

Research on Water Resources Argumentation of GuanLu Reservoir in Qing Dao City

【作者】 花金祥

【导师】 孙秀玲; 刘建生;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 水利工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 青岛市是我国北方严重缺水城市之一,随着城市建设和社会经济的迅速发展,水资源供需矛盾日趋严重,水资源问题亦成为青岛市经济社会可持续发展的重要制约因素。本文以开源节流并举、节流优先为原则,对青岛市水资源的开发利用现状进行了分析评价,以2015年为近期水平年,2030年为远景年,分析了水资源市区供求关系。在对青岛市的现有水源以及中水回用、海水利用等多种水源进行分析的基础上,重点对黄河水源、大沽河水源以及南水北调的长江水源进行了分析论证。从水资源角度对官路水库工程规模进行了分析,论证结果表明官路水库可大大缓解青岛市的水资源供求矛盾。主要研究结论有:1、以青岛市经济社会发展目标为依据,对近年来实际用水情况进行了调查分析,根据优先节水,多种水源优化配置、科学调度的原则,对青岛全市及官路水库供水区进行了不同水平年水资源供需平衡分析。分析结果表明,青岛全市2015年缺水1.33亿m~3,2030年缺水2.21亿m~3。为解决缺水状况,充分挖掘当地水资源潜力以及实施跨流域调水工程是必要的。2采用利津站1980~2006年系列分析了黄河来水以及引黄济青渠首从黄河可引水量和引水天数。P=95%、引水时间为9~3月份时,黄河可引水量为2.45亿m~3。引黄济青工程依靠延长引黄时间,来增加青岛市的供水能力的潜力,已被胶东调水工程利用,向青岛增加引黄水量的难度很大。3、对引用当地大沽河水量进行了分析论证。根据流域内大中小型水利工程、支流分布及河流所属地市情况对流域进行单元划分,采用长系列变动用水沿河自上而下逐级对各单元区进行径流调节计算。经分析,95%频率下官路水库能从大沽河引水量为460万m~3。4、对官路水库进行了多方案调节计算。分析恢复官路水库的必要性。5、官路水库对水资源状况影响甚小,对其它取水用户无不利影响,还会产生巨大环境效益。本文还从需水预测、供水预测等方面定性分析了一些不确定和风险因素,以提高城市供水的安全性,有利于促进青岛市经济社会的可持续发展。

【Abstract】 Qingdao is a city one of the serious water shortage cities in northern China,With the city’s rapid construction and socio-economic development,the contradiction between supply and demand of water resources become more and more serious, water resources has become key constraints of economic and social sustainable development in Qingdao City.On the basis of the principle of finding new water resources and reducing expenditure simultaneously,giving the priority to the latter,using the fundamental theory on inter-basin water transfer,water saving and rational allocation of water resources,considering the year 2015 as near-term horizon year,the year 2030 as long-term horizon year,my thesis analyses and estimates present states of water resources and its exploitation and utilization of Qingdao,and also construes the relationship between water resources supply and demand.Based on the analysis of utilization of the existing water sources,usage of sea water and reuse of waste water, the paper makes an verification of riverhead of the project of water diversion from yellow river to Qingdao,supply sources of Dagu river and Changjiang river through the South-to-North Water Transfer Project.The paper analyzes the feasibility of tapping potential of the project of water diversion from yellow river to Qingdao from the point of view of water resources.The results suggest that the potential can greatly alleviate the conflict between the water resources supply and demand of Qingdao,and the conclusions are as follows:1.On the basis of the investigation and analysis of the existing conditions of water uses,on the principle of giving priority to water saving,operating water projects optimally and allocating water resources rationally,the paper makes a water resources supply and demand balance analysis for different horizon years.The results show a water deficit of 133 million m~3 in 2015 and 221 million m~3 in 2030.in order to solve the problem,exploitation of the water resources potential efficiently and construction of the inter-basin water diversion project are very necessary. 2.Data series of 1980-2006 of Lijin hydrology station are applied to analyze Yellow River flow and available water amount to be diverted.In case of P=95%,the available water amount to be diverted is 245 million m~3 in the period of September to March in the next year.As some Yellow River water diverted to Jiaodong,it is difficult to increase water supply for Qingdao from Yellow River.3.Water diversion from Dagu river is verified.The river basin is divided into computation units based on sizes of water resources projects,tributary location and its administrative divisions.Results of runoff regulation computation show that 4.6 million m~3 of water quantity may be diverted from Dagu River in case of p=95%.4.Multiple scenarios are analyzed for operation of GuanLu reservoir.It is necessary to recover the project of GuanLu reservoir.5.The rehabilitation of the project of GuanLu Reservoir will produce great environment benefit but no adverse effect on water resources condition and other water users.The paper makes qualitative analysis on uncertainties and risks for water demand and supply forecast and so on to improve the security of city water supply and the social and economic sustainable development of Qingdao.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期
  • 【分类号】TV213.4
  • 【下载频次】341

