

Yan Fu’s Translation of Tianyan Lun under Lefevere’s Manipualtion Theory

【作者】 孙爱娟

【导师】 贾文波;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 比利时学者安德烈·勒菲弗尔(Andre Lefevere)是操纵学派的代表人物之一,他认为翻译分为四个层次:意识、诗学、论域和语言,同时他指出译者不仅要翻译词句,更重要的是翻译意识、诗学和论域。基于佐哈尔和福柯的翻译理论,他在《翻译、重写以及对文学名声的操纵》一书中,把翻译放到政治、意识形态、经济和文化背景中,深入探讨了翻译过程中影响翻译策略的各个层面的限制,引入了“改写”这一重要概念,认为翻译是对原文的改写,同时指出,在不同的历史条件下,改写主要受到两方面限制:意识形态和诗学形态。意识形态主要从政治、经济和社会地位方面来限制和引导改写者的创作,而诗学形态则是改写者进行创作时所处的文化体系的重要组成部分。勒菲弗尔的“改写观”重视译语文本的作用,扩大了人们对翻译现象的认识,开拓了翻译研究的新视野,对现代译学研究提供了一个新的视角。严复是近代中国重要的启蒙思想家和翻译家,他翻译的《天演论》等西方著作,第一次比较系统的把西方资产阶级的政治、经济等思想介绍到中国来。毛泽东在《论人民民主专政》中说严复是“在中国共产党出世以前向西方寻找真理的一派人物”中的四大代表人物之一。翻译界素有“译才并世数严林”,严复作为近代史上重要的翻译家不仅有一百七十多万字的译作,还提出了“信、达、雅”的翻译准则,其对翻译影响之深远可想而知。《天演论》是严复译作中一部非常重要的作品,它以其独特的思想内容,典雅的表达方式,深远的社会意义迅速激起了人们救亡图存的爱国热情,并鼓舞了鲁迅、胡适等一大批无产阶级知识分子对救国救民真理的探求。本文试从勒菲弗尔操纵理论的视角来研究严复的《天演论》翻译。《天演论》翻译中存在着大量的改写,根据勒菲弗尔的操纵理论,翻译是对原文的一种改写,而改写要受意识形态和诗学形态两方面的限制,因此改写者往往会对原作进行一定程度上的调整,使其符合改写者所处时期占统治地位的意识形态和诗学形态,笔者认为严复的《天演论》翻译是意识形态和诗学观综合操纵的结果。本文共分四章:首先重点讲述勒菲弗尔操纵理论的核心概念——改写。分三点分别系统介绍操纵理论的相关理论基础,详细归纳勒菲弗尔操纵理论的改写观,并重点引出限制改写的因素——意识形态和诗学形态;继而着重阐述严复的《天演论》翻译中存在的意识形态和诗学观方面的操纵。首先介绍赫胥黎的《进化论与伦理学》原本以及严复的《天演论》译本,然后分别从意识形态和诗学观两种操纵方法的角度详细地概括《天演论》翻译中存在的操纵;然后详细分析严复的意识形态和诗学观的特点。首先介绍严复所处的时代背景及当时的社会主流意识形态和诗学观,进而挖掘出严复的意识形态是超前的,诗学观是符合时代的潮流的;最后全面分析严复的《天演论》翻译是受严复本人意识形态和诗学观综合操纵的结果。笔者分别从严复的意识形态与诗学观对翻译选材和翻译策略的操纵着手,采用大量的翻译实例来详细分析论证。综上所述,严复的《天演论》翻译是受其意识形态和诗学观综合操纵的结果。笔者通过对《天演论》翻译的研究加深对严复翻译的理解与认识,对其在特定时期所做的贡献给出合理的个人评价。

【Abstract】 AndréLefevere is one of the representatives of manipulation school in translation. He believes that translation consists of four systems: ideology, poetics, register and language, and points out that translator should not only translate words and sentences, but also the ideology, poetics, and register. After adopting the contributions to translation studies made by Even-Zohar and Michel Foucault, he proposes the concept of rewriting in his book Translation, Rewriting and the Manipulation of Literary Fame, and tries to study translation in the context of politics, ideology, economy and culture, discussing further factors restricting the rewriting in translation. In Lefevere’s words, translation is a rewriting of the original text. All rewritings, whatever their intentions, reflect a certain ideology and poetics and as such manipulate literature to function in a given society in a given way. Rewriting is manipulation, undertaken in the service of power, and in its positive aspect can help in the evolution of a literature and a society. Rewriting can introduce new concepts, new genres, new devices, and the history of translation is also the history of literary innovation, of the shaping power of one culture upon another (Lefevere, 2004a: viii). The concepts of rewriting in Lefevere’s Manipulation Theory put emphasis on the function of the target text, expanding people’s understanding towards translation phenomenon, broadening the translation field and offering a new perspective for the modern translation study.Yan Fu is an important enlightenment thinker and translator in modern China. He first systematically introduces Western thoughts into China, such as, Huxley’ Evolution and Ethics, Adam Smith’s An Inquiry into Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, etc. After his translation and introduction, the Western thoughts gradually spread in China. Mao Zedong once said: "Yan Fu is among the first group who are seeking truth from the West before the emergence of the Communist Party, and he is one of the four who are the most outstanding" (李泽厚126). Yan Fu, as an important translator in modern Chinese, not only owns the fame of talent in translation, translating over 1700000 words, but also proposes the translation criteria "Xin, Da, Ya", so his influence exerted on translation is profound without fail. TianYan Lun(《天演论》下同) is one of his most important works in translation, characterized by its distinctive content, elegant language expression and profound social function. Its emergence stimulates a lot of people’s affectionate patriotism to save the country from extinction and struggle for survival, and encourages a number of advanced literati to seek the truth of saving the nation from aggression and exploration, such as Lu Xun and Hu Shi. This thesis tries to study Yan Fu’s translation of TianYan Lun from the perspective of Lefevere’s Manipulation Theory. There exist a lot of rewritings in Yan Fu’s translation of TianYan Lun. According to manipulation theory, translation is a rewriting of the original text, and the rewriting will be manipulated by ideology and poetics, so rewriters will rewrite the original text to conform to the dominant ideology and poetics of particular time in translation. Therefore the author of this thesis sounds that Yan Fu’s translation of TianYan Lun is manipulated by his ideology and poetics. This thesis includes four chapters:Chapter 1 serves as the theoretical basis for the present thesis, focusing on the core of Lefevere’s Manipulation Theory—rewriting. Polysystem Theory and Power Discourse Theory will be briefly introduced as the theoretical basis relevant to manipulation in translation. The rewriting in Lefevere’s Manipulation Theory, ideology and poetics manipulating rewriting in translation will be discussed respectively.Chapter 2 concentrates mainly on the manipulation existing in Yan Fu’s translation of TianYan Lun. First the original Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays(《进化论与伦理学》下同) written by Huxley and the Chinese version TianYan Lun translated by Yan Fu will be briefly elaborated. Then, the author will give a general survey of the manipulations in TianYan Lun from the ideological approach and poetical approaches. Chapter 3 explores the personality of Yan Fu’s ideology and poetics from the background of the dominant ideology and poetics in his times. His ideology is exceeding the age, his poetics is following his times, and both the two factors exert great manipulation on his translation.Chapter 4 makes thorough analyses that Yan Fu’s translation of TianYan Lun is manipulated by his ideology and poetics. The manipulation by his ideology and poetics in his choice of translation materials and translation strategies will be analyzed respectively with enough translation examples.In conclusion, the author sounds that Yan Fu’s translation of TianYan Lun is a manipulation determined by his ideology and poetics. Through the study of Yan Fu’s translation of TianYan Lun from the perspective of Lefevere’s Manipulation Theory, the author deepens the understanding and study on Yan Fu’s translation, and makes a reasonable comment on Yan Fu’s contribution to China’s translation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

