量。3.第一次对本地区健康成人血清中锌、铜、镁等元素及锌铜比进行了大范围的抽样调查。4.第一个全面地从人口学因素、行为因素和环境因素角度研究其对济南地区健康人群血清锌、镁元素和锌铜比水平的单独、综合作用以及混杂因素的影响。5.同时运用单因素和多因素分析研究上述因素对本地区健康人群血清锌、镁元素和锌铜比水平的影响,保证了各因素单独和综合作用的研究具有更好信度和效度。

【Abstract】 Objectives1. To investigate serum levels of Zinc, Magnesium and zinc/copper of healthy adults in Jinan for evaluating the reference intervals of serum Zinc, Magnesium and zinc/copper of healthy adults in Jinan.2. To evaluate the influences of some demographic factors such as sex, age, average home income, educational levels on serum levels of Zinc, Magnesium and zinc/copper of healthy adults in Jinan.3. To evaluate the influences of human behaviors such as smoking, drinking, frequency of drinking, frequency of physical exercise, and hours of night sleep on serum levels of Zinc, Magnesium and zinc/copper of healthy adults in Jinan.4. To screen primary influencing factors of serum levels of Zinc, Magnesium and zinc/copper of healthy adults in Jinan and further study single effect of each factor.5. To investigate the levels of Zinc, Magnesium and zinc/copper in someenvironmental mediums of Jinan city such as the soil and food in order to study the influences of environmental factors on serum Zinc, Magnesium and zinc/copper in healthy adults of Jinan.Methods1. The optimal working conditions of microwave digestion and atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS) were fixed through some experiments of evaluating the influences of electrical current, air flow rate and gas flow rate on the accuracy and precise of AAS by orthogonal experimental design and replication experiments ccording to similar literature researchs and s;2. The accuracy and precise of microwave digestion-AAS after 12h cold-wet digestion were evaluated by methodological studies such as the experinments of comparison and percent recovery rate;3. Healthy adults of Lixia and Huaiyin districts were chosen by sub-systematic sampling and the data of demographic factors and human behaviors were collected by questionnaires.And then serun Zinc and Magnesium concentrations of the whole samples were detected by AAS after cold wet and microwave digestion;4. The influences of demographic factors such as sex, age, average home income, educational levels and human behavioral factors such as smoking, drinking, frequency of drinking, frequency of physical exercise, and hours of night sleep on serum levels of Zinc, Magnesium and zinc/copper of healthy adults in Jinan were evaluated by single factor analysis and general linear analysis, and primary influencing factors were screened through establishing optimal linear regression equation;5. The concentrations of Zinc and Magnesium in some foods such as vegetable, fruit, bean, paddy, meat and the soil were detected by wet digestion-AAS and Zinc/Copper was counted for the results compared with the references promulgated by CDC of China in 2002.Results1. The optimal electronical current, air flow rate and gas flow rate for Zinc were 7.0mA, 2.5kg.cm-2 and 1.4kg.cm, respectively.The optimal electronical current, air flow rate and gas flow rate for Magnesium were 5.0mA, 2.5kg.cm-2 and 1.2kg.cm-2, respectively.2. Serum levels of Zinc and Zinc/Copper were 1.32±0.49mg/l and 1.41±0.56 respectively, which were higher than that of other cities. Serum Magnesium concentration was 19.36±3.81mg/l, which was similar to others.3. According to single factor analysis, higher serum Zinc(P>0.05) and Magnesium (P>0.05) concentration and Zinc/Copper(P<0.05) were observed in the men than the women. No significantly(P>0.05) descending tendency of serum Zn and Zn/Cu was observed with age increasing,but ascending tendency was in the inteval of 50-60 years.And no clear relationships between social-economic status and educational levels serum Zn,Mg and Zn/Cu were observed.4. According to single factor analysis,no significantly(P>0.05) lower serum Zn concentration but higher Mg concentrations and Zn/Cu were observed in smokers than that in nonsmokers but not significant(P>0.05).Higher levels of serum Zn、Mg and Zn/Cu were observed in drinkers than that in nondrinkers and ascending with the frequency of drinking increasing.Ascending tendencies of serum Zn and Zn/Cu were observed with the frequency of physical exercise increasing but not significant(P>0.05). Serum Zn concentration and Zn/Cu kept normal only when hours of sleep a night were among 7-9 hours.5. According to general linear analysis, lower serun Zinc concentration was observed in men than that in women and no significantly serum Zn and Mg concentrations were in drinkers than that in nondrinkers, which were dissimiliar to the results by single factor analysis.Other results were similar to that by single factor analysis.6. It was observed that lowest Zinc concentration and Zinc/Copper were in the soil sample collected from central park of West schoolyard of Shandong University and highest Mg concentration was in that around moat of Wenhua west road. Zinc concentrations and Zinc/Copper were lower in the vegetables and higher in the fruits, beans, paddy, peanut and chicken.Conclusions1. The method of microwave digestion-AAS after 12h cold-wet digestion was suitable to detect serum Zinc and Mg concentrations.2. Higher serum concentrations of Zinc and Zinc/Copper were observed in healthy residents of Jinan, which may be associated with higher Zinc concentrations in local fruit, paddy, and bean, peanut and chicken and especially with the eating habit that Jinan residents preferring chicken and mutton. Lower Zinc concentration and Zn/Cu were observed in the vegetables of Jinan, which could suggest Jinan residents should take more vegetables in order to adjust higher serum Zn concentration and Zn/Cu.3. Higher Zinc concentration and Zn/Cu were detected in the men than that in the women, which may be associated with men’s drinking habit and higher frequency. Serum Zn concentration and Zn/Cu were observed decreasing with age increasing but increasing when age over 50 years, which may be associated with different demand during each group period.4. Smoking behavior could cause lower Zinc concentration and higher Mg and Zinc/Copper in serum, which suggested moderate drinking and smoking forbidden were good for human health. Serum Zn concentration and Zn/Cu kept normal only when hours of sleep a night were among 7-9 hours. It suggested we need to increase Zn intake to make up the weak Zn absorption with age increasing and keep adequate night sleep time (7-9hours) and regular physical exercise to maintain the balance of serum Zn in human body and satisfy the need of keeping healthy.The main features and creative points of this thesis are as follows:1. Evaluate the influences of electrical current, air flow rate and gas flow rate on the accuracy and precise of AAS by orthogonal experimental design and replication experiments according to similar literature researchs, to make sure the optimal working conditions of microwave digestion and AAS, moreover, to reduce experimental workload.2. 500 healthy adults of Lixia and Huaiyin districts chosen by sub-systematic sampling, satisfy representative samples, and furthermore, reduce the worklord of the investigation.3. For the first time large-scale investigation of serum levels of Zinc, Magnesium and zinc/copper of healthy adults in Jinan.4. First time comprehensive evaluation of single and integral action of some demographic factors, behavioral factor and environmental factors and confound factors on serum Zinc, Magnesium and zinc/copper.5. Evaluating the relationships between such factors with serum levels of Zinc, Magnesium and zinc/copper by single factor analysis and general linear analysis at the same time.

【关键词】 血清锌铜比性别年龄吸烟饮酒运动济南
【Key words】 serumzinczinc/coppersexagesmokingdrinkingphysical exerciseJinan
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

