

Evaluational Research on Characteristics of Main Black Poplar Clones in Shandong Province

【作者】 张国祥

【导师】 曹帮华;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业推广, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 黑杨是山东省平原绿化和营造丰产林的主要树种之一,也是实现工业用材林定向培育和产业化开发的理想树种。本文通过对山东省主要栽培的8个黑杨无性系的生长特性、生态适应性、形质指标、无性繁殖能力、抗病虫性、抗逆性、木材特性等重要指标的研究,通过综合分析,依据适地适树、定向培育、多品种造林及高产优质高效等原则,分别提出可供鲁南、鲁西南、鲁西北、泰沂山区、胶东等地区推广的黑杨派优良无性系。研究结果表明:1.不同品种的黑杨生长量存在差异,L35杨、I-107杨、中菏1号杨表现出速生性强,材积平均生长量可超出对照I-69杨20%-40%。中林46杨、中林23杨、中林28杨也达到或超过了I-69杨的生长量,材积生长量平均生长量可超出I-69杨20%。I-214杨生长量较小,材积生长量平均只有I-69杨的62%。2.不同黑杨无性系干形存在差异,树冠较小、枝条细、分布均匀、树干高径比例大、尖削度小的无性系有L35杨、I-107杨。冠幅大、枝条粗、分层明显、树干粗、矮、尖削度大的无性系有中菏1号杨、I-214杨。中林46杨、中林23杨、中林2杨8及I-69杨等介于两者之间。3.不同黑杨无性系育苗、造林成活率存在差异。育苗成活率高、生长表现好的品种有L35杨、I-107杨、中林46杨。造林成活率较高的有L35杨、I-107杨及中林46杨、中林23杨、中林28杨、I-214杨等,在各地的造林成活率都达到了95%以上。4.在抗逆性方面,I-214杨、中林46杨、中林28杨、中林23杨、L35杨、I107杨耐寒能力较强,中菏1号杨、I-69杨相对耐寒能力较弱。L35杨、I-107杨、中林46杨、中林28杨、中林23杨耐旱能力较强,中荷1号杨、I-214杨、I-69杨耐旱能力相对较差。5.在木材材性方面,各无性系间木材密度差别较大,其中I-69杨、中林28杨、中林23杨木材密度较高,L35杨次之,中荷1号杨、中林46杨、I-214杨木材密度低。由纤维长度、长宽比、壁腔比和纤维素含量等因素综合考虑,以L35杨、I-107杨、中荷1号杨、I-69杨、中林28杨、中林23杨等品种的木材更适宜制浆造纸。6.不同栽培区适宜的无性系。通过研究,鲁西南区可大量应用的无性系有:L35杨、I-107杨、中荷1号杨、I-69杨、中林46杨,可适量应用中林28杨。鲁西北可大量应用的无性系有:L35杨、I-107杨、中林46杨、中林23杨、中林28杨,可适量应用I-69杨、中荷1号杨。泰沂山区可大量应用的无性系有:L35杨、I-107杨、中林46杨、中林23杨、中林28杨,适量应用中荷1号杨、I-69杨。鲁南区大量应用的无性系有:L35杨、I-107杨、中荷1号杨、I-69杨、中林46杨、中林23杨,适量应用中林28杨。胶东区大量应用的无性系有:L35杨、I-107杨、中荷1号杨、I-69杨、中林23杨,适量应用中林46杨、中林28杨。L35杨、I-107杨从生长量、适应性、抗逆性等各个性状上表现较为优异,具有树干高,尖削度小,冠幅小分枝均匀,既适于成片造林,也适于农田林网、四旁植树,适宜在全省发展。中荷1号杨、I-69杨更适合比较温暖湿润的气候和湿润的土壤条件,在我省的鲁南、鲁西南、胶东均可使用。由于具有粗枝大冠、径生长快的特点,适于成片造林,培养大径材。中林46杨、中林23杨、中林28杨生长性能和抗逆性均属于中等,可在各地配合I-107杨、L35杨等适量发展。I-214杨从生长性能及抗逆性等诸多方面均不如其他品种,属于淘汰品种。7.不同无性系适宜培育的材种。作为造纸材种,L35杨、中荷1号杨、I-69杨、I-107杨、中林28杨、中林23杨等品种的木材更适宜制浆造纸。作为胶合板材种,L35杨、I-107杨、中荷1号杨、I-69杨、中林46杨、中林23杨适宜胶合板。作为建筑材种,中林23杨、中林28杨、中林46杨、I-69杨较为适宜。作为家具材种,I-69杨、中林23杨、中林28杨较为适宜。

【Abstract】 Black poplars is one of main species for afforestation and planting high-yielding forest in Shan Dong Plain Area,and it can be the ideal species for realizing oriental cultivation and development of industrial timber.The study was based on grow character, ecological adaptability,form quality index,ability of asexual propagation,insect resistance,stess resistance and wood characteristics of eight poplar clones,distinguished the clones suitable for south southwest northwest of Shandong province tai-yi mountainous and jiaodong through comprehensive analysis according to the principle of matching tree species with site directive breeding varieties forestation high quality and high benefit.The result predicted that:There are significant differences in growth among the clones.Zhonghe 1 grew faster 20%to 40%thanⅠ-69.The growth of zhonglin 46,zhonglin 23 and zhonglin 28 were more thanⅠ-69 20%of the volume.Ⅰ-214 grew slow,it was 62%ofⅠ-69 on volume.There are significant differences in tem form.The character of tern form of L35 andⅠ-107 are small crown,fine branches,well-distributed,high ratio of height-diameter,small degree of straight tip,meanwhile big crown,thick branches,oblivious layered,thick stem, short,high degree of straight tip are the characters of zhonghe 1 andⅠ-214,zhonglin 46, zhonglin 23,zhonglin 28 andⅠ-69 are in the middle degree of the character.There are significant differences in survival rate of forestation and seedling-culturing among the clones.The clones which have high survival rate of seedling are L35,Ⅰ-107 and zhonglin 46.The clones of L35,Ⅰ-107 zhonglin 46 zhonglin 23,zhonglin 28 andⅠ-214 have high survival rate of forestation that was above 95%.Cold resistance is one of stress resistance,Ⅰ-214,zhonglin 46,zhonglin 28,zhonglin 23,L35 andⅠ-107 are in high level,zhonghe 1 andⅠ-69 are in the contrary.L35,Ⅰ-107, zhonglin 46,zhonglin 28 and zhonglin 23 are in high level of drought resistance,zhonghe 1,Ⅰ-214,Ⅰ-69 are in low.Wood density as one of wood properties,there are significant different among the clones.It is in higher level inⅠ-69,zhonglin 28,zhonglin 23 and L35 follows,zhonghe 1, zhonglin 46 andⅠ-214 are in low.L35,Ⅰ-107,zhonghe 1,Ⅰ-69,zhonglin 28 and zhonglin 23 are suitable to pulp and make paper considering fiber length,length and width ratio,ratio of wall to lumen and fiber content and so on.The clones suitable for different cultivation area.The result showed that L35Ⅰ-107 zhonghe 1Ⅰ-69 zhonglin 46 and zhonglin 28 were suitable for southwest of shandong province,L-35,Ⅰ-107 zhonglin 46,zhonglin 23,Ⅰ-69 and zhonghe 1were suitable for northwest of Shandong province,L35Ⅰ-107 zhonglin 46 zhonglin 23,zhonglin 28, zhonghe 1,Ⅰ-69 and were suitable for tai-yi mountainous,L35,Ⅰ-107,zhonghe 1,Ⅰ-69, zhonglin 46,zhonglin 23,zhonglin 28 were suible for south of shandong province, L35,Ⅰ-107,zhonghe 1,Ⅰ-69 zhonglin 23,zhonglin 46 and zhonglin 28 were suitable for jiaodong area.L35 andⅠ-107 showed excellent from the characters of growth adaptability and stress resistance and had the character of tall stem,low degree of straight tip,small crown and well-distributed.They were either suitable for forestation,or farmland shelterbelt network in the whole province.Zhonghe 1 andⅠ-69 were suitable for the area of warm and moist in the south southwest of shandong province and jiaodong area.As a result of big crown and fast-growing of stem,zhonglin 46 zhonglin 23 and zhonglin 28 were in middle level of growth characteristic and stress resistance.They were suitable for cultivate large diameter stem in the model of sheet forestation mixed cultivate ofⅠ-107 and L35.Ⅰ-214 was elimination for its low performance of grow characteristic and stress resistance.Timber assortments suitable to cultivate of different clones.L35,zhonghe 1,Ⅰ-69,Ⅰ-107,zhonglin28 and zhonglin 23 are suitable to pulp and make paper as pulpwood.L35,Ⅰ-107,zhonghe 1,Ⅰ-69,zhonglin 46,zhonglin 23 are suitable to make plywood as plywood.Zhonglin 23,zhonglin 28,zhonglin46 andⅠ-69 are suitable for architecture as architectural species,Ⅰ-69,zhonglin 23 and zhonglin 28 are suitable for making furniture as furniturewood.

【关键词】 黑杨派无性系性状评价
【Key words】 Black poplar CloneCharacterEvaluation

