

A Sociosemitiotic Approach to Translation of Chinese Public Signs

【作者】 屈婷婷

【导师】 王建军;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国在各个领域对外开放取得众所周知的成就。中国已经成为世界重要的旅游目的地、重大体育文化活动主办地、国际会议展览举办地、新科学技术策源地、国际贸易集散地、国际教育的生源地。来自世界的常住、短留人员足迹遍及中国31个省市、自治区。然而,一些街道名称、商店招牌、各地旅游点的介绍、其他对外宣传品等公示语的翻译和使用与中国现代化发展进程的实际需要有距离,还不能较好地满足国外受众对中国信息全面的、立体的需求,还不能贴近国外受众的思维和语言习惯。公示语又名揭示语,标识语,标记语,警示语,但“公示语”现在被广泛接受和使用。大部分公示语是常见于公共场所的特殊文本,表示对公众的某个要求或引起人们的某种注意。或用寥寥文字,或用简易的图示,或两者兼用,广泛应用于我们生活的各个方面。公示语翻译能否达到它本来的功能,不但影响到外国友人在中国的食、宿、行、游、娱、购,还关系到城市的精神面貌和整体形象,进而影响到我国的国际形象,我们必须予以足够关注。对公示语的任何歧意,误解,滥用都会导致不良后果。只有认真探讨英语公示语的功能意义和语言文化内涵,才能真正发挥英语公示语在我国与世界接轨过程中的信息服务作用。本文用社会符号学理论来阐述公示语的汉译英。社会符号学认为翻译就是翻译意义,包括指称意义,言内意义和语用意义。翻译的实质是文化交流,语言是一种独特的符号系统,具有信息功能、表达功能、祈使功能,美感功能,酬应功能、元语言功能。社会符号学理论树立的翻译标准是意义相符,功能相似。作者从社会符号学的角度具体阐述了如何翻译不同类型的公示语,怎样实现意义相符,功能相似。最后作者针对呼和浩特市公示语的英译所出现的问题来进行归类,并根据社会符号学的理论分析他们的问题所在。

【Abstract】 It is well known that China has achieved great progress in many fields since reforming and opening up. In China many political, economic and cultural activities have been performed and more will be. It goes without saying that large numbers of foreigners have lived in China and more will crowd into China with the development of China. So translation of public signs becomes a must. But many problematic public signs exist in various forms such as the names of roads, shops, tourist literature, menus and some other publicity materials. Standardization of translation of public signs has become urgent; otherwise the situation will become disproportionate to the development.Public signs, once called placard, is generally and widely used now. Most public signs can be seen in the public places, with some words, or pictures, or both on boards. Public signs have close relation with our lives, and of course translated public signs are closely related to foreigners’ lives in China. What’s more, it has some great effect on the image of country. So we should explore the meanings and functions of public signs and make a thorough study on the translation of public signs so that they can provide the proper information to foreigners and serve as communicators.The thesis deals with the translation of public signs from the perspective of sociosemiotics. Translation is translating meaning which includes designative meaning, linguistic meaning and pragmatic meaning. Translation is the translation of these three meanings. Translation is exchanging culture, and the understanding of the meaning cannot ignore the factors of society environment. Language is a unique system of signs. It has six functions: expressive function, information function, vocative function, aesthetic function, phatic function and metalingual function. When analyzing the functions of source text, translators should take the whole text into consideration. The translation criteria from the perspective of a sociosemiotic approach is "correspondence in meaning and similarity in function". The criteria lay emphasis on the meanings and functions of language as a communication tool. Meaning and function are two inseparable sides for translation criteria. The author discusses how to translate different types of public signs from the perspective of sociosemiotics. The author also classifies the problematic public signs appearing in Hohhot City into several groups and analyzes them with sociosemiotic approach.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期
  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【下载频次】361

