

The Research on Rural Informal Finance’s Development in China

【作者】 刘选伟

【导师】 周衍平;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业推广, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 民间金融在世界各国具有普遍性。但由于国情不同,世界各国民间金融发展各具特色。我国农村普遍存在供给型金融抑制,农村经济主体资金需求得不到有效满足,民间金融成为必然选择。发展民间金融有利于提高社会资金使用效率,增强社会信用意识,改善信用环境,对促进农村经济和国民经济的发展做出了重要贡献,也为金融创新与体制改革提供了经验和借鉴。但民间金融建立在非制度信任基础之上,具有分散性、盲目性、不规范性等特点;民间金融运作形态的复杂性,决定了金融活动和行为具有灰色或然性,有可能造成较大金融风险,增加社会不稳定因素。因此,研究农村民间金融问题,制定相关法律法规与政策,为其合理化、合法化、规范化发展提供良好平台,对促进农村民间金融的健康发展具有重要意义。本文运用新制度经济学、金融学、农业经济学等相关理论,首先综述了国内外相关研究概况,界定了民间金融的基本概念,概括了民间金融的运行形式,分析归纳了我国农村民间金融市场的特点,根据发展实际估算我国目前农村民间金融的规模,从制度变迁、信息经济学、金融风险等视角分析了我国民间金融产生的原因及必然性,并以山东省为例介绍了民间金融发展的概况,运用回归方法分析了影响农村民间融资规模的因素。在此基础上,从不同侧面透析了民间金融发展受高利率、法律地位的缺失、局部性风险等因素的制约,重点分析高利率对民间金融发展的影响。通过对民间金融高利率形成原因的分析,认为民间金融高利率是对高风险和机会成本的补偿,是由资本的稀缺性所决定的,是资本市场自由竞争的结果。其根源并不在民间金融本身,而在于民间金融较正规金融相比具有更大的风险。借鉴国外相关治理经验,结合我国农村生产力特点与农村金融的层次性需求,提出了我国农村民间金融发展的三个路径选择:鼓励正常的民间金融活动和打击不正常的民间金融活动、实现农村民间金融与正规金融的有效连接、组建适宜的社区银行。最后本文针对我国农村民间金融发展过程中的制约因素,提出了构建民间金融发展所需要良好的外围制度环境的建议:创造公正的法律环境、低成本的信用环境、灵活的监管机制、良好的市场环境构建、健全的信用担保体系。

【Abstract】 Non-financial was prevalent in the world, but which was different from their own because of the specific environment. rural-based financial Inhibition supply was Prevalent in China, Non-financial had become an inevitable choice rural-based financial Inhibition supply the main capital of rural economy was not effectively meet the needs , private finance had become an inevitable choice. Non-financial development of the national economy has made a greater contribution to the promotion of rural economic development. it has played an important role for financial system reform and innovation to provide a new experience and ideas it will help improve the efficiency of the use of funds. In addition, the development of rural non-financial help strengthen social credit awareness, promotion of credit to improve the environment. non-financial based on non-system of trust, with scattered, blindness, non-normative, operational form of the complexity decided its activities and act with gray or probability, it may cause large financial risks and increase social Stabilizing factor. However, the Government has not work out related policies, for its rationalization, and provide a platform for the development of legalization.In this paper, We used the new institutional economics, finance, economics, agriculture and other related theories. First of all, we introduced the study of the non-financial at home and abroad and defined the basic concept of non-financial and summed up the form of non-financial operation, introduced China’s rural financial market characterized by non-governmental, and the current estimate of China’s rural areas the size of the non-financial. From the system and changes in the economics of information, such as financial risk analysis of the perspective of China’s non-financial cause and the inevitability. As Shandong Province for example, we introduced the development of non-financial profile, and took the regression analysis in the private financing by the size of many factors. On this basis, we cited non-financial development of high interest rates, the lack of legal status, the risk of localized, and other factors. The non-financial development of high interest rates were especially analyzed in a high rate of non-financial Analysis of the reasons for the formation of the basic knowledge. Financial non-high interest rates was the compensation on high-risk and the opportunity cost and decided by the scarcity of capital, the capital market is the result of free competition. The root cause is not in the non-financial itself, but in a more formal financial non-financial risks compared to bigger.From Foreign management-related experience, combined with the characteristics of rural productivity and the level of the rural financial demands we put forward a non-financial development in rural areas of the three paths to choose:Encourage non-normal financial activities and the fight against irregular financial activities of non-governmental, non-rural finance and an effective link between the formal financial problems, suitable for the formation of community banks. Finally, for the rural folk in the development of numerous financial constraints, the proposed construction of non-financial well-developed system of the external environment: to create a fair legal environment, credit environment, low-cost, flexible regulatory framework, a sound market environment Construction, a sound credit guarantee system.

  • 【分类号】F832.35
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】558

