

AquaCrop Model Application of Summer Maize Planting in North China

【作者】 项艳

【导师】 白清俊;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 水利水电工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,作物水分生产力预测已成为干旱、半干旱地区发展非充分灌溉、实现水资源优化配置的重要环节,对指导农业生产、合理开发利用水资源、实现区域可持续发展具有重要的指导意义。随着科技的不断发展,国内外专家学者已建立了许多该方面的模型和系统,但大多只限于科研阶段,能够大范围推广的模型较少,真正面向用户、简洁实用的模型少之又少,而且大多数模型所需数据较多且较为详细,因此限制了模型在实际生产中的推广应用。FAO针对上述存在的问题研发了AquaCrop模型,实现了以较少数据作物生长模拟、作物蒸腾和土壤蒸发的分离、生产力预测、优化灌溉制度等多种目标,直观性较强,应用对象范围较广,是一个真正面向用户、简洁实用的模型。国外对该模型的开发和应用研究较多,但国内对该模型的研究尚属起步阶段,特别是能否在中国使用,目前尚未见有此类研究的相关文献。因此,本文就上述问题以河北省农林科学院旱作农业研究所衡水试验站农田灌溉试验为基础,以FAO领导研发的AquaCrop模型为工具,以试验站2008年大田试验为数据来源,对AquaCrop模型进行调试,运用参数化的AquaCrop模型模拟了作物蒸腾与土壤蒸发过程,并以2007年夏玉米的生产力情况对该模型进行验证,了解AquaCrop模型在华北地区的适用情况。研究成果如下:1.模型调试结果为:衡水2008年大田试验四个水分处理的冠层生长、土壤水分含量模拟结果与实测结果较为吻合;农田土壤水分平衡参数的模拟误差(RMSE)为0~0.058;作物生产力的模拟误差为0.034~0.065;水分利用效率的模拟误差为0.004~0.099。结果表明AquaCrop模型在模拟夏玉米冠层生长、土壤水分平衡、夏玉米生产力及水分利用效率方面具有较好的准确性,因此将其应用于华北地区夏玉米生产力模拟是可行的。2.通过调试获得了适宜衡水地区的模型参数:最大冠层覆盖CCx为90%;根系最大可能膨胀速率为2.8 cm/day;水分胁迫对根区膨胀的影响因子为-5;作物衰老对最大作物系数Kcbx的影响因子为0.13;叶片开始衰老时土壤水分损耗临界点p(sen)的降低比率为12%;参考土壤损耗影响因子p为0.5;ET0对土壤损耗影响因子的调整Ca为1.3;参考收获指数HI0为48%;HI的存在周期为48d;收获指数开始出现时冠层的最小覆盖度为11%。3.通过对模型输入参数的敏感性分析,得出作物参数中HI存在周期、叶片衰老日期对模拟产量、生物量的影响显著;土壤参数中土壤厚度、田间持水量和径流曲线数对模拟产量、生物量的影响显著。4.利用参数化的AquaCrop模型对2008年夏玉米的作物蒸腾与土壤蒸发进行了模拟,真正实现了利用较少的参数达到作物蒸腾与土壤蒸发分离的目的。5.运用参数化的AquaCrop模型模拟了2007年夏玉米生产力。结果显示模拟效果较好,在衡水地区具有一定的适用性。6.2007年、2008年夏玉米不同水分处理间的增产幅度表明,郑单958在接近正常年份灌1水较为合理。

【Abstract】 North China is an important grain production base, and the shortage of water resources has seriously hampered the development of agricultural production. To make use of limited water resources to develop agricultural production and receive a higher output, it is necessary to understand crop water response mechanism and rainfall or irrigation to grow in different conditions on crop growth and yield clearly so as to make full use of existing water resources to improve crop production and yield. This makes revealing microcosmic crop water response mechanism and macroscopically quantitative analysis an important part of solving a serious shortage of water resources and achieving regional sustainable development in North China. Yet to forecast output is becoming increasingly important in the optimization of limited irrigation water to enhance sustainable agriculture. It is not only provides an important theoretical basis for planning and designing water-saving irrigation system, assessing water management decision-making, optimization of non-sufficient irrigation water distribution and establishing irrigation schedule, but also guides agricultural production and the rational development and utilization of water resources with an important guiding significance.The studies on the exploitation and application about AquaCrop model are much more in foreign countries but much less in China ,and it has no relational papers on this model especially whether the model is suitable for predicting crop productivity and optimizing the management in China. The farmland observation data,being the base of this research,are obtained at Hengshui Experimental Station of Institute of Dryland Farming and Water-saving Agriculture, Hebei Province Agriculture and Forestry Academy. This station is the representative of North China. It takes crop water response model AquaCrop excogitated under the leading of FAO as a tool, and model parameters are estimated or optimized according to meteorological data, soil moisture data and crop data investigated of Experiment Station from the year 2008. Then we can use the parameterized AquaCrop model simulate crop transpiration and soil evaporation to study if the AquaCrop model suits the application of the North China Plain by comparing the simulated productivity and the measured productivity in 2007. Research results are as follows: 1. Based on Hengshui summer maize field experiment in 2008, with the application of meteorological data, soil moisture data of different irrigation schedules and crop data for debugging AquaCrop model, local model parameters suited to simulate summer maize productivity are obtained. The results of their testing is that the changing trend of simulated values is consist to that of measured values on canopy cover and soil water content, and the error (RMSE) range of simulated soil water balance is between 0 and 0.058, that of crop productivity between 0.034 and 0.065 and that of water use efficiency simulation between 0.004 and 0.099.2. The model parameters suitable for Hengshui area after debugging are that maximum canopy cover is 90%, root maximum possible expansion rate 2.80 cm/day, shape factor of expansion of root zone when crop is water stressed -5, shape factor of adjustment of Kcbx when senescence is triggered 0.13, decrease with p(sen)once senescence is triggered 12%, reference depletion factors 0.5, adujstment depletion factors by ET0 1.3, Reference Harvest Index 48% and Threshold green canopy cover below which Harvest Index can no longer increase 11%.3. Through the input parameters sensitivity of the model, the cycle of building up HI and the date of canopy starting to senescence of crop parameters affect yield and biomass remarkably, as well as soil layers depth, FC and CN.4. Paper simulates the process of summer maize transpiration and soil evaporation with the parameterized AquaCrop model in 2008. And the object of dividing crop transpiration and soil evaporation with little data is arrived.5. Parameterized AquaCrop model is used to simulate summer maize productivity in 2007. The results show that the simulation effect of the model are better, and it is fit to apply in Hengshui.6. The range of productivity increasing between different treatments shows that Zhengdan 958 is more suitable to irrigate 1 time in almost well-balanced year .


