

Research of Secure Multi-Party Ranking Problem

【作者】 邱梅

【导师】 罗守山;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 计算机科学与技术, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着网络技术的不断发展,以及高性能计算机、网格等为代表的日益强大的计算环境的出现,极大地改变了计算的含义及计算的方式,这使得用户可以通过网络使用这些强大的计算资源完成自己的计算任务。而在这种环境中,保证用户数据的安全,是计算的基本要求。安全多方计算(Secure Multi-party Computation)正是在这样的背景之下日益引起人们的关注。安全多方计算问题最早由A.C.Yao提出,描述如下:有n个参与者P1,P2,…,Pn,每个参与者拥有一个输入x1,x2,…,xn,要以一种安全的方式共同计算一个函数f(x1,x2,…,xn)。这里的安全是指输出结果的正确性与输入信息、输出信息的保密性,即计算结束之后各参与方只能得到正确的f(x1,x2,…,xn)的值,而不能了解其他方的其他任何信息。安全多方计算是电子选举、电子拍卖、门限签名等许多应用得以实现的密码学基础。安全多方计算协议牵涉到众多的底层密码协议,目前提出的方案使用到了秘密共享、公钥和私钥加密、同态加密以及不经意传输等诸多常用的安全协议和算法。由于安全多方计算理论对于网络协议的安全具有重要的指导作用,仍然有很多研究人员投入到这个领域来,并且已经取得了丰硕的成果。目前安全多方计算的研究领域包括保护私有信息科学计算问题,保护私有信息计算几何问题,保密数据挖掘问题,安全多方统计分析问题等。本文的主要成果如下:1、对SMC的理论、技术与研究现状进行了系统总结,提出了安全多方多数据排序问题,并将前面的技术应用于解决安全多方多数据排序的问题。为安全多方多数据排序问题提出了一个模型,该模型涉及到了安全多方多数据排序问题的各个方面。2、提出了一个用RSA密码体制和不经意传输来解决安全多方多数据排序问题的解决方案。该方案与多次使用YAO的协议相比,在安全性和公平性上都有很大提高。3、提出了一个基于大数分解困难性的解决安全多方多数据排序问题的解决方案,该方案可以保证安全性、公平性,同时该方案不需使用任何的加密算法,效率很高。

【Abstract】 Along with the continuous development of network technique, and with the appearance of high quality computer and net grid, the meanings and mode of computations are mostly changed. All of this makes it easy that the users can make use of the powerful computation resources. In such circumstance, The safety of users’ data become very important and necessary’s secure Multi-Party Computation comes forth. Secure Multi-Party Computation was Firstly brought forward by A.C.Yao in 1982: There are n participants P1,P2,...,Pn, who want safely compute a function together. And the word safe means that the correctness of output message and the secrecy of input and output message. Concretely, each participant Pi has his secret input message xi, and all the n participants compute a function together: f(x1,x2,...,xn), when computation has been finished, each Pi knows only value of f(x1, x2,...,xn) ,but not other information.Secure Multi-Party Computation protocol is an important area in cryptography. It’s the basis of many distributed cryptographic protocols, such as threshold cryptosystem, electronic voting and electronic auction etc. It is based on many basic cryptographic protocols (e.g.homomorphic encryption and zeroknownedge proof) and some basic protocols in distributed computation (e.g. obvious transfer and broadcast protocol).Research in the SMC area has been focusing on privacy-preserving scientific computations, privacy-preserving geometric computations, privacy-preserving data mining, privacy-preserving statistical analysis etc.To sum up, the innovations of this thesis could be summarized as following: 1、We summarize theory、techinique and actuality of SMC,and propose SMMR(Secure Multi-party multi-data Ranking)problem.We give a model about SMMR problem to describe it.2、We propose a protocol based on RSA homomorphic encryption and OT protocol to solve SMMR problem. This protocol satisfy security and fairness comparing using Yao’s protocol repeatedly.3、We propose a protocol based on large number factorization to solve SMMR problem. This protocol not only satisfy security and fairness, but also don’t use any encryption, it has better efficiency.


