

The Basic Biological Characteristics, the Developmental Zeros and the Effective Accumulative Temperatures of the Aphelinus Mali (Haldeman)

【作者】 李刚

【导师】 郑方强;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对苹果绵蚜蚜小蜂的重要生物学、发育始点和有效积温进行了研究,旨在为苹果绵蚜蚜小蜂工厂化繁育提供理论基础。在果园内对蚜小蜂的寄生率、雌雄性比和羽化率进行了调查。寄生率除5月份相对较低外,其他时间均保持在50%左右。9月份有一个寄生高峰,寄生率达到83.8%。雌雄性比7月底8月初较高,最大比值达到7.5:1,其余时间均在2:1–4:1之间。初调查时羽化率较低,之后上升,在9月中旬之前基本维持在50%以上,九月中旬后羽化率开始下降,至11月份羽化率接近0,蚜小蜂基本进入滞育状态。室内对苹果绵蚜蚜小蜂的寄生行为、羽化节律及成虫趋光行为进行了研究。寄生行为分为搜索寄主、调整姿势、产卵器刺探、产卵、产卵结束和清洁休息6个步骤。苹果绵蚜体表的绵状蜡质在蚜小蜂寻找寄主过程中有促进作用,清理粘在身上的蜡质是该蜂寄生过程中的重要环节。蚜小蜂成虫对短光波有较强的趋性,其中紫光区趋光现象最明显,趋光性随光强度的增大而增强。苹果绵蚜蚜小蜂多在5:00–7:00的时间段羽化。研究表明,光是调控苹果绵蚜蚜小蜂行为的关键因子。室内研究了山东省苹果绵蚜蚜小蜂的发育历期、发育始点和有效积温。其发育历期随温度的升高而缩短。越冬代雌雄蜂打破滞育的发育始点分别为8.58℃和8.22℃,有效积温分别为148.72日度和154.68日度。非越冬代雌蜂在产卵–羽化阶段、羽化–死亡阶段和全世代发育始点依次为5.62、6.68和5.74℃,有效积温分别为284.40、39.32和326.26日度;雄蜂在上述3个阶段的发育始点依次为5.55、4.76和5.52℃,有效积温分别为295.61、37.14和329.33日度。

【Abstract】 Some basic biological characteristics, the developmental zeros and the effective accumulative temperatures of the Aphelinus mali, an important parasitic natural enemy of the woolly apple aphid, Erisosma lanigerum were researched. These researches will lay a solid theoretical foundation for the propagation and augmentation of the parasitoid.The main biological characteristics, including parasitism rate,sex ratio and eclosion rate of the parasitoid were investigated in the apple orchard. The parasitism rate peaked at 83.8% in September. Moreover, the mean parasitism rate of the parasitoid remained stable, at 50% or so during all other sampling period except in May. The sex ratio was higher during the period of the last days of July and the first days of August, and the highest sex ratio was about 7.5:1. During the other periods the sex ratio was 2-4:1. The eclosion rates of the parasitoid varied during different months, were very low in the starting and the late periods of the year, often kept stable at above 50% before the middle ten days of September, declined after mid-September and approached to zero in November with the parasitoid entering the period of diapause.The parasitic behavior, the eclosion rhythm and the effect of spectrum and light intensity on the phototaxis of the parasitoid were investigated in lab. The parasitic behaviors of the parasitoid mainly include the successive six processes: host searching, changing the position of body, ovipositon probing, ovipositing, oviposition terminating, and trimming and resting. The lanose wax on the body surface of woolly apple aphid can promote the parasitoid to search the host, and removing the wax is also important step for the parasitoid to lay its egg. The parasitoid had a tendency toward the short light spectrums, mostly toward the purple wavelengths. The phototaxis of the parasitoid was accelerated with the increase of the light intensity. The eclosion of the parasitoid peaked at 5:00-7:00 and the rhythm was obvious. The researches showed that light play an important role in controlling some behaviors of the parasitoid.Developmental durations, developmental zeros and effective accumulated temperature of the parasitoid were calculated under the conditions of different temperatures with RH75%. The developmental durations of the parasitoid shorten with the increase of temperatures. The developmental zeros of overwintering generation female and male adult were 8.58℃and 8.22℃, respectively. The effective accumulated temperatures overwintering generation female and male adult were 148.72 day-degrees and 154.68 day-degrees, respectively. The developmental zeros of non-overwintering generation at the stage of immature, adult and the whole duration were 5.62℃, 6.68℃, 5.74℃(female) and 5.55℃, 4.76℃,5.52℃(male), respectively; The effective accumulated temperatures were 284.40 day-degrees, 39.32 day-degrees, 326.26 day-degrees(female) and 295.61 day-degrees, 37.14 day-degrees, 329.33 day-degrees(male) , respectively.


