

The Research of Project-Based Learning in Information Technology Course of Middle School

【作者】 杨晓丽

【导师】 丁革建;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 新世纪,社会的迅速发展和信息技术的普及给教育带来了新的机遇,同时也提出了新的挑战,新世纪的教育正呈现出一系列新的变革趋势。很多国家正进行着以基础课程改革为核心的教育改革,新的教学方法、手段和模式层出不穷。本文所涉及的“基于项目的学习”模式就是一种全新的教学模式。全球越来越多学校开始构建PBL项目教学,基于项目学习方式中的建构性学习文化将进一步得以推广和实现。本课题根据信息技术课的特点,以及学生的兴趣所在,提出在信息技术教学中开展了基于项目的学习的实践研究,以期为信息技术教学提供可借鉴的经验和建议,并希望通过实践后能发现该教学方法在信息技术教学实践中的优点及不足,并对其进行创新和完善。本文在信息技术环境下,把基于项目的学习方法与中学信息技术学科相结合,从理论与实践两个方面对信息技术课程中开展基于项目的学习进行研究。笔者在分析国内外文献、研究基础上,对基于项目的学习的相关理论进行了研究;对在中学信息技术课中开展基于项目的学习进行教学设计、课堂结构设计、评价量表设计以及基于项目的学习网站的开发设计;之后对典型的项目案例进行介绍、分析,最后总结实践研究的成效和不足。本论文共分为六部分,即绪论、对在信息技术课中开展基于项目的学习的背景及意义的认识、对基于项目的学习的理论框架的学习、对基于项目的学习的研究现状的研究分析、在中学信息技术课开展基于项目的学习的实践研究、案例分析、总结与反思。第一章,绪论部分主要是对研究课题的的背景、信息技术教育的普及情况、我国信息技术教育的现状与目标、以及课题研究意义的简要的阐述。第二章,文章首先介绍了“项目(project)”和“基于项目的学习(Project-Based Learning)”等概念,并给出了这种学习方式的基本涵义;为加深对基于项目的学习模式的认识,论文接着对该学习模式与其他几种容易混淆的学习方式做出比较;最后分析了基于项目的学习的基本流程。第三章,通过文献分析,认识基于项目的学习在国内外的研究现状;并对搜集的数据进行分析、总结。第四章,首先介绍的是教学实践初始阶段的活动,即教学实践的准备阶段;接着对行动探究的教学设计做了分析;然后是学生学习活动探究的过程以及设计评价量表的介绍;最后对为了更好的开展基于项目的学习而设计开发的“基于项目的学习网站”的简要概述。第五章,根据第四章所介绍的教学实践,给出三个典型的教学案例;并对案例做了相关分析。第六章,根据教学实践经验,总结了基于项目的学习模式在信息技术课中的应用情况;并分析了实践应用的不足,同时探索了PBL在课程中应用的反正方向。

【Abstract】 In the new century, the rapid development of society and the spread of the information technology brought new opportunities to our education, and brought the new challenges to education at the same time. The education in new century is showing a series of new changes in the trend. A lot of countries are engaged in a education reformation based on the core of curriculum reform. Many new teaching methods and teaching models appeared.In this thesis, the teaching model of "the Project-Based Leading (PBL)" is an entirely new model. More and more schools in the world began to build the Project-Based Leading Teaching Model. The culture of the construction learning theory will be further to the promotion and implementation.In this study, according to the characteristics of information technology courses and the interest of the students, the author carried out a practice research of the PBL used in the information technology education. The objectives of the study are to provide experience and recommendations to information technology education. And the author hoped to find its strengths and weaknesses after the research of using teaching method of PBL, and hoped to bring innovation and improvement to the PBL model.Under the information technology environment, the article carries out the research of the PBL from theory to practice by combining the Project-Based Learning with the information technology subject. The author carried out the research about the PBL by analyzing the literature and the research at home and abroad. And the author designs the instruction, the class construction, evaluation of scale and a website about the PBL. Then the article introduced and analysed some typical projects. And the lase part is the effectiveness and the introspective writing of the research.The thesis is divided into six parts. They are The Introduction, Get to know the background and significance of the PBL learning method, The study of the theoretical framework of PBL, The status analysis on the research of PBL, The practice research on using PBL in the information technology curriculum, The cases studies, and The summary and the reflection.In the first part, the author proposed that carry out PBL model in the information technology, based on the analysis of the popularization of education and the status and objectives of the information technology education in our country. In addition to this, the author provided a brief exposition of the significance on the research.The second part of article is to present the concept of the PBL. Then, by of comparing with other learning methods, the author had a better understanding of the PBL, and the author gave an overview of the process of PBL.The third part, the author understand the status of the PBL of the home and abroad by the literature analysis, and analyzed the data which the author collected.In part four, the author began to introduce the process of the research. This part introduces the activity of the preparation of the research, and the teaching design of carrying out the PBL method in the information technology. And then briefly introduces the development and the design study of the PBL web set.The fifth part introduces mainly about some typical cases, and gives a correlation analysis.The last part is a summary through the author’s practice research, and the author analyzed the result of the research, while exploring the direction of the PBL application.


