

Studies on the Efficiency Monitoring of Ecological Rehabilitation Project of Soil and Water Conservation in Laiwu

【作者】 泥德润

【导师】 刘霞; 陈星涛;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业推广, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 莱芜市水土保持生态修复工程为水利部“全国水土保持生态修复工程”试点工程之一。本论文以山东省莱芜市莱城区生态修复工程为研究背景,以修复区内的森林植被为研究对象,以土壤水文特征值为参数,对8种森林植物群落的保持水土和涵养水源功能进行测定和评价。主要研究成果如下:(1)生态修复措施类型划分在对项目区全面踏勘的基础上,根据立地类型、现有植被状况及修复目的,同时结合生态修复工程的技术和效益特点,将生态修复试点工程区内的生态修复技术措施划分为2个大类(封山育林型和人工造林型)和4个亚类(人工林封育型、疏林补植型、荒坡封禁型和灌木封禁型)。(2)生态修复区土壤结构明显改善从土壤重量平均直径:人工林封育型中阔叶林土壤重量平均直径为1.95,高于针叶林(1.82)。疏林补植、荒坡封禁、灌木封禁和人工造林型植物群落修复后土壤重量平均直径分提高了0.1、0.02、0.14和0.12。从分形维数看:人工林封育类型中阔叶林土壤分形维数(2.46)低于针叶林(2.48)。疏林补植、荒坡封禁、灌木封禁和人工造林型植物群落修复后土壤分形维数分别减小了0.04、0.03、0.03和0.02。(3)生态修复区土壤密度降低从土壤密度看:人工林封育类型中,阔叶林土壤密度(1.11 g/cm3)低于针叶林(1.14 g/cm3)。疏林补植、荒坡封禁、灌木封禁和人工造林型植物群落修复后土壤密度分别减小了0.02 g/cm3、0.08 g/cm3、0.03 g/cm3和0.13g/cm3,以人工造林地土壤密度减小幅度最大。(3)生态修复区土壤孔隙度提高从土壤孔隙度状况看:人工林封育类型中,阔叶林和针叶林土壤总孔隙度、毛管孔隙度和非毛管孔隙度平均值分别为(51.17%,47%)、(32.34%,31.94)和(18.83%,15.2)。疏林补植、荒坡封禁、灌木封禁和人工新造林植物群落土壤总孔隙度、非毛管孔隙度和毛管孔隙度比修复前分别提高了(4.26%、0.59%、3.66%)、(1.56%、0.34%、1.22%)、(2.45%、0.95%、1.49%)和(4.21%、3.7%、0.51%)。(4)土壤贮水量提高人工封育类型中阔叶林土壤贮水量为25mm,大于针叶林土壤含水量(24.09mm)。疏林补植、荒坡封禁、灌木封禁和人工新造林植物群落修复后土壤含水量分别提高了1.34mm、0.41mm、3.2mm和3mm。(5)土壤稳渗速率增加人工造林型、疏林补植型、荒坡封禁和灌木封禁类型植物群落修复后入渗速率比修复前分别提高了3.48 mm/min、2.42mm/min,2.23 mm/min,2.58 mm/min。与荒草坡相比,人工林封育型各植物群落平均入渗速率提高了3.59 mm/min。综上所述,研究区在采取了生态修复措施以后,土壤的水文物理性状有了明显的好转,土壤密度减小、孔隙度增加、贮水量增加、土壤的稳渗速率增加,生态修复措施效益较好,但仍存在部分生态脆弱环节,尚需进一步加大封山育林和退耕还林力度,使区域林草植被覆盖度和群落盖度进一步增加,森林植被结构更加合理、功能和抗性增强,综合效能得到更好的发挥。

【Abstract】 Ecological Rehabilitation Project of Soil and Water Conservation in Laicheng is one of experimental projects of National Soil and Water Conservation ecological restoration project . It studies on Laiwu ecological restoration project of Soil and Water Conservation District ,Monitor and analysis the ecological, economic and social benefits after different types of ecological restoration using macro and micro combined monitoring, combined remote sensing information monitoring and artificial combined manual observations on the spot, combined long-term continuous observation and short-term temporary observation and time series sequence compare with the space observation methods. The result indicated that the ecological rehabilitation project of soil and water conservation had got obvious ecological, economic and social efficiency. The main results are as flowing:(1)Ecological restoration measures ClassificationOn the basis of Comprehensive Surveying the project area, according to the site type, the existing situation and the purpose of the restoration, at the same time combining ecological restoration project of technical features and benefits, Ecological restoration will be a pilot project for the regional ecological restoration measures divided into two major categories and four sub-categories.(2)The soil structure parameters were improvedAccording to the manmade forest closing, the soil MWD of broad-leaved forest(1.95) is bigger than which of coniferous forest (1.82 ). After ecological rehabilitation the MWD of supplement planting of sparse forest, the uncultivated land closing, shrubs closing and artificial forest were increased 0.1、0.02、0.14 and 0.12. From the soil FD, the broad-leaved forest (2.46) were smaller than the single forest (2.48). After ecological rehabilitation the soil FD of supplement planting of sparse forest, the uncultivated land closing , shrubs closing and artificial forest were decreased0.04、0.03、 0.03 and 0.02.(3)The soil density was lowerThe soil density of broad-leaved forest (1.11 g/cm3)is smaller than which of coniferous forest in manmade forest closing(1.14 g/cm3). After ecological rehabilitation the FD of supplement planting of sparse forest, the uncultivated land closing, shrubs closing and artificial forest measure were decreased 0.02 g/cm3、0.08 g/cm3、0.03 g/cm3 and 0.13g/cm3, artificial forest measure was decreased mostly.(4)The soil porosity was improvedAs the soil porosity, the mean soil total porosity, capillary porosity and non-capillary porosity of the broad-leaved forest and the coniferous forest were (51.17%,47%)、(32.34%,31.94)and(18.83%,15.2). After ecological rehabilitation the mean soil total porosity, capillary porosity and non-capillary porosity of supplement planting of sparse forest, the uncultivated land closing, shrubs closing and artificial forest measure were increased (4.26%、0.59%、3.66%)、(1.56%、0.34%、1.22%)、(2.45%、0.95%、1.49%)and(4.21%、3.7%、0.51%).(5)The soil moisture was obviously increasedIn manmade forest closing measure, the soil moisture of the broad-leaved forest(25mm) is higher than which of the coniferous forest(24.09mm). After ecological rehabilitation the soil moisture of supplement planting of sparse forest, the uncultivated land closing, shrubs closing and artificial forest measure were increased 1.34mm、0.41mm、3.2mm and 3mm.(6)The soil infiltration was obviously increasedAfter ecological rehabilitation the mean soil infiltration, capillary porosity and non-capillary porosity of supplement planting of sparse forest, the uncultivated land closing, shrubs closing and artificial forest measure were increased (3.48mm/min、2.42mm/min、2.23mm/min、2.58mm/min),compare with wild slope,the average soil infiltration of manmade forest was increased 3.59 mm/min.Above all, the ecological rehabilitation efficiency of item region was better, but it still existed ecological frail tache and need increase the forest closing and afforestation intensity, it let the forest vegetation cover degree and community cover degree improve, the forest vegetation structure was more reasonable so as to the function and efficiency was exerted better.

  • 【分类号】S157
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】102

