

Development of MAC-hs Test Cases Related to TD-SCDMA Terminal Protocol Conformance Test System

【作者】 李建东

【导师】 冯春燕;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 TD-SCDMA是由中国提交并被国际电联和3GPP采纳的第三代国际通信标准,其具有灵活的空中接口,并采用智能天线、联合检测、软件无线电、接力切换等先进技术,在3G主流标准中具有频谱效率高、系统容量大、抗干扰能力强的突出优势。TD-SCDMA终端协议一致性测试仪表对保障TD-SCDMA终端性能和质量,促进TD-SCDMA终端技术的成熟具有重要意义。但到目前为止,TD-SCDMA终端协议一致性测试仪表的开发还是空白,相关研究工作并不充分。另外,随着新技术的不断引入,TD-SCDMA的标准版本也在不断演进,其中在3GPP的R5版本中引入了HSDPA技术。每种技术的引入,都需要设计开发新的测试例对支持该技术的终端进行功能验证。本研究课题是信产部电信研究院MTNet实验室主导并推动的“TD-SCDMA终端一致性测试技术研究与实验环境建设”项目的组成部分,是国家“863”项目的延伸课题。本课题主要方向是研究设计并实现“TD-SCDMA终端协议一致性测试系统”。本文首先介绍了TD-SCDMA及协议一致性测试的相关理论知识,分析了当前TD-SCDMA终端协议一致性测试IOT测试方式,指出了IOT测试方式的不足。介绍了TTCN语言及其开发平台。在第三章中介绍了TD-SCDMA协议一致性测试系统的软硬件结构,提出了基于该系统使用TTCN语言开发测试例的开发步骤。在第四章中主要分析了引入HSDPA技术对TD-SCDMA系统的影响,介绍了HSDPA在TD-SCDMA终端侧的实现,并根据终端MAC-hs功能实体的一致性需求设计了MAC-hs测试例。在第五章中介绍了MAC-hs测试例的开发实现,具体阐述了测试例开发过程中参数的构建和具体步骤的设计,给出了测试例调测结果。

【Abstract】 TD-SCDMA is an international 3G standard which is submitted by China and has been adopted by ITU and 3GPP. It has the benefits of flexible radio air interface and adopts a lot of advanced technologies, such as Smart Antenna, etc.TD-SCDMA UE Protocol conformance test instrument guarantees the performance and quality of TD-SCDMA UE, greatly promoting the development of the whole industry. But so far, the development of such a test system is blank, and the relative research is also scarce. Besides, the release of TD-SCDMA standards is gradually progressed with the new technologies, and in the release 3 of 3GPP, HSDPA was proposed. The introduction of each new technology will need more test cases to verify the conformance of the terminals which support the technology.This research is component in the research of the test technology and building of experimental environment related to TD-SCDMA conformance test, which is a prolongation project of the National "863" Project. This paper focuses on the design and implementation of the system of TD-SCDMA protocol conformance test.Firstly, the paper introduced the knowledge of TD-SCDMA and the theory related to protocol conformance test, pointed out the default of IOT test, and introduced TTCN language and the platform.In the third chapter, the hardware and software structure of the test system was introduced, and the key steps which the development of case based on the test system followed was described. The effect of TD-SCDMA system when HSDPA has been implementation was presented, also the test cases of MAC-hs was designed in chapter 4. In chapter 5, we show the implementation of MAC-hs cases, and the design of the parameters was described in detail.


