

On Marriage Narration of Agricultural Cooperative

【作者】 刘芳波

【导师】 袁盛勇;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 自1950年代开始至“文革”结束期间,创作农业合作化小说成为一股意识形态色彩很浓的文学潮流,在这个文学潮流里蕴藏着丰富的文学内涵,已有人从政治、文化和社会学等角度作了研究。本文从婚恋层面和叙事学角度切入分析,以为合作化小说中的婚恋叙事的主要意图乃是为了配合宣传合作化运动的正确性及意义。具体以《山乡巨变》、《金光大道》、《艳阳天》、《三里湾》、《创业史》等十几部长篇小说和若干中短篇小说为文本,并以《创业史》为典型例子分析这些婚恋小说中的婚恋叙事是如何表现政治主题的,探讨其叙事逻辑,阐述它的模式化叙事弊病,探寻形成这种叙事方式的原因,从中揭示出农业合作化小说中婚恋叙事的历史文化内涵。除引言和结语外,本文主要从特征、后果和原因三个方面论述农业合作化小说中的婚恋叙事。第一部分从叙事学的“事件”和“叙述话语”角度分析合作化小说中的婚恋叙事特征是指向并服务于合作化运动的,并指出该特征具体表现在礼赞新时代的婚恋上,主要包括婚恋场所的公众化和择偶标准的时代化等方面。第二部分阐述婚恋叙事的政治指归带来的弊病:人物形象塑造上存在脸谱化倾向,而且人物的婚恋品质与道德品质、容貌长相呈对应关系,以及女性为衬托男性而存在;情节结构上有五种套路化叙事模式。第三部分探析形成这种叙事方式的原因,本文以为这既是客观的时代语境规训的结果,又有作家们主观上归顺的因素,他们通过改造叙事方式来完成这一叙事意图,包括改造延安时期以来的叙事模式,特别是化用战争文化思维和传统全知全能的视角等方式。本文通过梳理和分析合作化小说中的婚恋叙事这一文学现象,还原合作化小说这类时代性很强的作品以历史语境,试图从历史视野角度揭示时代语境对作家创作的规训作用及其带给文学创作的负面影响,以此拷问文学图解政治的极端功利性倾向。

【Abstract】 From 1950’s to the end of "Cultural Revolution" , the creating of agricultural cooperative novels became a literary creation trend full of political ideology. Within this seemingly simple literary phenomenon, there exists rich literary forms. Some people have already touched upon this topic from the perspectives of politics, culture, sociology, etc. This thesis is going to discuss this topic from the aspect of marriage and narration, do some whole reading on agricultural cooperative novels, According to this, we believe that the intention of marriage narration in cooperative novels is to advocate the correctness and significance of cooperative campaign. Taking the following works as concrete evidence: Great Change of Shan, Cotai Strip, Sunny, Three Mile Bay, Venture History, and making analysis by taking Venture History as central example. Besides, the paper will analyse how these marriage narrations reflect political theme, discuss its narrative logic and mode, and the kinds of narrative modes adopted by writers and its reasons, so as to reveal history culture connotation of marriage narration of agricultural cooperative novels.In addition to the introduction and conclutiong ,this thesis falls into three chapters . discuss The first part analyses the characteristics of marriage narration of cooperative from the angle of narrative "matter" and "narration utterances" ,expounding the key arguments of the paper—the characteristics of marriage narration of agricultural cooperative novels is for politics, for cooperatives., and it is specifically reflected on marriage of praise new era, mainly including the publicity of marriage location and the standard age of the choice of a mate. The second part illustrates the consequences brought by marriage narration political referring, including profiling of shaping characters and routines of plot structure. The third part deals with the causes of forming such kind of narrative mode. This paper ascribes it to the demands of objective period discipline context as well as the writers’ subjective obey. They accomplished this by applying the literary techniques such as comparison and transformation. However, the deep reason lies in the narrative habits since Yan’an Period and habitual thinking of war culture as well as the application of traditional omniscience.Through organizing and analysing the phenomenon of the marriage narration of cooperative novels, restoring the historical context of the cooperative novels full of times, the paper endeavors to reveal the discipline effect of the period context to the writers’ creation and its side effects to creation, thus to criticize the extremely utilitarianism tendency of politics illustrated by literature.


