

The Study of Material Proportion in Vermicompost Substrates and Its Influence to the Growth of Romaine Lettuce and Ornamental Tomato

【作者】 刘敏

【导师】 聂俊华;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 土壤学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 蚯蚓是多用途的土壤动物,可以作中药材、水产饵料,生产蚯蚓肉、动物性蛋白质、蚯蚓粪及蚯蚓生物反应器。近20年来,各国生物工程学,营养学,土壤学,化学,生态学等多学科对蚯蚓在很大的范围内进行了研究。人工养殖蚯蚓由无到有,由小到大,在国内外得到迅速发展。蚯蚓养殖业发展前景广阔,但是人工养殖蚯蚓过程中产生的大量的蚯蚓粪,作为附加产品和新型资源,如何开发成产品链成为急需解决的问题。本研究从对蚯蚓粪作为基质资源化利用角度出发,设计了以蚯蚓粪、玉米秸秆、蘑菇渣为原料的不同配比的复合栽培基质,研究了蚯蚓粪复合基质的原料配比对基质发酵过程中的C、N转化、物理性质及其对生菜和观赏番茄生长的影响。为蚯蚓粪用作复合栽培基质原料提供依据。主要研究结果有:1、基质中蚯蚓粪配合量变化明显影响生菜生长。生菜的出苗率、株高和叶面积与基质中蚯蚓粪添加比例之间的回归关系可以用多项式来表述,对R2的显著性检验结果表明,株高与蚯蚓粪添加比例之间的相关性最大,出苗率、株高和叶面积回归方程分别为:y = -0.0101x2 + 0.8533x + 53.04;y = -0.0023x2 + 0.1898x + 5.503;y = -0.0011x2 + 0.0797x + 3.5027。根据回归方程及模拟计算的蚯蚓粪添加比例在30%-55%之间时的生菜各项生长指标,确定复合基质中蚯蚓粪添加量为40%效果最佳。2、蚯蚓粪中添加秸秆与蘑菇渣明显影响发酵基质的C/N。发酵前期各处理全氮含量略有减少,之后随着发酵时间的延长,各处理全氮含量呈增加趋势,发酵初期平均为0.89%至堆制后期增加到平均1.53%,平均提高0.64%,在堆肥过程中全碳含量由堆制前的平均15.4%下降至堆制后的平均9.7%。随着发酵时间的延长,各处理C/N呈降低趋势,由堆制前至堆制后平均下降50%,且各处理的C/N均小于10。蘑菇渣的增加提高了处理的C/N,秸秆的增加降低了发酵最终的C/N。3、复合基质发酵过程NH3-N,NO3-N,速效N均出现下降趋势。硝态氮值平均减小了近97.8%以上,而铵态氮的含量只减小了近58%左右。速效N下降趋势具体表现为:处理5,6下降前期明显,中后期平缓。处理7和处理8整个发酵过程处于稳定的直线下降。有机氮的变化表现为发酵过程中整体上升,处理6在各处理中有机氮含量最高,结果表明30%秸秆, 20%-30%蘑菇渣处理的搭配发酵速度快,氮素转化明显。4、秸秆和蘑菇渣的复配对复合基质的物理指标有明显影响,与蚯蚓粪相比使容重降低,总孔隙度、持水孔隙与通气孔隙提高。秸秆与蘑菇渣相比对基质容重贡献影响较小,而蘑菇渣在降低了基质容重上效果比较明显。秸秆和蘑菇渣的复配有效的提高了纯蚯蚓粪的总孔隙度,以J20%+M20%处理最为明显,总孔隙度为81.0%,相对于纯蚯蚓粪系列上升了35.9%。蘑菇渣提高复配基质的总孔隙度与持水孔隙,但其混入量与总孔隙的提高呈负相关。秸秆以J20%处理的提高总孔隙度与持水孔隙效果最好。秸秆和蘑菇渣的复配提高了纯蚯蚓粪的通气孔隙,但影响规律不如持水孔隙明显。5、选取观赏番茄的株高,茎粗,开花数,纵/横比,糖/酸比,最大单果重作为重要指标,发现观赏番茄栽培过程中对复合基质的总N、C/N、容重都比较严格,要求总N的范围为1.40—1.62%,C/N的范围为8.8—10.5,容重的范围为0.40—0.47 g/cm3。而对总孔隙度、持水孔隙、气/水的要求相对比较宽松。但气/水在7-8之间时更有利于观赏番茄的生长。复合基质中J20%+M30%处理、J20%+M20%处理、J30%+M30%处理与J30%+M10%4个处理比较适宜观赏番茄。

【Abstract】 Earthworm is a versatile bio-resource and its products can be used as Chinese medicine, worm cast, fish bait, worm protein and .bioreactor. In the resent 20 years, the study on earthworm was conducted in soil science, genetic engineering,nutriology, chemistry,ecology and others subjects around the world. The development of earthworm bread was very fast. Though the earthworm bread have a bright prospect, but how to deal with the great quantity of worm cast produced in the process was become a new problem. For the purpose of sufficient using the new resource, three raw materials that were vermicompos, corn stalks and mushroom residue were used in the experiment and studied the proportion of material in vermicompost substrates and its influence to the transformation of C, N in fermentation process and the effect on the growth of romaine lettuce and ornamental tomato and on the physical properties of substrates.The main results were:1.The proportion of vermicompost in substrates had significant effect on the growth of lettuce. The return relations of lettuce seedling emergence, plant height and leaf area with the proportion of vermicompos could be expressed by polynomial equation. The test results for R2 show that the correlation between the plant height and worm cast proportion was the most significant, regression equation for germination rate, plant height and leaf area were: y = -0.0101x2 + 0.8533x + 53.04;y = -0.0023x2 + 0.1898x + 5.503;y = -0.0011x2 + 0.0797x + 3.5027。According to the regression equation and the simulation result of lettuce growth indexes when vermicompost proportion was 30%~55%, the best vermicompost proportion for plant was 40%.2. The proportion of straw and mushrooms residue in substrates for all treatments had significant effect on the C / N of fermented substrates. there was a slight reduction of the total nitrogen content in pre-fermentation, and with the time extension of the fermentation, the total nitrogen content was shown an increasing trend. It was increased from average of 0.89% to 1.53% in the fermentation process and an average increasing of 0.64%。On the contrary, the carbon content was decreased from average of 15.4% to 9.7% in the process。Consequently, the C/N was decreased about 50% in average that were all less than 10 for all treatments.3. In the fermentation process, NH3-N, NO3-N and available N all was shownd a downward trend. The average nitrate was reduced more than nearly 97.8% and the content of ammonium only decreased nearly 58%.The available N downward trend in the fermentation process was: the treatment 5and 6 was declined very distinctin early days and become flat in latter. Throughout the fermentation process, the content of available N in treatment 7and 8 was at a steady decline. Organic N was raised in all fermentation process and trentment 6 gotten the highest content of organic N. Results shown that 30% of the straw and 20% -30% of the mushroom residue in the vermicompost substrates should the best proportion for the fermentation.4. Put straw and mushroom residue to the vermicompost substrates had obvious effect on the physical properties of the substrates. Compared to vermicompost , the substrates bulk density was lower ,and the total porosity, water retention poresity and ventilation pore was improved. Compared with straw, the contribution of mushroom residue to bulk density was more obvious. Vermicompost substrates that mixed with straw and mushrooms residue was shown obvious effect in increasing the total porosity and the J20% + M20% was the best treatment.It got a total porosity for 81.0% and the increasing was 35.9% compared with vermicompost. The fuction of mushroom residue on total porosity and water retention porosity was a negative correlation with itsproportion in the vermicompost substrates. The best proportion of straw was J20% for the total porosity and water retention porosity. The ventilation porosity also increased by straw and mushrooms residue, but there was nor obvious regular.5. The plant height, flower number, leaf area, fruit sweetness, the largest fruit weight and sugar/acid ratio was selected as important indicators to define substrate that suit for ornamental tomato growth.. the total N, C / N, and bulk density of substrate was found in this paper that must be in a very strict range for ornamental tomato. The total N was in the range of 1.40%-1.62%, C / N was 8.8-10.5 and bulk density was 0.40 g/cm3-0.47 g/cm3. And requirements for total porosity, water retention porosity and gas / water ratio was not so strict relatively. However, the ratio of gas/water between 7-8 was more suitable for the growth of ornamental tomato. And 4 optimum treatments of J20% + M30%, J20% + M20%, J30% + M30% and J30% + M10% was selected for ornamental tomato.

  • 【分类号】S636.2;S641.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】362

