

【作者】 刘勤

【导师】 刘春湘;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 行政管理, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 近年来,随着非营利组织的蓬勃兴起,角色日益重要,社会对其期望也越来越高。在环境不断变换的当代社会,以公益性为目的的非营利组织在不断发展的同时,也面临了组织治理、绩效提升、角色定位等问题。鉴于此,本文以非营利组织理事会治理作为切入点,运用多学科理论研究相结合,比较研究、制度研究和案例研究等方法,经过调查、访谈、实地考查以及实证研究,透过多方面的因素,研究非营利组织理事会与非营利组织绩效的相关性。在梳理了现有国内外关于非营利组织理事会治理和组织绩效评价的文献研究成果的基础上,本研究提出了非营利组织理事会治理的五个要素和衡量组织绩效的四个指标,并构建出非营利组织理事会治理与组织绩效相关性的一般框架,用以研究非营利组织理事会与非营利组织绩效的相关性。论文主要包括以下内容:绪论部分包括问题的提出、现有研究文献的回顾与评论、研究设计和研究局限。第二章主要是对核心概念的界定和研究框架的设计。这其中主要包括非营利组织的概念、非营利组织理事会治理的概念、非营利组织绩效的概念等。第三章是本文的实证研究部分,本文以新疆红十字会为样本进行实证研究分析,以理事会治理要素和衡量组织绩效的要素为指标,运用SPSS对相关数据进行了处理,并分析了理事会与非营利组织绩效之间的相关性。以期望通过理论和实际相结合,验证和完善理论框架,从理事会治理的角度出发,切实提高非营利组织绩效。第四章是研究结论和对策建议。在全面系统研究了非营利组织理事会治理和组织绩效的关系后,通过理论框架的构建和实证研究的结果,从不同方面对非营利组织绩效的提升提出策略性建议,并探讨目前非营利组织理事会自身建设程度以及在社会中所扮演的角色的功能。希望本文提出的相关建议,对政府和非营利组织能起到一些参考作用,最终来推动社会各界为人民多创造福祉。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the burgeoning development and increasingly important roles of non-profit organizations, the society is having a high expectation on them. In the changing environment of contemporary society, non-profit organizations, whose main purpose is public interest, are also facing various problems, like the positioning of its role, organizational management, performance improvement and so on.In view of this, we use the governance of NPO’S Council as a starting point of this article. Using combination of multi-disciplinaries’ theoretical study, a comparative study , systematic study and case study and so on, we have conducted surveys, interviews, field studies, as well as empirical researches, through a wide range of factors to study the relevance between non-profit organizations and the performance of NPO’S Council. Based on the existing domestic and international study on NPO’S Council management and the evaluation of performance, this study put forward five elements of NPO’S Council management ,and four indicators of organizational performance .we have also built a general structure of management and performance of NPO’S Council, in order to study the relevance between non-profit organizations and the performance of NPO’S Council. The contents of this paper are as follows:The introduction part includes the raise of the problem, the review and comment of the existing research literature, the design and limitations of the study.ChapterⅡis about the definition of the core concept, and the design of the framework of the study. This part mainly includes the concept of NPO, the concept of the NPO’S Council management ,and the concept of the performance of NPO.ChapterⅢis the empirical research part of this article. This paper takes the Xinjiang Red Cross as an example to conduct the case study. Using the elements of NPO’S Council management and organizational performance as indicators. We have also used SPSS for data processing, and analysed the relevance between non-profit organizations and the performance of NPO’S Council. We are hoping that, through a combination of theoretical and practical study, to verify and improve the theoretical framework, and to improve the performance of non-profit organizations effectively.ChapterⅣis to examine the conclusions and put forward suggestions. After a comprehensive and systematic study of the relevance between non-profit organizations and the performance of NPO’S Council. We have put forward some strategic proposals from different aspects. We have also discussed the construction of non-profit organizations, and the roles they have in societies. Hoping the suggestions can play a role in the references for the Government and non-profit organizations ,and eventually encouraging the communities to create more well-beings for people.

【关键词】 理事会组织绩效治理
【Key words】 councilorganizational performancemanagement
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期

