

Structure Simulation of Auxiliary Converter Cabinet in the 200km/h Electric Locomotive

【作者】 刘岩

【导师】 孙丽萍;

【作者基本信息】 大连交通大学 , 车辆工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 为了适应我国时速200km/h客运专线运用要求,同时更好地满足既有干线进一步提速发展需要,目前我国正在研制设计新一代200km/h交流传动客运电力机车。电气传动是机车中极其重要的部分,其中辅助变流柜是保证该机车电气传动的一个重要的装置,其内部放置了大量的电气设备,这些设备相互依靠、相互制约,是电气性能得以实现的重要保证。随着机车车辆运行速度的不断提高,列车在运行中承受的纵向、横向及垂向的冲击和振动等综合载荷作用变得越来越复杂,车体及其安装结构包括车载吊挂件的运行工况也变得更为恶劣。柜体结构的强度和振动特性直接影响到柜内电气元件的正常工作,甚至影响列车运行安全。因此,为了确保柜体结构的设计合理性和使用安全性,在设计阶段必须对柜体结构进行强度分析和模态分析。本文利用计算机仿真分析软件CATIA完成了200km/h电力机车辅助变流柜的三维造型结构设计。在详细分析辅助变流柜结构特点的基础上,运用有限元分析软件HyperWorks,建立了柜体的有限元力学模型。由于该柜体及其内部设备的安装采用的是铆接和螺栓连接的结构形式,其模拟方式不同于焊接结构,针对其连接方式的特殊性,本文采用刚性单元模拟铆接和螺栓连接,采用质量单元模拟柜内电气设备。依据标准EN 61373,考核柜体在惯性力载荷下的强度,并进行模态分析。结果表明柜体初始设计方案局部结构的最大等效应力大于材料的许用应力220MPa,不符合标准。因此对柜体的强度薄弱部位进行了改进,并对改进后的柜体结构进行强度校核和模态分析,分析结果表明改进后的柜体结构的最大等效应力小于材料的许用应力,柜体各阶频率都大于20Hz,满足规范要求。保证柜体结构强度的同时改善了其固有振动特性,从而避免了电气元件以及柜体的共振现象,确保了柜体实际运用的安全性。因此,本文的研究成果为200km/h电力机车辅助变流柜的研制开发提供了一定的理论依据。

【Abstract】 In order to meet actual requirement about locomotive travelling at speed 200km/h in passenger special line in our country, and much better to satisfy raising train speed on the existing main lines, we are developing the new generation 200km/h electric locomotive. Electric drive system is an extremely important part of the locomotive. Auxiliary converter cabinet is an important device in the locomotive electric drive domain, in which there are many electrical equipments. They depend on each other, restrict each other. They are very important for the electrical properties realization.With the continuous increase of the locomotive speed, comprehensive loading effect, the longitudinal, horizontal and vertical impact and vibration which the train bear become more and more complex in the train operation process. Operation conditions of vehicle body and installing structure including hanging devices become worse. The cabinet’s structural strength and properties of vibration can directly influence normal operation of electrical apparatus in the cabinet, even affect the operation safety of trains. Therefore, we must carry on the strength analysis and modal analysis of the cabinet to ensure the reasonableness of design and safety of the practical application in the design stage.In this paper, computer simulation analysis software CATIA is used to model the auxiliary converter cabinet in the 200km/h electric locomotive. Based on the structural characteristics of cabinet, finite element analysis software HyperWorks is used to establish the finite element model of cabinet. This cabinet and inner equipments are connected by rivet and bolt. The simulation method of rivet and bolt connection is different from welding. Aiming at particularity of the connection way, rigid elements are adopted to simulate bolt and rivet connection, mass elements are used to simulate electrical equipments in the cabinet. According to the standard EN 61373, carries out intensity vertification of the cabinet body under inertial force, then analysis the modal of the cabinet. The results show that the largest equivalent stress of the initial structural is greater than the allowable stress 220MPa, the structural strength of cabinet doesn’t conforms with standard. So improvement is done to the weakness parts of cabinet, then the strength checking and modal analysis are carried out to the improved cabinet. The analysis results show that the largest equivalent stress of the improved structure is less than the allowable stress of material, each order frequency is greater than 20Hz which meet the requirement of the standard. This improvement ensures the strength of the structure and improves its natural vibration characteristics to avoid resonance phenomenon of the cabinet body as well as the electrical components, and ensures the safety of the practical application. So, the results provide the theoretical basis for the research and development of the auxiliary converter cabinet in the 200km/h electric locomotive.


