

【作者】 周良

【导师】 李力;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 深海采矿车是整个深海采矿系统的基础核心单元,它将行走于地形十分复杂的钴结壳及海底硫化物富集区域,因此必须具备优良的可行驶性、机动性、牵引性、稳定性和可靠性,良好的附着性能和爬坡、越障、避障能力。本文根据深海采矿车的技术指标及性能要求,采用了铰接履带式作为深海钴结壳及多金属硫化物采矿车方案。基于ADAMS/View、ADAMS/ATV软件建立了铰接式履带车的虚拟样机模型。设计了一种铰接机构并采用ADAMS参数化设计理论对其进行了优化。完成了铰接式履带车翻越垂直障碍、过沟、爬坡工况的行驶性能仿真研究,获得了铰接式履带车各种地形的极限通过能力及各主要零部件的动力学参数。仿真结果表明,铰接式履带车的最大越障高度为0.7m,最大过沟宽度为1.1m,最大爬坡坡度为30度。基于有限元理论,根据动力学仿真结果,利用ANSYS软件开展了铰接式履带车在复杂地形上前后车底盘的有限元分析,获得了前后车底盘在爬坡,过沟,越障工况下的应力分布和变形情况,提出了底盘改进方案。利用PRO/E软件建立了铰接机构的三维模型,完成了运动学干涉分析。利用动力学仿真的结果对铰接机构各构件进行了有限元分析,获得了铰接机构各构件在爬坡,过沟,越障工况下的应力分布和变形情况。有限元分析结果表明,铰接机构构件及改进后底盘的刚度和强度满足设计要求。

【Abstract】 Deep-sea mining vehicle, which will operate on the complex terrain full of cobalt crust and polymetallic sulfide, is the basal element of the deep-sea mining system. It is necessary for the vehicle to have good maneuverability, stability and reliability, and good performances of climbing slopes, surmounting and avoiding obstacles.This paper brings forward a articulated crawler project according to the technical specifications and performance requirements of the deep-sea mining vehicle. A virtual prototype model of the articulated crawler has been built based on ADAMS/VIEW and ADAMS/ATV. A optimization design of a new articulation mechanism has been carried out. The dynamic simulations of the articulated crawler under different working conditions, such as obstacles, ditches as well as slopes have been accomplished. Dynamic data of the articulated crawler has been obtained from the simulations. The results show that the articulated crawler has the ability to climb an obstacle with the height up to 0.9m, span a ditch with the width of 1.1m, climb a slope with the gradient of 30 degrees.According to the results of the dynamic simulation, the finite element analysis of the articulated crawler has been fulfilled under different working conditions. The stress and strain on the chassis of the front vehicle and rear vehicle have been studied and an improvement scheme has been put forward. Structure design of the articulation mechanism based on PRO/E has been brought to success in accord with the results of the optimization design. Strength analysis and stiffness analysis of every part of the articulation mechanism has also been done. The results of the finite element analysis indicate that the articulated crawler has good reliability and adaptability of complex terrains and reliability, which can meet the demands of deep-sea mining system.

【关键词】 铰接式履带车ADAMSANSYS铰接机构
【Key words】 articulated crawlerADAMSANSYSArticulated mechanism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

