

Genetic Transmission of Quality Traits and Genetic Diversity Analysis in "Aimengniu" and Its Derived Varieties (Lines)

【作者】 肖静

【导师】 田纪春;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 小麦的骨干亲本是遗传育种研究及新品种选育的重要资源。本研究以我国小麦骨干亲本“矮孟牛”及其衍生品种(系)为材料,对品质性状的遗传传递、HMW-GS组成的遗传变异以及1B/1R易位系鉴定和醇溶蛋白的遗传多样性进行了分析。为总结小麦骨干亲本的创制利用经验,研究小麦骨干亲本主要性状形成的生物学基础及其演变规律,完善骨干亲本培育和利用方法,培育高产优质多抗的小麦新品种提供参考。取得的主要结果如下:1.“矮孟牛”及其衍生品种(系)品质性状的遗传变异对矮孟牛及衍生品种(系)的品质性状的遗传传递研究表明,矮孟牛及衍生品种(系)的籽粒蛋白质含量、白度和亮度遗传变异系数较小,沉降值、b*(黄蓝值)、硬度和湿面筋含量遗传变异系数中等,a*和面团吹泡特性遗传变异系数较大,存在较大的变异,而且通过分析可以看出,在矮孟牛及衍生品种(系)中,由种质到衍生品种(系)蛋白质、沉降值、白度、亮度、a*(红绿值)、b*和面团吹泡特性等品质性状遗传变异系数增大,说明在品种选育过程中通过利用新的亲本增加了其遗传多样性。而硬度、湿面筋含量的遗传变异系数降低,可能是由于各育种单位在育种过程中对其进行选择而造成的,使其遗传多样性降低。对各品质性状进行相关分析表明,蛋白质含量与沉降值达极显著正相关,与白度达极显著负相关,与b*、硬度和W呈显著正相关;沉降值与a*、W和P/L达极显著正相关,与湿面筋含量呈极显著负相关,与b*达显著正相关;白度与L*、a*和L值达极显著正相关, b*、硬度、P和P/L呈极显著负相关,与湿面筋呈显著负相关;硬度与b*、P值、W和P/L达极显著正相关,与白度、L*、和L值达极显著负相关,与蛋白质含量、沉降值、a*呈显著正相关;湿面筋含量与沉降值、a*、P值、W值和P/L达极显著负相关,与b*呈显著正相关,与白度呈显著负相关。2.“矮孟牛”及其衍生品种(系)HMW-GS的遗传变异HMW-GS的遗传传递研究发现,供试材料的HMW-GS组合主要以Null或1/7+9或7+8/2+12为主。在Glu-A1位点,3个原始亲本中矮丰3号和孟县201的亚基都为1,牛朱特为N亚基; 7个矮孟牛种质含有1和N亚基,128个矮孟牛衍生品种(系)中亚基有1、N、2*;在Glu-B1位点,原始亲本矮丰3号、孟县201和牛朱特亚基分别为7+9、7+8和7;7个矮孟牛种质含有7+9、7+8和14+15亚基,128个矮孟牛衍生品种(系)中含有7+9、7+8、14+15和17+18亚基;在Glu-D1位点, 3个原始亲本和7个矮孟牛种质的亚基都为2+12,128个矮孟牛衍生品种(系)中含有2+12、5+10、2+10。说明由种质到衍生品种(系)的选育过程中随着含有新的高分子谷蛋白亚基材料的引入,HMW-GS亚基类型越来越多,拓宽了其遗传基础。3.“矮孟牛”及其衍生品种(系)的1B/1R易位系的鉴定及品质性状分析138个“矮孟牛”及其衍生品种(系)中86份品种(系)含有1BL/1RS易位,占样品总数的62.32%。在3个原始亲本中只有牛朱特含有1B/1R易位系,7个杂交形成的“矮孟牛”种质中除Ⅲ型未发现易位系外,其他六个种质均含有易位系,在128个“矮孟牛”衍生品种(系)中79份品种(系)含有1BL/1RS易位,占品种的61.72%,分布相当广泛,说明1BL/1RS易位具有稳定传递的遗传特点,易于在育种中利用。1BL/1RS易位品种沉淀值、湿面筋含量、P值和P/L值的变异系数明显小于非1BL/1RS易位品种,硬度的变异系数则明显大于非1BL/1RS易位品种,而其他性状的变异系数在1BL/1RS易位品种和非1BL/1RS易位品种之间无明显差别。可见,1BL/1RS易位系的引入增加了品种间籽粒硬度的差异,降低了沉淀值、湿面筋含量等的差异。籽粒硬度、蛋白质含量和湿面筋含量等主要反映蛋白质数量的品质性状的平均值在1BL/1RS和非1BL/1RS易位品种间差异不显著,而沉降值、韧性(P值)、延伸性(L值)和烘焙力(W值)等主要反映蛋白质(面筋)质量的性状平均值在两类品种间差异均极显著,即1BL/1RS易位品种的面筋质量(强度和延伸性)极显著低于非1BL/1RS易位品种。4.“矮孟牛”及其衍生品种(系)醇溶蛋白遗传多样性分析利用醇溶蛋白电泳在138份小麦材料中分离出42条迁移率不同的醇溶蛋白谱带。每个品种少者可分离出12条,多者可达19条,多数品种在14~16条之间。谱带1、2出现频率最大,为91.30%;谱带18出现频率最小,为0.072%。138份材料间的遗传距离变异范围在0~0.84之间,平均值为0.452。品种118和119、86、87和88的GD值最小为0,品种92和121的GD值最大为0.84,表明供试品种之间存在着较大的遗传差异。根据材料的谱带类型利用UPGMA非加权成对群算术平均数方法进行聚类分析,在相似系数为0.568水平上将“矮孟牛”及其衍生品系分成五大类,能较好的反映品种(系)之间的遗传差异。

【Abstract】 The backbone of wheat is an important resource for the genetics and breeding research of new varieties. In this research, the backbone of China’s wheat“Aimengniu”and its derivative varieties (lines) were used to study genetic transmission of quality traits, genetic variation of HMW-GS composition, as well as the1B/1R identification and genetic diversity analysis. The main results were as follows:1. The genetic variation of quality traits in“Aimengniu”and its derivative varieties (lines)The transmission of quality genetic traits of China’s wheat“Aimengniu”and its derivative varieties (lines) was analyzed. The results showed that the coefficients of genetic variation of protein contents, whiteness and brightness were lower, while sedimentation volume, b* and wet gluten content were medium, and genetic characteristics of dough were higher. And the coefficient of genetic variation of derivative varieties (lines) is larger than germplasm and significant difference. These indicated the genetic characterisitics were improved by introducing new blood during breeding.The analysis of quality traits showed that significant correlations were detected between protein content and sedimentation value, but significantly negatively correlates with whiteness; sedimentation value positively correlates with a*, w-value, P/L value and b* character, but negatively correlates with wet gluten content; whiteness positively corelates with L*, a* and L, and negatively correlates with b*, hardness, P, P/L value and wet gluten content; Seed hardness negatively correlates with whiteness, L*, and positively correlates with others; Wet gluten content negatively correlates with sedimentation value, a*, P-value, P/L and whiteness.2. The genetic variation of HMW-GS in“Aimengniu”and its derivative varieties (lines)Subunits Null, 1/7+9 and 7+8/2+12 were the mainly subunit compositions in these materials. At Glu-A1 locus, the subunit 1 was in“Aifeng 3”and“Mengxian201”, and Neuzucht has Null subunit. There are 1 and N subunit in seven germplasms of“Aimengniu”and 1, N, and 2* in 128 derivative varieties (lines). The subunit of original parent“Aifeng 3”,“Mengxian201”and Neuzucht is 7+9, 7+8 and 7 at Glu-B1 locus, respectively, Seven“Aimengniu”germplasms have 7+9, 7+8 and 14+15 subunits. 128 derivative varieties (lines) have 7+9, 7+8, 14+15 and 17+18 subunits. At Glu-D1 locus, subunis 2+12 were mainly in three original parents and seven germplasms of Aimengniu, while 128 derivative varieties (lines)have 2+12、5+10、2+10. These illustrated that more and more types of subunits appeared with new HMW-GS’s introduced during breeding , which would widen the hereditary basis.3. The 1B/1R identification in“Aimengniu”and its derivative varieties (lines) and the analysia of quality traitsThere were 1BL/1RS in the 86 varieties of 138, which is 62.32% of total number of samples. The reason was speculated that 1BL/1RS transposal contributed significantly to wheat yield. The 1BL/1RS translocation lines appeared in“Aimengniu”germplams except the III type, and the Neuzucht was also 1BL/1RS lines. 1BL/1RS translocation lines was found in 79 varieties of 128 derivative varieties which is 61.72% of total. These indicated that the 1BL/1RS transposal distributed extensively and stablely transferred, which is easy to be utilized in breeding.The variation coefficients of 1BL/1RS translocations forsedimentation volume, wet gluten content, P-value and P/L-value were obviously lower than that of non-1BL/1RS translocation, and the coefficient of variation of hardness was higher than that of non-1BL/1RS translocation. There were no obvious differences in other traits between 1BL/1RS species translocation and varieties of non-1BL/1RS translocation.The average of the quality traits mainly reflect quantitative traits of proteins such as Grain hardness, protein content and wet gluten content were no significant differences between 1BL/1RS species translocation and varieties of non-1BL/1RS translocation, but the average of the quality traits mainly reflect quality traits of proteins such as sedimentation value, P-value, L-value and W-value protein content and wet gluten content were significantly correlations between 1BL/1RS species translocation and varieties of non-1BL/1RS translocation, that is, the gluten quality of 1BL/1RS significantly lower than the varieties of non-1BL/1RS.4. The genetic diversity analysis of“Aimengniu”and its derivative varieties (lines)Genetic diversity analysis of“Aimengniu”and its derivative varieties (lines) were studied by using gliadin mark, and 42 bands were obtained. At least 12 bands were separated in each varieties, most of the varieties contained 14~16 bands, special varieties had and 19 bands. The variation range of 138 varieties is 0~0.84, the average is 0.452. The least GD value of variety 118,119, 86, 87and 88 was 0, and the biggest GD value of variety 92 and 121 was 0.84. The obvious differences among in different varieties were shown by dividing materials into 5 types using UPGMA cluster analysis, which could reflect the genetic variation among the varieties.


