

Combined Simulation of Air Brake System and Longitudinal Dynamic of 20000 Ton Train

【作者】 赵连刚

【导师】 魏伟; 刘玉林;

【作者基本信息】 大连交通大学 , 机械工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文针对我国大秦线两万吨重载列车运用过程中出现的断钩及磨损严重的问题,开展两万吨重载列车纵向动力学研究。首先建立一个列车纵向动力学分析模型,给出纵向动力学分析公式中各参数的计算方法,包含牵引力、动力制动力、闸瓦摩擦系数、运行阻力、坡道阻力。特别针对引起列车纵向冲动的主要因素——制动特性等速假定带来的问题,使用仿真方法仿真计算出各种编组条件下、各种制动工况的制动特性。以单车碰撞试验数据为基础计算,求出三种缓冲器特性,再将各种缓冲器应用在列车纵向动力学计算中。仿真了两万吨列车各种情况下纵向动力学特性,编组考虑了1+2+1,2+0+2,2+2+0三种情况,制动考虑了最大减压量常用制动和紧急制动,缓冲器考虑了HM-1、HM-2、MT-2三种缓冲器。利用仿真结果分析了HM-1缓冲器在三种编组情况下,常用制动和紧急制动情况下的车钩力受力特点及分布规律,给出了最大车钩力发生位置。2+0+2编组情况下最大车钩力分布是以前部受压,后部受拉为主要特点,最大车钩力发生在列车的1/4和3/4处。1+2+1编组列车在受力特点上与两个2+0+2编组列车相近。从车钩力看,最佳编组情况是1+2+1编组,其次是2+0+2编组,2+2+0编组最差。对无牵引杆和有牵引杆两种情况下的车钩力进行了分析。对三种缓冲器在各种工况下的车钩力进行了比较研究。该工作为缓冲器评价提供参考,为正确的选择列车编组与列车操纵提供依据。

【Abstract】 This article appears in view of our country Qin Empire line 20,000 ton heavy load train utilization process in breaks the hook and the attrition serious issue,carries out 20,000 ton heavy load train longitudinal dynamics research.First establishes a train longitudinal dynamics analysis model,gives in the longitudinal dynamics analysis formula various parameters computational method,contains the force of traction,the power braking force,the brake shoe friction coefficient,the movement resistance,the slopeway resistance.Aims at specially causes the train longitudinal impulse primary factor----The brake characteristic constant speed question,the use simulation method simulation calculates under under each kind of grouping condition,each kind of brake operating mode brake characteristic.Take the bicycle tentative data as the foundation computation,extracts three kind of buffer characteristics,again each kind of buffer application in train longitudinal dynamics computation.In simulation 20,000 ton train each kind of situation the longitudinal dynamics characteristic,grouping had considered 1 + 2 + 1,2 + 0 + 2,2 + 2 + 3 kind of situations, applied the brake to consider the biggest reduced pressure quantity commonly used brake and the emergency brake,the buffer has considered HM-1,HM-2,the MT-2 three kind of buffers.Has analyzed the HM-1 buffer using the simulation result in three kind of grouping situations,the commonly used brake and in the emergency brake situation vehicle stress on hook stress characteristic and the distribution rule,gave the most large cart stress on hook to have the position.In 2+0+2 grouping situations the most large cart stress on hook distribution is by the front part bearing,behind is pulled for the main characteristic,the most large cart stress on hook occurs in the train 1/4 and 3/4.1+2+1 grouping trains are close in the stress characteristic and two 2+0+2 grouping trains.Looking from the vehicle stress on hook that, groups the situation is 1+2+1 grouping best,next is 2+0+2 grouping,2+2+0 worst.To did not have the draw link and has in the draw link two kind of situation vehicle stresses on hook to carry on the analysis.Has conducted the comparison research to three kind of buffer under each kind of operating mode vehicle stresses on hook.This work provides the reference for the buffer appraisal,provides the basis for correct choice train grouping and the buffer.


