

A Study on the Group of Literati in Shaoxing Area during the Southern Song Dynasty

【作者】 王遥江

【导师】 陈国灿;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 所谓文人群体,就是指通过交游唱和等活动而有联系的文人,在特定环境空间和特定时间内组成的群体,他们在创作、思想、人格等方面相互影响。两宋时期,文人群体化现象日趋普遍,尤其是宋室南渡以后,文人群体活动更趋活跃。南宋绍兴地区文化发达,文人汇聚,彼此交游,迭相唱和,成为文人群体较为活跃的一个区域。通过对绍兴地区文人群体活动情况的考察与分析,可以从一个侧面,透视南宋文人群体的发展情况及特点。本文的研究主要分三部分展开。第一部分,重点分析南宋不同阶段绍兴文人群体的发展、演变及其活动情况。在宋室南渡初期,活动于绍兴地区较为典型的文人群体,主要有以曾几为核心的文人群体和以王十朋为核心的文人群体。这些饱尝了战乱流离之苦、山河破碎之痛、民族屈辱之愤的文人们,在这个巨变时代,诗歌风格、审美趣尚都发生了明显变化。南宋中期,绍兴地区较为典型的文人群体,有以陆游为核心的文人群体和以辛弃疾为核心的文人群体。此期绍兴文坛呈繁荣之态势,诗词创作均取得了辉煌成就。到了南宋后期,朝野上下生活在醉生梦死的“苟安”时代,绍兴地区出现了以吴文英为代表的文人群体,随着蒙古铁骑的突如其来,沉睡在酣梦中的宋末士子终于猛然惊醒,于是绍兴地区出现了一大批爱国忧民、崇尚民族气节的志士型文人群体。他们结社唱和,为宋代文坛谱写出了光辉的最后一页。第二部分,分析了绍兴文人群体的特点。从成员结构来看,按籍贯划分,可以分为本籍文人和客籍文人,按文人性格类型划分,可以分为英雄志士型、江湖名士型、恬淡不竞型。从活动类型来看,可以分为家族型、师承型、文友型、结社唱和型四种。从创作特点来看,主要从创作思想、作品题材、创作风格三个方面对文人群体进行了分析。第三部分,分析了绍兴地区文人群体活动的影响。从文学领域来看,绍兴地区文人群体在诗词创作方面均取得了不少成绩,在南宋文学领域里是一股不容忽视的力量。从文化方面来看,绍兴文人群体的交游唱和等活动,对绍兴地方文化的发展和繁荣作出了不可磨灭的贡献。从历史角度来看,绍兴文人群体的活动,在中国文学发展史和文化发展史上都具有重要意义。通过对绍兴地区文人群体的分析,我们可以看出,南宋文人群体就是由这样一个个地域性文人群体构成的。地域性文人群体的作品,往往带有某地的地域文化特征。地域性文人群体的创作氛围较为自由,这有利于文人的健康成长;文坛领袖、核心文人,在文人群体的形成过程中起到关键性作用。文人个体与群体之间是相互影响,相辅相成的关系。根据研究内容的需要,本文主要采用以下两种方法进行研究:一是时空还原的方法:二是交叉综合的方法。

【Abstract】 The so-called the group of literati that is the literati which is linked by means of activities about mutual responsory, make up of groups in a particular environment space and time, they interacted in writing, thinking, personality and other aspects. The phenomenon of the literati become groups is more and more popular in the Song Dynasty, especially after the Song Dynasty south boat through the Yangtze River, the group of literati created more and more active. The culture in Shaoxing area is development, literatis get together, make friends with each other through responsory, that become a region which the group of literati is active during the Southern Song Dynasty. Through the study and analysis of the activities that about the group of literati in Shaoxing area, we can be from one side to give a thorough analysis of the development and characteristics about the group of literati during the Southern Song Dynasty.The study of this thesis is divided into three parts to start. The first part, focused on analysis of the development, evolution and activities which the group of literati in Shaoxing area mede ai the different stages during the Southern Song Dynasty. The typical group of literati in the Shaoxing area mainly have two, one is that Zeng Ji at the core of the group of literati and the other is that Wang ShiPeng at the core of the group of literati during the early Southern Song Dynasty. They have suffered the hardship of the war displaced, the pain of a broken nation and the humiliation of their nation, the obvious changes of their poetry style, aesthetic interest have taken place in this great changed era ., The group of literati that is more typical in Shaoxing area which one is Lu You as the core of the group and the other is Xin Qiji as the core of the group during the mid-Southern Song Dynasty. In this period of time, literary trend was prosperity, poetry creation have been made a brilliant achievements in Shaoxing area., the ruling and opposition parties to live in the times of dreams of "seek security", there appear the group of literati that represented by Wu WenYin in Shaoxing by the late Southern Song Dynasty . With the Mongolian army’s suddenly invasion, The Late Song Han Scholars finally awoke suddenly from the dream of sleeping , there emerge a large number of the group of literati which is noble-minded who is patriotic and worried about the people, and who is advocating national pride in Shaoxing area. They associated and respond with poetry and Ci, write out the last brilliant page in the Song literature. The second part, an analysis of the characteristics of the group of literati in Shaoxing area. Judging from the membership’s structure, According to place of origin, can be divided into the domicile and guest, according to personality type, can be divided into people can be divided into the heroic and with lofty ideals type, Jianghu famous type, quiet and not competition type. Judging from the types of activities, can be divided into four types that are family-type, the modeled after type, literary friendship type, type that associated and respond with poetry and Ci. From the point of view of the working feature, analyzed the group of literati mainly from the three aspect that are creative idea, theme selection and work style. The third part, analysed the influence of the activities which made by the group of literati in Shaoxing area. From the literature, the group of literati in Shaoxing area had achieved a number of accomplishments in the area of the poetry and Ci ,they is a force that can not be ignored in the literature in the Southern Song Dynasty. From the culture point of view, the friendship and responsory that made by the group of literati in Shaoxing area made indelible contributions to the development and prosperity of regional culture of Shaoxing. From a historical point of view, the activities which made by the group of literati in Shaoxing area had a great significance in the history of development in Chinese literature and cultural. From the analysis of the group of literati in Shaoxing area, we can see that the group of literati in the Southern Song Dynasty is composed of the regional group of literati like Shaoxing area. The works of the regional group of literati often with a particular geographical and cultural characteristics of one region. The regional group of literati Regional writers groups have a more freedom creative atmosphere, which is conducive to the healthy growth of the literati; The leader in literature or the core literati play a key role in the process of formation of the group of literati. The relationship between the individual and groups is interacting and mutually supportive.In accordance with the needs of the study, the following two methods be made in this thesis: First, restorage of time and space; Second, intercross synthesis.


