

The Assessment of Soil Fertility and Study on Balanced Fertilization Technology in Tobacco Area Oh RiZhao

【作者】 孙伟奇

【导师】 王玉军;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业推广, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 土壤养分反映了土壤为植物生长提供及协调营养条件和环境条件的能力,是土地生产力的基础。土壤条件是决定烟叶质量的主导因素,适宜的土壤养分是烟草优质、高产的重要基础,土壤养分状况是烟草施肥和营养调控的依据。平衡施肥主要是根据土壤提供营养元素的丰缺程度,结合不同作物对不同营养元素吸收量的大小,补充相应营养元素,提出科学配方,使作物达到最高产量和最优经济效益的一种施肥方法。针对日照植烟土壤养分现状不清,肥料配方不够合理、肥料利用率不高等问题,于2006~2007对日照重点烟区土壤各养分因子进行调查,对植烟土壤养分因子的丰缺状况及对应烟叶养分丰缺情况,平衡施肥对烟叶产量和质量的影响等进行分析和研究。主要结果如下:1、日照市植烟土壤取样测定结果表明:其有机质含量较低,多数缺乏;速效氮和速效钾含量丰富;交换性镁丰富;微量元素中锌及铁含量欠缺,锰铜丰富;pH值相对而言合理,个别地区偏高。建议:(l)部分有机质欠缺部分应予补充;(2)补充微量元素,在肥料中加入锌和铁;(3)对于个别碱土采用石膏加以改良。2、对相应烟叶的成分进行测定结果表明:烟叶中的总氮含量适中;部分地区磷含量偏高,应当注意磷肥的使用;土壤中的钾含量丰富,但是由于施肥技术和灌溉条件的影响,部分地区烟叶的钾含量偏低,在烟草生长早期注意以水调肥;微量元素中,钙镁锰铜含量丰富;东港、岚山地区需要适当补充铁锌硼。3、对不同氮素形态的研究表明:单纯施用硝态氮(NO3--N)或单纯施用铵态氮(NH4+-N),两者在农艺性状表现、产量高低、产值多少、化学成分协调性、品质均低于NO3--N及NH4+-N配合施用效果,综合表现最好为NO3--N及NH4+-N各占50%处理,其次为NO3--N及NH4+-N分别占25%或75%的处理。4、对不同施氮水平对烟叶产量、质量的影响进行了区域试验,结果表明:随施氮水平从4~7kg/667m2逐步上升,烟碱含量、总氮含量、产量、产值逐步提高;在施氮量超过6kg/667m2后,烟叶的香气质、香气量及上等烟率反而呈下降趋势。综合评价,日照烤烟施氮量(纯N)5~6kg/667m2效果最佳。随着氮磷比例升高烤烟产量、质量都有提高。5、进行了不同配方施肥对烟叶产量、质量影响的田间试验,结果表明:随着无机肥比重的增加,烟叶产量、产值逐步提高,烟碱、总氮及含钾量呈上升趋势,而香气质、香气量略有降低趋势。经综合评价,在日照市生态条件下,以有机、无机肥各占50%,产量、产值、评吸质量均表现较好。单纯施用有机或无机肥,烟叶的产质均有不足。

【Abstract】 The nutrient of soil reflects the ability of soil provide and harmonize the nutrition condition and the ambient condition for plant growth,which is the basis of land productivity.Soil condition is the dominant factor to decide tobacco leaf quality,the proper soil nutrient is an important basis to produce high quality and output tobaceo,so,soil nutrient situation is the basis of tobacco fertilizing and nutrition regulating.Balanced fertilization is a fertilization method which depends on trophic situation of soil,the absorption of various nutrients in different crops to supply the necessary nutrients,propose scientific formula ,so as to obtain the most highest yield and the best ecnomic efficiency.According to the problem that the tobacco soil nutrient status is unclear in RiZhao, the fertilizer formula is unreasonable,the fertilizer utilization rate is not high,we do some analysis and research on plentiful or short situation of the soil nutrient factors and the influence of the balanced fertilization ,main results are as follows:1. An investigate was done on the focus tobacco-growing areas of soil nutrient factors in Rizhaofrom 2006 to 2007,Analysis and research the tobacco soil nutrient factors and the correspondingin nutrients tobacco situation of lack or abundance the effect of balanced fertilization to tobacco production and quality.The main results are following:We collected and analysed the tobacco soil samples from Rizhao city.The results showed that orgnaie matter was less , most are lack:Rapidly available nitrogen and phosphorus are abandant;Exehnagebale magnesium was rieh;In microelements,the contents of chiorine and iron were deficient,manganese and copper were abundant;The pH was reasonable,individual districts were higher.Some advices were given:(l)Some of the lack organic matter should be added;(2)The microelement should be added, such as zinc and iron;(3) Add gypsum into individual alkaline soil to make it suitable.2.To determine the corresponding leaves’ nutrient,the results showed that:The total nitrogen in the lives was moderate;The phosphorous in some areas was higher,it should be pay attention to;The potassium in the soil was abundant,but because of the effect of fertilization technique and irrigation Conditions,the potassium in the leaves was lower in some areas,in early periods you should control the fertilization by control the amount of water;Manganese copper, calcium and magnesium in the microelement were abundent;Zinc iron and boron should be added appropriate in Donggang and Lanshan.3.The research to different nitrogen form showed that the characters, level of production,output value, coordination of chemical composition,quality of ueing NO3- and NH4+ simultaneously were better than using the NO3- or NH4+ purely.Useing both NO3+ and NH4+ 50 percent was the best.Useing the NO3- 25 percent and NH4+ 75 percent was the second.4. We carried out the regional test which treat the impact of the different nitrogen’s levels on the yeild and the quality of tobacco. the results showed that: With the level of nitrogen gradual increasing from the 4~7kg/667m2,the nicotine content, the nitrogen content,its output,its output of values increased significantly . When the amount of nitrogen fertilizer in more than 6kg/667m2, the aroma quality,the amount of aroma of tobacco leaves and the high class leaf rate have a downward trend instead, and the cost-effectiveness reduce. Through the overrall balance,the result is best when the amount of nitrogen(pure N) is 5~6kg/667m2 for the flue-cured tobacco in Rizhao.With the increased proportion of nitrogen and phosphorus,the yield and the quality of flue-cured tobacco all have an increased trend.5. We have test the different fertilizer formulas which impact on the production and the quality of the field,the results showed that: with the increase in the proportion of the inorganic fertilizer,tobacco production and the output gradully increase, nicotine, total nitrogen and potassium content have a rise, and the aroma quality ,the aroma amount was on slightly lower volume trends. After a comprehensive evaluation, the output, the value of output,the quality of smoking have better performance in the ecological conditions of rizhao when organic and inorganic fertilizer are each in 50%. Simple application of organic or inorganic fertilizer, tobacco production quality are worse.

【关键词】 平衡施肥烟叶产量质量
【Key words】 balanced fertilizationTobaccoqualityproduction
  • 【分类号】S572
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】178

