

Study on Important Physiological Characters Evolution Law of Maize Elite Inbred Lines and Its Derived Lines

【作者】 孔令杰

【导师】 董树亭; 刘鹏; 张吉旺;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 玉米骨干自交系在育种中发挥着重要作用,但是针对其演变过程中的农艺性状与生理特性的变化缺乏系统研究。本试验于2007年2008年在三个玉米主产区进行,主要生理特性及室内分析指标在山东农业大学作物生物学国家重点实验室进行。以黄早四及其衍生系、Mo17及其衍生系、掖478及其衍生系和衍生品种为试验材料,对骨干自交系演变过程中衍生系的产量、光合、植株性状、抗病性与生态适应性等性状的变化进行研究。研究结果表明:1、骨干亲本及其衍生系光合特性的变化新品种Pn的衰减率较低,花后30天新品种的Pn显著高于老品种四单19。各自交系间Pn基因型差异显著,但是与各类自交系的均值差异不一致;黄早四Pn高于改良、分离系的Pn,低于其衍生系回交改良系、单交选系、双交选系的Pn,而表现为明显的改良优势;Mo17及其衍生系Pn高于黄早四及其衍生系的Pn值,且Mo17的衍生系Pn与Mo17差异不明显,表现出遗传稳定性。各杂交种间的叶面积差异显著,ND108、ZD958、YD13的叶面积分别比SD19的叶面积增加了38.57%、21.87%、18.97%,新品种的叶面积高值持续期长;黄早四及其衍生系的叶面积大小顺序依次为:双交选系>单交选系>改良分离系>回交改良系>黄早四的叶面积,且衍生系的叶面积的高值持续期较长;Mo17及其衍生系的叶面积高于黄早四及其衍生系的叶面积,Mo17的叶面积在乳熟期之前高于衍生系的叶面积,乳熟期后低于单交选系和双交选系的叶面积。黄早四为典型的非保绿性自交系,叶绿素含量较低(1.522.63 mg·g-1·FW),其衍生系的叶绿素含量均高于黄早四的叶绿素含量,衍生系的保绿性得到明显改良;Mo17具有较好的保绿性,其叶绿素含量(2.11 3.89mg·g-1·FW)高于黄早四,但Mo17的叶绿含量后期下降较快,Mo17的衍生系遗传了保绿性的特点,且衍生系的叶绿素含量下降缓慢。2骨干亲本及其衍生系产量与干物质积累的变化2.1骨干亲本及其衍生系产量性状的变化杂交种的各产量性状、植株性状均表现出杂种优势,新品种的产量提高,穗粒数增加,千粒重增加,其他产量性状变化不大;生育期延长,且花后生育期占总生育期的比例增加。黄早四的生育期较短94天,其衍生系的生育期逐渐延长;掖478的生育期较长120天,其衍生系的生育期逐渐缩短;各骨干亲本的衍生系花后生育期占总生育期的比例均逐渐增加,有利产量的提高。Mo17的株高、穗位高较高(226.4cm, 91.8cm),其衍生系株高、穗位高逐渐降低;掖478的株高、穗位高较低(156.8cm, 52.8cm),其衍生系的株高、穗位高逐渐增加。各骨干亲本及其衍生系的穗行数逐渐增加,黄早四及其衍生系穗粗和穗粒数,Mo17、掖478及其衍生系的穗长变化较小,遗传过程中较稳定。2.2骨干亲本及其衍生系的物质积累与分配杂交种的生物量、籽粒产量、收获指数提高,且籽粒产量的杂种优势指数是各性状杂种优势指数最高的。黄早四的衍生系叶片重、茎秆重、轴重和生物量在演变过程中逐渐增加,收获指数降低,不利于产量的提高;Mo17的叶片重、茎秆重、生物量、籽粒产量、收获指数均较高,其衍生系略有降低;掖478的衍生系的生物量低于掖478,但是衍生系的籽粒产量、收获指数较高,在增加收获指数的同时,提高生物量是进一步提高自交系产量的途径。3骨干亲本及其衍生系的生态适应性3.1产量性状的生态适应性杂交种在哈尔滨的穗粒数最大,雅安的值最低;黄早四的穗粒数在泰安与哈尔滨的值相差不大,泰安的较高;Mo17的穗粒数在三试验地点间差异不明显,说明穗粒数的适应性较强;掖478由莱州农科所选育,其衍生系的穗粒数均以泰安最高,雅安最小;千粒重受环境的影响较大,各骨干亲本的衍生系均是哈尔滨的最大,雅安最小。3.2植株性状的生态适应性黄早四、Mo17、掖478及其衍生系、杂交种的株高、茎粗在泰安的值高于哈尔滨,黄早四、掖478及其衍生系的穗位高在泰安的值高于哈尔滨的值;植株性状均是雅安的值最低,且株高在三试验点的变异系数最小,穗位高在三试验点的变异系数最大,株高的稳定性较强,穗位高受外界环境的影响较大。

【Abstract】 Maize elite inbred lines play a critical role in maize breeding; however, there was lack of system research on agronomic traits and physiological traits in the process of its evolution. For this reason, the study were carried out from 2007 to 2008 in main maize production region of china, and the important physiological traits and indoor analysis experiments were conducted in state key laboratory of crop biology of Shandong Agricultural University. To explore evolution law, Huang zaosi and its derived lines, Mo17 and its derived lines, Ye478 and its derived lines and maize hybrid were used as experiment materials at grop for the change of yield, photosynthetic characteristic, plant traits, disease resistance and ecological adaptability of derived lines in the process of evolution of elite inbred lines. The main results were as follows:1 The change of photosynthetic characteristic of elite inbred line and its derived linesDeclined photosynthesis rate of new hybrid was lower than old,but Pn of new hybrid increased significantly than SD19. There was significantly genotypic difference in Pn of different inbred lines, while there existed inconsistent difference of different derived lines; Pn of Huang Zaosi was higher than improved or separated lines, and lower than backcross improvement lines, single cross lines and Double cross lines; although Pn of Mo17 and its derived lines was higher than Huang Zaosi and its derived lines, there is no significantly difference in Pn between Mo17 and its derived lines, displaying genetic stability.There were differences significantly on leaf areas among every hybrid, which of ND108、ZD958、YD13 increased by 38.57%、21.87%、18.97% in comparison with SD19 respectively, and the high leaf areas of new hybrid were lasting longer than old. The leaf areas of Huang zaosi and its derived lines represented Double cross lines > single cross lines > the backcross improvement lines > Huang zaosi, and the derived lines pass through succession into high leaf area value phases that were long lasting. For Mo17 and its derived lines, the leaf areas were higher than Huang zaosi and its derived lines. Mo17 was higher than its derived lines on the leaf area before milk phase,however, it was becoming lower than that of single cross lines and the backcross improvement lines after a milky phase.Huang Zaosi, a typical non-stay-green elite inbred line, was lower than its derived lines for chlorophyll content; Mo17, whose chlorophyll content is higher than Huang Zaosi, is stay-green elite inbred line. And chlorophyll content of Mo17 reduced faster than its derived lines at latest stage, which was because its derived lines inherit stay-green characteristic, and chlorophyll content of its derived lines reduced slowly.Huang Zaosi with low chlorophyll content(1.522.63mg·g-1·FW), was a typical non-stay-green elite inbred line, chlorophyll content of whose was lower than its derived lines; chlorophyll content of Mo17 (2.113.89 mg·g-1·FW), a stay-green elite inbred line, was higher than that of Huang Zaosi, and reduced faster than its derived lines at latest stage during its derived lines inherit stay-green characteristic and reducing chlorophyll content slowly.2 Yield and dry matter accumulation of elite inbred lines and its derived lines2.1 Yield traits of elite inbred lines and its derived linesBoth yield traits and plant characteristics of hybrids were presented to illustrate heterosis, containing yield improving, 1000-grain weight increasing, while other traits changed little. Growth period of hybrids prolonged and enhanced on the percentage about after anthesis in total growth period. The growth period of Huang zaosi was very short, while its derived lines extended gradually; Ye478 was longer on growth period, while its derived lines shorten. It could provide yield advantages for the derived lines of all elite parents due to the increase of growth period percentage on after anthesis in total growth period. For plant height and Ear Height in maize, Mo17 was high, while its derived lines lowered step by step; differently with Mo17, Ye478 was low, while its derived lines rose step by step. On the whole, ear row numbers rose in elite parents and their derived lines gradually, while little change existed owing to inheritance stability in elite inbred lines and its derived lines, such as ear diameter and ear kernels in Huang zaosi, and ear length in Mo17 and Ye478.2.2 Matter accumulation and Partitioning of elite parent and its derived linesBiomass, gain yield, harvest index increased in hybrids, and the highest heterosis index were noted in gain yield. It was heighten on leaf weight, stem weight, axis weight, biomass, grain yield about Huang zaosi’derived lines in the course of evolution, while harvest index declined, which was the most strongly disadvantaged for yield . For Mo17, it was high on leaf weight, stem weight, biomass, grain yield, harvest index of elite parent, only was little fall founded on its derived lines. The derived lines of Ye478 were lower than its elite parent on biomass, but whose grain yield and harvest index was higher. Based on study above, the conclusion was showed that it could provide a key avenue for raising more yields of inbred lines through the improvement of biomass yields when harvest index was high. 3 Ecological adaptability of elite parent and its derived lines3.1 Ecological adaptability of yield traitsKernels per ear of hybrid were the highest in Harbin among all experiment sites, and the lowest in Yaan. Kernels per ear of Huang Zaosi were the biggest in Taian, but the difference was small beween Taian and Harbin. Mo17 has a strong ecological adaptability on kernels per ear based on not being significant difference in three experiment sites. Ye478 was selected and bred from Agricultural Science Institute at Laizhou, the derived lines of whose owned the biggest on kernels per ear in Taian, the smallest in Yaan, and had impact on weight per 1000 kernels that the biggest was Harbin, the smallest Yaan.3.2 Ecological adaptability of plant traitsPlant height and stem diameter in Huang Zaosi, Mo17, Ye478 and their derived lines, and hybrid were higher in Taian than that in Harbin, at the same time, ear heights on Huang Zaosi, Ye478 and their derived lines were higher in Taian than that in Harbin; all plant traits were the lowest in Yaan that ranked the smallest coefficient of variation for plant height, the biggest coefficient of variation for ear height, maintained stability strongly on plant height, to some extend, it also illustrated the influence on ear height which such factors as the external environment.

【关键词】 骨干自交系衍生系演变规律黄早四Mo17
【Key words】 Elite inbred linesDerived linesEvolution LawHuang zaosiMo17

