

Effects of Scirtothrips Dorsalis Hood Damage on Ginkgo Biloba L. Growth, Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics

【作者】 曲若轶

【导师】 孙绪艮;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 森林保护学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 茶黄蓟马Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood,又名茶叶蓟马、茶黄硬蓟马,属缨翅目Thusanoptera,蓟马科Thripidae。植食性昆虫,主要寄主有:茶叶、花生、草莓、葡萄、芒果。1989年在银杏Ginkgo biloba L.上大爆发,现已成为银杏生产上发生普遍的一种害虫。本文在室内观察其形态特征,于田间设置不同虫口密度,研究了在不同密度下危害不同天数对银杏生长量、叶片化学物质、光合指标等方面的影响,结果摘要如下:1不同密度茶黄蓟马危害不同天数对银杏生长量的影响研究了茶黄蓟马危害对银杏叶面积、单位叶面积鲜重、新梢长、新梢基部粗度4个生长指标的影响,其中对单位叶面积鲜重影响最大,其次是新梢长、叶面积,对新梢基部粗度影响较小。危害40d后,0、5、10、15、20头/叶,5个处理的叶面积增长率分别为8.0%、5.2%、3.6%、2.8%、1.9%,后4个处理与对照之间均存在显著性差异,15头/叶与20头/叶这两个处理之间无差异;单位叶面积鲜重分别增加了18.1%、11.5%、5.8%、0.8%、-0.8%,前4个处理存在显著性差异,15头/叶与20头/叶的处理无差异;新梢增长率分别为13.8%、4.5%、4.9%、3.0%、0.9%,除5头/叶与10头/叶两个处理之间无差异,其他各组均存在显著性差异;新梢基部粗度分别增加了2.0%、1.1%、1.4%、0.7%、0.3%,除10头/叶的处理,对照与其他各组均存在显著性差异。2不同密度茶黄蓟马危害不同天数对银杏叶片主要化学物质的影响危害一定天数后,叶绿素、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白质含量均呈递减趋势。其中叶绿素与可溶性糖的含量降低较快,可溶性蛋白质前期降低较缓慢,受害40d后,密度为20头/叶的处理,叶绿素、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白质含量分别减少了48.9%、37.3%、33.3%;单宁的含量前期骤减,危害10d,密度为20头/叶的银杏叶片,单宁含量减少了50.7%,但在危害30d后,单宁含量有不同程度的回升,且速度随着虫口密度增大而递增。3不同密度茶黄蓟马危害不同天数对银杏叶片光合指标的影响茶黄蓟马危害银杏叶片后,光合速率、气孔导度和蒸腾速率均减少,危害30d后,细胞间CO2浓度有所增大。其中,危害10d后,光合速率与气孔导度两个指标的处理中出现显著性差异;危害20d后,蒸腾速率各处理中出现显著性差异;危害30d后,细胞间CO2浓度各处理出现显著性差异。危害40d后,密度为20头/叶的处理,光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率分别降低了63.3%、58.5%、55.5%;细胞间CO2浓度,各处理与对照相比分别增加了2.8%、8%、10%、20%。这4个光合指标中,光合速率变化最大,细胞间CO2浓度变化最小。

【Abstract】 Yellow tea thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood, also known as tea thrips, belongs to Thysanoptera, Thripidae. It is one of the most important leaf-eating insects to Ginkgo biloba L. .The main hosts are tea, peanuts, strawberries, grapes, mangoes. Outbreak in 1989. The author observed the morphological features indoor and set up in different densities, and effects of infesting in different S. dorsalis densities and damaged different days on plant growth, physiological and photosynthetic index of G. biloba were studied. The major results were listed as follows:1 Effects of infesting in different S. dorsalis densities on the plant growth of G. bilobaIn this section the leaf area, the fresh weihgt of unit area, the length of new wattle, the width at base of new wattle were studied. In these 4 indexes the thrips damaged fresh weight per unit area of greatest, followed by the length of new wattle, the leaf area, the width at base of new wattle of the smallest impact.After damaging 40d, five groups of the leaf area with the growth rate are 8.0%, 5.2%, 3.6%, 2.8%, 1.9% respectively, the latter 4 groups between the treated and control are significant differences, the 15/leaf and 20/leaf groups are no differences. The growth rate of the length of new wattle respectively, are 18.1%, 11.5%, 5.8%, 0.8% -0.8%, the first 4 groups were significant differences, 15/leaf and 20/leaf are no difference; new wattle growth rates are 13.8%, 4.5%, 4.9%, 3.0%, 0.9%, with the exception of 5/leaf and 10/leaf are no differences, other groups are significant differences; new wattle base diameter increased by 2.0%, 1.1%, 1.4%, 0.7%, 0.3%. In addition to 10/leaf processing, control and other groups are significant differences(p≤0.05). 2 Effects of infesting in different S. dorsalis densities on the physiological index of G. bilobaEffects of infesting in different S. dorsalis densities and damaged days on physiological index of G. biloba leaves were determined. The results suggested that, compared with the control, chlorophyl, soluble sugar and soluble protein were all reduced slowly, decreased by 48.9%, 37.3% and 33.3%, respectively, after damaging 40d with the insect densities of 20/leaf. During infest period, the content of tannin showed a dramatic decreases with a 50.7% reduction after infesting 10d with the insect densities of 20/leaf. While the content of tannin increased in different degree with the rising of the thrip densities after infesting 20d.3 Effects of infesting in different S. dorsalis densities on the photosynthetic index of G. bilobaIn this section photosynthetic index of G. biloba were stuied. After damaging, the photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate were reduced, intercellular CO2 concentration has increased. After damaging 10d ,there are significant differences in photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance; after damaging 20d , there are significant differences in transpiration rate ; after damaging 30d, there is significant differences in intercellular CO2 concentration .After damaging 40d, the photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate decreased by 63.3%, 58.5%, 55.5%; intercellular CO2 concentration, as compared with the control with an increase of 2.8%, 8 %, 10%, 20%.Four photosynthetic indicators, the greatest changes in photosynthetic rate, intercellular CO2 concentration in the changed smallest.


