

The Effects of Ultraviolet-B Radiation Intensity and Different Plasic Film on Development Characteristics of Peach Flower and Fruit in Protected Culture

【作者】 陈修德

【导师】 高东升; 李宪利;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 果树学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以日光温室栽培的4年生毛桃品种台农甜蜜(Prunus persica cv.tainongtianmi)为试材,于2007年~2008年在山东农业大学园艺实验站进行。主要研究了不同UV-B辐射强度对设施桃树花果发育的影响、不同薄膜对光温环境以及果实品质的综合影响。主要结果如下:1、UV-B辐射能有效抑制新梢的生长,T1(0.72kJ·m-2·d-1)、T2(1.44kJ·m-2·d-1)、T3(2.16kJ·m-2·d-1)的新梢生长量分别为CK(0 kJ·m-2·d-1)的47.49%、37.20%、44.79%;减少花芽含水量;促进干物质含量的积累,T1、T2、T3单花芽重量分别比CK增加48.97%、54.17%和50.83%;提高花芽萌发率,阻碍花粉管伸长生长,T1、T2、T3处理的花粉管平均长度比CK分别短103μm、44μm和18μm;降低花芽内ZT、GA3、IAA的含量,促进ABA含量的生成;有利于提高果实单果重,促进果实纵横径的生长;提高果实含糖量,降低有机酸含量,提高糖酸比,对淀粉含量无显著影响,抑制蛋白质的合成;降低果皮叶绿素含量,有利于果皮花青苷含量的积累。UV-B辐射增强有利于提高设施桃果实品质。2、通过不同UV-B强度处理可以发现,T2处理下的UV-B强度更有利于抑制新梢的生长,新梢生长量仅为CK的37.20%;促进花粉萌发,有利于果实内营养物质的积累,促进果皮着色,有利于提高设施内桃果实的品质。由此得出,设施果树生产中,可以补充适量的UV-B。3、果实生长发育过程中,涂覆型消雾无滴膜和内添加型消雾无滴膜对环境条件及设施桃果实品质存在显著差异,涂覆型消雾无滴膜的UV-B透过率高,保温保湿效果好,为设施桃树的营养生长和生殖生长提供良好的环境条件。涂覆型消雾无滴膜更能促进桃果实的生长,有利于可溶性总糖的积累,降低有机酸的含量,提高糖酸比,但是涂覆型消雾无滴膜不利于蛋白质含量的积累。总体看来,涂覆型消雾无滴膜更有利于提高果实的综合品质。

【Abstract】 The experiment had been carried out in college of horticulture science and engineering, Shandong Agriculture University from 2007 to 2008 with Four-year-old kansu peach‘Taiwan farmers sweet’(Prunus persica cv.tainongtianmi) in solar greenhouse. The effects of different UV-B radiation intensity on development characteristics of flower and fruit in greenhouse and the effects of different film on light and temperature condition and fruit quality were studied. The main results were as follows:1、It was more significantly inhibitory effect on shoot growing by UV-B radiation, the shoot length of T1, T2, T3 were CK’s 47.49%, 37.20%, 44.79%; Reduced the bud water content; Promoted the accumulation of dry matter content; The single bud weight of T1,T2,T3 were heavier 48.97%, 54.17%, 50.83% than CK; Improved the pollen germination rate, hindered the pollen tube length, The pollen tube length of T1, T2, T3 were shortter 103μm,44μm,18μm than CK; Decreased the content of ZT,GA3,IAA of bud endogenous hormones, improved the content of ABA; was more conducive to improve mean single fruit weight, promoted the growth of polar and suture diameter; Improved the content of soluble suger, reduced the content of titratable acid content, improved sugar acid ratio, There were no significantly effect on starch content, Inhibited the synthesis of protein; decreased chlorophyll content in peel, was beneficial to the accumulation of anthocyanin content in peel. It was helpful to improve fruit quality by enhanced UV-B radiation in greenhouse.2、Through the different treatment of UV-B intension, under the UV-B intension of treatment T2(1.44kJ·m-2·d-1),the shoot length of peach was inhibited significantly,the growth was only 37.20% of the control .Under this treatment, it could also promote the pollen germination rate of peach,benefit to the accumulation of nutrient in the peach, promote the fruit coloration and improve the quality of peach in the greenhouse.So we could conclusion that in the protected cultivation of fruit trees,we could supplement UV-B ratiation at a suitable amount .3、During the course of fruit developing and maturating,the effects was significant different between coated-anti-fog film and inner-added anti-fog film at environmental conditions. The coated-anti-fog film had better UV-B transmittance, insulation and moisture retention,it could provide a good environment for the vegetative and reproductive growth of peach in greenhouse.4、During the course of fruit developing and maturating,it also had significant different effects at the quality of peach in greenhouse between coated-anti-fog film and inner-added anti-fog film. Coated-anti-fog film was more conducive to promote the growth of the fruit, benefit to the accumulation of soluble sugar, reduce the synthesis of organic acids and improve sugar acid ratio, but went against the synthesis of protein. In a word, coated-anti-fog film was more conducive to improve the comprehensive quality of the fruit.


