

【作者】 陈柏球

【导师】 佘果辉; 郑伯红;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 城市道路网系统是城市交通系统的主要方面,城市道路等级级配及其布局是否合理、道路功能是否清晰,直接影响到道路交通系统能否适应社会经济的发展,各交通方式能否相互协调并密切配合,道路网布局能否产生最佳的社会经济效益,人和物的出行是否方便、迅速、舒适、经济和安全。城市道路网系统是城市交通的主要载体,它对交通的制约因素是问题成因的主要方面。目前国内城市道路网系统中,“道路功能不明晰,道路级配不合理”的矛盾最为突出,然而,关于城市道路网的研究主要集中在道路功能层次结构方面,对于何种道路等级级配和间距才能保障道路功能充分发挥等一些细节问题研究较少。鉴于此,文章以城市道路网系统特征作为切入点,采用了定性的方法对城市道路的功能结构作深入的分析,并对城市道路网等级结构、布局结构分别采用了定性和定量分析相结合的方法对城市道路网系统结构深入的研究。文章以邵阳市规划道路网为实例,验证了本文所提出观点的实际应用,指出邵阳市道路网规划的不足之处并提出修改建议。最后指出我国大中城市城市道路网系统功能结构、等级结构、布局结构有“三位一体”的关系。

【Abstract】 Urban road network system is a major part of transportation facilities. The scientificity of its network grade proportion and its layout ,the specificity of its functions immediately decide whether it can meet social and economic development, whether the urban traffic system could work efficiently as a whole, whether its layout can maximize social and economic benefit, and whether it can ensure the safety of pedestrian and vehicles.As the backbone of the urban traffic system,urban road network system will restrict the development of the former.In China,the non-scientificity of its network proportion and the non-specificity of its functions is a striking problem, but the current study of urban road network pays little attention to them. Instead, the focus is being on the structure of the network’s function. Therefore, this paper started with analysis of road network system’s features, and makes a qualitative analysis of road network system’s function, and then makes a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the grading structure and layout of the urban road-network system.The opinions prove valuable in practice by taking urban-road-network system planning of ShaoYang City as a study case, and points out its weaknesses and makes corrective suggestions.Finally, the paper shows a tripartite relation between function construction, grading construction and layout construction in large to medium cities in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

