

【作者】 吴倩

【导师】 丘克强;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 物理化学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着电子产品更新换代速度加快,电子废弃物已经成为继城市生活垃圾之后增长速度最快且最难处理的垃圾之一。如何有效处理废弃电路板,同时避免二次污染已成为当前研究的热点。回收废弃电路板技术较多,从以前对金属的单一回收,逐渐发展到如对废弃电路板中所有资源的回收。热解技术处理电路板中的非金属组成,不仅能够实现其中金属的回收,而且能将树脂、玻璃纤维等非金属成分资源化,有着非常广阔的发展前景。真空热解技术是热解技术的一种扩展,它在应用于处理废弃电路板的研究能有更好的效果,本文应用真空技术处理废弃电路板,对真空热解废弃电路板的相关工艺条件及热解产物展开研究。本文采用程序升温的管式炉反应器对废弃电路板环氧树脂进行了在真空条件下的热解实验,考查了热解终温、升温速率、真空度(压力)、保温时间及冷凝温度等因素对热解产物产率的影响,着重探讨了真空热解废弃电路板环氧树脂最佳工艺条件。研究表明,温度是对热解油产率的影响最重要因素。升温速率、真空度及保温时问对热解油产率也有重要影响作用。选择适当的热解温度(400~550℃)、升温速率(15~20℃/min)、真空度(压力15kPa)、保温时间(30min)及冷凝温度(-25℃)有利于提高热解油的产率。利用FT-IR分析、GC/MS、元素分析、SEM等技术对真空热解液体、固体及气体产物进行了分析表征,研究了不同真空条件和热解终温对热解油产物理化特性及组成的影响。结果表明,液体产物的密度等理化性质会随着真空度的变化发生改变;在不同热解条件下,产物的组成相似但各组分含量不同。真空热解油主要由酚类及部分溴化物组成;真空热解废弃电路板所得固体产物主要由焦炭和玻璃纤维组成,气体产物主要由H2、CO、CO2、CH4、C2H6等组成。

【Abstract】 Due to the rapid replacement of old model by latest advanced model time to time caused short average lifespan of electrical and electronic equipment(EEE) and conse quently led to yield mass generation of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).WEEE had become the fastest growing and the most difficlut to be disp osed solid waste following the city and industry waste.How to deal with the waste PCB while avoiding secondary pollution had become a hot research.Several technogies had been applied to dispose of waste PCB, compared to just metal recovery, it had develped into recycling of all resources of waste PCB.One possible method of recycling printed circuit boards and recovering both the organic and non-organic fraction is pyrolysis. Pyrolysis is a thermal recycling technique that has been widely researched as a method of recycling synthetic polymers including polymers that are mixed with glass fibres,which has been the most widely studied. vacuum Pyrolysis is an extension of pyrolysis,which has a better effect on disposing waste PCB. Therefore,the present paper investigated the process and products of vacuum Pyrolysis.The effects of vacuum pyrolysis conditions on the products yield of epoxy resin in waste printed circuit boards were studied using the pyrolysis oven heated by temperature controller. The effect of temperature, heating rate,pressure , hold time and condensing temperature on the yield of vacuum pyrolysis production were analyzed. Experimental results showed that temperature was the key factor during the vacuum pyrolysis process, at the same time, heating rate, pressure and hold time were not neglected factor on the product yield. Suggested the following optimisation conditions for the liquid yield from the vacuum pyrolysis process: temperature (400-550°C), heating rate (15-20°C/min), pressure (15 kPa), hold time (30 min), condensing temperature (-25°C).The compositions of vacuum pyrolysis products were analyzed by FT-IR , GC/MS, Ultimate analysis and SEM. And the component’s distribution of liquid yield on different pressure and pyrolysis temperature were studied in detail. Experimental results showed that the density of liquid yield chnged with diffierent pressure, component’s distribution of liquid yield was different with different conditions. The vacuum pyrolysis liquid consisted of phenolic organic compound and bromic organic compound. The solid of pyrolysis products main contained coke and glass fiber, and the pyrolysis gas main contained H2、CO、CO2、CH4、C2H6.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

