

Sdudy on Thought of Emily Dickinson

【作者】 彭海涛

【导师】 解玉军;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 世界史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 美国女诗人艾米莉·狄金森(1830-1886)一生深居简出,默默无闻。她把57岁人生的大部时间,用在潜心写作上,为后人留下一千七百多首诗歌和近一千一百件即诗即信的书简。狄金森生前不为世人瞩目,仅有几首诗歌公开发表。但死后,她却名声大震,被誉为与惠特曼齐名的西方现代主义诗歌的先驱。近年来,各国学者从多个视角对狄金森进行了大量研究,尤其在狄金森诗歌主题、形式、艺术风格、译介、评价等方面,成果丰硕。但对于狄金森思想的研究还不够深入和系统。本文从狄金森诗歌、书简及相关资料的分析解读入手,研究和探讨狄金森在宗教、哲学、爱情、生态、自然等方面的思想和观点。全文由以下几部分组成:导言,选题缘由和狄金森研究现状分析。从作者对狄金森作品的钟爱、对狄金森研究的关注、对研究资料的积累等方面简述了本文选题的缘由;分析了目前国内外狄金森研究的现状,对目前的研究给予客观评价,肯定已有成果,并指出在狄金森思想研究方面的不足之处。第一章,狄金森思想形成的根源和背景。清教主义家庭环境、从小受到的正统宗教教育、与文学大师沃兹沃斯和希金森等的交往以及十九世纪美国政治强盛、经济繁荣、文化崛起的时代背景,为狄金森思想的形成奠定了良好的基础。对《圣经》的研习,对英美经典文学大师莎士比亚、爱默生的师承为其思想的发展提供了丰厚的文化土壤。第二章,狄金森宗教思想。狄金森一生在与基督教的抗争中生活和写作,独特的生活和创作体验,使她形成了异教信仰的宗教观。本文从对基督教的叛逆、对上帝态度的转变、个人神学体系的建立等方面,研究和追寻狄金森宗教思想发展演变轨迹。从青少年时期对基督教的反抗,到对上帝的态度蔑视和怀疑,到最终构建一套自己的神学体系,狄金森实现了她对永恒的信仰和追求。第三章,狄金森哲学思想。本文从辩证思想、存在主义、超验主义等方面对狄金森的哲学思想和观点进行阐述。她的辩证思想表现在对上帝态度的辩证思维、对生与死的辩证认识,在诗歌创作中对圆周意念循环往复、周而复始的无穷变化规律的辩证思考。她的存在主义思想主要表现在她追求个人存在价值,崇尚个性自由,不受上帝摆布,不为环境所迫的人生态度和敢于直面人生痛苦,乐观对待死亡的存在主义人生观。她的超验主义思想主要表现在与灵魂为伴,甘作深居闺中的西窗诗人的超然人生道路和她在诗歌创作中对“思想比天空更广阔”的超验主义理念的不懈追求和探寻。第四章,狄金森的女性主义倾向和爱情观。作为一名富于女性主义倾向的诗人,尽管狄金森在现实生活中未找到爱的真正港湾,她却终生向往和追求爱情。她通过诗歌和书信创作,在精神世界中体验爱的滋味—“爱,先于生命,后于,死亡。是创造的起点,世界的原型”。在强烈的女性自我意识下,她庄严而理性地审视两性之间的爱,认为爱是存在于男女之间的自然本性。青年男女应大胆追求爱情,爱是幸福的,又是苦涩的。她关于爱情的诗歌和书信表现出了反传统宗教与伦理道德的自由气息,表达了她独立、自由的爱情观。她的爱情诗歌告诉人们:超越肉体,两颗心灵交融的爱才是男女之间的完善结合,才是爱的最高境界。第五章,狄金森的生态思想和自然观。狄金森的自然诗表达了她对自然的关注和依赖,体现了人与自然和谐共处、人类对大自然的奥秘执着探寻和保护生态、重建自然家园的生态思想。受爱默生超验主义自然观的影响,狄金森的自然观往往是多层面的,甚至是互相矛盾的。在她的自然观里,乐观向上的自然和悲观失望的自然同时存在。第六章,狄金森思想的历史评价。狄金森思想作为一个有机思想体系,包含多方面内涵。本文重点分析她对传统宗教思想的反叛、对人生与死亡的辩证思维、对爱情、自然、生态等的独特思考。她反对传统保守,追求个性解放,辩证看待人生。她倡导的男女平等爱情观、热爱自然,保护生态的自然观以及她在诗歌创作中的大胆创新,在十九世纪清教主义笼罩下的美国新英格兰,具有划时代的历史价值。她因此被誉为“上承浪漫主义余绪,下开现代主义先河”的诗人。她的思想,即使在当今经济发达、社会繁荣、人的价值取向日益多元化的二十一纪,对于人类协调人与人之间、人与自然之间、人与社会之间的关系,以乐观的态度对待人生,亦具有重要现实意义。狄金森反对保守,追求个性,保护生态,主张人与自然和谐共生等观点与我国目前倡导的开拓创新,以人为本,全面、协调、可持续发展的科学发展观,也有不谋而合之处。因此,狄金森思想,不但是美国人民的瑰宝,也是全世界人民共同的思想财富。由于历史条件的限制,狄金森思想也不可避免地存在一些历史局限性,如一定程度上遁世悲观的生活态度,孤僻自闭的性格,对自然、婚姻的敌视等。

【Abstract】 Emily Dickinson(1830-1886), an American poetess, lived a secluded life, unknown to the public before death. She devoted most of her 57-year life to writing, with more than 1700 poems and nearly 1100 letters left to the world. Although only a few of her poems were published in life, she was renowned after death as a great forerunner of modernist poems along with Walt Whitman in the western world. In recent years, scholars from different countries have done a lot of research in Dickinson and her works. They made great achievements in study of the themes, format, artistic styles, translation and introduction, and evaluation of her poems. However, as to the study on Dickinson’s thought, much room is left to research. By analyzing and unscrambling Dickinson’s poems, letters and related materials, this paper investigates and probes her thought in religion, philosophy, love, ecology and nature, which is composed of the following chapters:The Introduction expounds the reason to make this study and status quo of Dickinson study. It briefs the reason for selection of this title, which concerns in his endearment of Dickinson’s works, his attention to Dickinson study at home and abroad, and his accumulation of the materials, data and information about Dickinson. It also gives external evaluation to present study of Dickinson in the world, affirming the achievements and indicates the insufficiency in Dickinson study.ChapterⅠexpounds the rootstock and background for Dickinson thought. The forming and development of Dickinson thought is based upon her Puritanism family, her legitimate religious education, her intercourses with lecture masters such as Charles Wadsworth, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, etc. The powerful politics, flourishing economy and rising culture of the 19th century America were also important factors for development of Dickinson thought. Her devotion to the Bible, as well as her learning from classical masters of her country and the U.K. including William Shakespeare and Ralph Waldo Emerson nourished Dickinson thought with rich cultural soil.ChapterⅡexpounds the religious thought of Dickinson. Dickinson fought against Christianity as she lived and wrote. Her unique experience of life and poem writing prompted her to get the paganism view of religion. This chapter probes and pursues the developing and evolving track of Dickinson thought by discussing her treachery against Christianity, the transition of her attitude towards God, and the constitution of her own theology system. From her fighting against Christianity since her childhood to her scorn and suspicion of God until at last she constituted a set of theology system of her own, Dickinson realized her belief in eternity.ChapterⅢexpounds Dickinson’s thought of philosophy. This chapter expounds Dickinson’s thought of philosophy from such aspects as her dialectic thinking, existentialism and transcendentalism. Her dialectic thinking mainly lies in her dialectic attitude towards God, her dialectic understanding of living and death, and her dialectic idea of the endless and cycling movement of the circumference impression in her poems. She manifested her existentialism in her pursuit of individuality and freedom, not manipulated by God and surroundings, and her facing suffering of life and death with optimism. In transcendentalism, Dickinson would rather live alone in her own cabin and devote wholeheartedly to writing poems and letters to herself, her friends or lovers, just in companion with the soul. In her writing, she never stopped her seeking into the transcendental idea of the brain is wider than the sky.ChapterⅣexpounds Dickinson’s inclination to feminism and view of love. As a poetess of feminism inclination, Dickinson had been going out for love all life, though she didn’t berth herself at the real harbor of love. Through writing of poems, she experienced the flavor of love: Love is anterior to life, posterior to death. Initial of creation, and the exponent of breath. With strong self-awareness of feminism, she surveyed the love between men and women with royalty and reasoning. In her idea, love is the spontaneous nature between males and females. Young people should bravely woo love. Love is happy and saline. Her poems and letters of love show free wind of fighting against traditional religion and ethical moral, which is her free and independent view of love. Her poems of love tell us that love of spirit between both hearts, exceeding love of body, is the most perfect integration between the two, which is the tiptop of love.ChapterⅤexpounds Dickinson’s thought of ecology and view of nature. Dickinson’s poems of nature express her care of nature, and her dependence upon nature, which embody her thought of ecology that men should coexist with nature harmoniously, explore the mystery of nature clingingly, protect it and rebuild the beautiful homestead of nature. Influenced by Emerson’s transcendentalist view of nature, Dickinson’s view of nature tends to be multi-layer and sometimes is contradicted itself. In her view of nature, optimism and pessimism coexist.ChapterⅥexpounds historic evaluation of Dickinson thought. As an organic system, Dickinson thought comprises different connotations. This paper lays stress on her fighting against traditional religion, her dialectic thinking of life and death, and her unique pondering over love, nature and ecology. She opposed conservatism, sought release of individuality, and looked on life dialectically. Her advocation of equality between men and women, devotion to nature, protection of zoology, and her bold creation in her poem writing were epoch-making and historically valued in the 19th century America, especially when New England was shut in Puritanism. Dickinson was called a poetess who carried on the aftertaste of romanticism and broke the new pass for modernism. Even in the 21st century with developed economy, prosperous society, different trends of value towards life, her thought is of great realistic significance. Dickinson’s idea of fighting against conservatism, seeking individuality, protecting zoology, and coexisting harmoniously with nature happens to have the same view as Chinese government’s advocation of scientific view of development which stresses exploitation and innovation, people foremost, and all-round development of harmony and persistence. So, Dickinson thought is not only the treasure of the US people, but also the ideology fortune for the whole world.However, confined by her living surroundings and the social history, Dickinson’s thought is inevitably limited to some extent in such aspects as her secluded and pessimist life, her character of solitude and dereism, and her hostility to nature and marriage, etc.

【关键词】 狄金森宗教思想哲学思想爱情观自然观历史评价
【Key words】 Dickinsonreligionphilosophyloveecologyevaluatotion
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

