

The Analysis of Narrative Art of David Lodge’s Campus Trilogy

【作者】 郄丽娟

【导师】 赖骞宇;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 《换位》、《小世界》和《好工作》是当代著名的小说家戴维·洛奇20世纪七八十年代创作的校园小说,被评论界誉为“校园三部曲”,也是其巅峰之作。本论文采用结构主义叙事学理论,对“校园三部曲”的叙事艺术进行了分析。在叙述话语层面上,“校园三部曲”采用了传统的外在式叙述者为主、故事内人物叙述者为辅的模式,外在式叙述者叙述的客观化、有序化和故事内人物叙述者的主观性、真实性相结合,使作品呈现出一种客观冷峻的面貌,同时又具有浓厚的主观色彩;同时,外在式聚焦与内在式聚焦灵活转换,使作品具有真实感和亲切感;预叙和倒叙的运用引起读者的阅读期待;叙述语言既具有英国文学的幽默讽刺传统,又同时采用互文性的实验叙述技巧,使小说呈现出浓厚的学术氛围。在叙述结构层面,“校园三部曲”的表层结构与深层结构相得益彰。小说在表层上采用宏观的历时性结构,同时配以空间并置的手法,两相结合,既显示出宽广的视野,又生动形象。而小说的深层,更蕴含了一个二元对立的结构,很好地表现了英美两国文化的冲突与对立、珀斯对纯真爱情的追寻和学者们对名利性爱的追寻的对立、校园文化与工业文化的冲突与对立的主题。洛奇是一位身处后现代主义浪潮中的位于“十字路口”的小说家,他将现实主义的传统叙事技巧与现代主义、后现代主义的实验性叙事技巧相融合,体现了其兼容并蓄的叙事特色。

【Abstract】 David Lodge, who is a well- known contemporary novelist, is mainly famous for his Campus Trilogy: Changing Places, Small World and Nice Work written in 70-80 in the 20 century.This thesis intends to make a comprehensive study of Lodge’s Campus Trilogy on the basis of the theory of classical narratology.In the narrative discourse plane, Campus Trilogy use the traditional external narrator primarily and the character narrator as a supplement mode. Objective and order of the external-narrator combine with subjective and authenticity of the character narrator, cause the works to present one kind of objective solemn appearance, also have a strong and subjective color. At the same time, the flexible conversion between the external focalization and the internal focalization, have a feeling of reality and kindness. Flashforward and flashback cause readers looking forward to reading. In the narrative discourse, the experimental narrative technique which uses the intertextuality and the ironic humor tradition in English Literature, have a strong academic atmosphere.In the narrative structure plane, the surface structure and the deep structure combine perfectly in the Campus Trilogy. In the surface structure, the novels use macroscopic diachronic structure; simultaneously match the spatial juxtaposition technique. Both of them demonstrate a broad field of vision and a vivid image. In the deep structure, the novels contain a dualistic structure, which manifests the subjects of the conflict of culture in Britain and the United States, the conflict of Perce who pursues pure love and scholars who pursue fame, fortune and sex, the conflict of culture in campus and industry.Lodge is a novelist at the "crossroads" in the wave of Post-modernism. He integrates the traditional narrative techniques of Realism with the experimental narrative techniques of Modernism and Post-modernism in the novels. In a word, Campus Trilogy demonstrate the inclusive narrative feature.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期

